Here’s What Will Set Newsbud Apart from Other Alternative Media Outlets

Sibel Edmonds, Guillermo Jimenez & Pearse Redmond on NEWSBUD- Where Media Integrity Matters
Guillermo is joined by Sibel Edmonds, editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, and Pearse Redmond, host of Porkins Policy Radio, to discuss the new media venture Newsbud. Sibel, Pearse, and Guillermo explain what sets Newsbud apart from the rest of the alternative media, and why a 100 percent reader-supported outlet is vitally necessary in today’s media landscape. Also on the program: the curious case of Michael Scheuer and his marriage to the CIA’s “Queen of Torture” Alfreda Frances Bikowsky, the media’s overall silence on the issue, and why it matters.
*We are asking those of you who support this one-of-a-kind media project to come and join us. Please add yourself, and your voice, to our group list here. They have rendered we the people irrelevant. Together we are going to make them irrelevant!

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*** For the mp3 and show notes click here
