Dear Mr Putin, Please Save Us From Wall Street.

Dear Mr Putin, It is customary to say I hope this finds you in good heath when we address a Head of State in an open letter. But America and its NATO partners are the sick ones. We are in terrible economic, social and political health. Our press and our political leaders lie to us. They rob us and demand we believe their lies. Thirty years ago a man whose family had farmed their land for generations was told by the federal government that they needed his farm where he had been growing onions. Their land was seized for pennies on the dollar. Today a giant agricultural corporation is raising onions which was the same crop he and his family had been raising.
Last year police seized more assets from American citizens than did all the burglars, muggers and armed robbers. And our police killed more innocent civilians than did terrorists and crazed mass shooters.
If we protest the evil that is our government, we can be put on ‘No Fly Lists’ with no appeal process for those unjustly denied their rights. We can be persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies. They can even take away our children and place them in situations known to be dangerous and unhealthy.
As I write this, we are observing the 4 month anniversary of your decision to use the Russian Air Force to defend Syria from NATO’s hired mercenaries. We can clearly see the difference between what you are doing to stop ISIS and Al Qaeda and what Mr Obama has been doing to promote them. There are tens of millions of people like me who despise our government and have to search for our news outside the corporate media. When a world leader of your stature compares the Russian defense budget to America’s, the storm of protest in the alternative media would force the corporate press to cover the issue.
It would be greatly appreciated by tens of millions of Americans if you could say the following: On September 10, 2001 that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was forced to admit on the CBS Evening News that $2.3 trillion was ‘missing’ from the Pentagon budget. Rumsfeld said we just don’t know where the money went due to poor accounting practices. But he did promise to do improve the DOD’s accounting procedures so when the next administration came to town we would know where all that money went.
Unfortunately, on 9-11-2001 many of the men and women auditing the Pentagon’s books died in a ‘terrorist’ attack. And Rumsfeld never did improve the Pentagon’s auditing procedures before the Bush administration left office in January of 2009. Nor has the Obama presidency found the time and energy to reform the DOD’s budgeting and auditing procedures. Recently we were told $8.5 trillion was missing from the Pentagon budget. And hundreds of billions are missing from other agencies. Yet this is not an issue in the corporate press and in the presidential campaign.
Please make this an issue, Mr President, and save us from the politicians appointed by Wall Street to rule over us.
The Trump campaign as you probably know has hired Lt. General Michael Flynn as its primary advisor on foreign and military affairs. He was the former head of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) who said Obama made ISIS what it is today.
Al Nusra is also known as Al Qaeda in Syria. And ISIS began as Al Qaeda in Iraq. It has been against American law to send aid to Al Qaeda since 911 as this would be considered treason to give aid and comfort to those who were alleged to have attacked us. You might ask why we are financing terrorists to attack the people of Syria.
The NATO countries are committing many more war crimes than their conscience should allow. If you could bring these issues to the attention of world public opinion, we would be very grateful.
There is another issue I would like to address. It is this current worldwide Depression. I define a Depression as a period in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. There are 3 ways to cancel debts en masse which is to say exit a Depression.
1) 1923 Germany. Hyperinflation reduces the relative value of a burdensome debt.

2) 1933 America. Foreclosures and bankruptcies forced banks to write down debts.

3) In ancient Sumer and Babylon the king would cancel Unpayable Debts from time to time. This protected National Security because it eliminated debt slavery. Free men could be called upon to defend their land, their family and their king.  The Bible Writers copied this and called it a Jubilee. The prophet Jeremiah said the Babylonian Captivity would never have happened if the people of Judah had practiced the Jubilee. The Romans during the Republic also copied the idea of Debt Cancellation from the Babylonians.

One of the more modern prominent proponents of Debt Cancellation is Dr Steve Keen. He has said we are entering the worst Financial Collapse in five centuries. He predicts the severity of a coming Depression by counting the amount of Unpayable Debts to be cancelled.

Our banking system creates Unpayable Debts because our money whether it be Federal Reserve Notes or checking account deposits must begin as a loan at interest. Under current law Banks have the right to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. The alternative would be to have a debt free non-interest bearing currency like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks. Of course fractional reserve banking would have to be banned as well.

I disagree with Dr Keen as to the means of funding Debt Cancellation. I think we should arrest the Bankers and seize their assets. Catherine Austin Fitts said they stole $40 trillion from us and will steal tens of trillions more.

So Mr Putin, I would hope you could help us make Debt Cancellation an issue internationally. We will need cooperation from you and your alliances within the BRICS nations and the poorer nations of Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Mideast.

Debt Cancellation will happen. It could happen through Hyperinflation which hurt Germany and Europe. Or it could happen through foreclosures and bankruptcies. Three million Americans starved to death in the 1930s which was not as great as the suffering of your people from World War I to the present day but neither of us wants to repeat the unlearned lessons of the past.
In recent years Russian and American military leaders have had a direct dialogue with each other to avoid World War III. I would hope that Debt Cancellation could become a public dialogue involving people other than Bankers if we had the cooperation of world leaders such as yourself.
I do have the greatest regard for what you have done to protect the people of Syria. I would like to thank you for that and wish you well as you guide the people of Russia through this coming Depression which has been said will be the worst Financial Crisis in 500 years because we have more Unpayable Debts to cancel now than ever before.
I hope 2016 proves to be a year of Decisive Change for you and your people as well as for those of us in the NATO countries. This world will not survive if someone somewhere does not take bold action very soon.
I wrote an article on how Debt Cancellation could be used to change our government over night. You can read it here:
Debt Cancellation Is The Best Way To Take Down Bilderberg
The idea of issuing a Debt Free money like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks and banning fractional reserve banking was examined by two IMF economists. They said it would work.
IMF Economists: ‘We Were Wrong.’ Will Someone Please Tell The Press And The Politicians.
I thank you for your kind attention.