French Government Says Police State Will Stay Until "ISIS Militants Are Defeated" , Therefore France Is Now A Permanent Police State

I have been stating for years now that the entire "war on terror" is a massive fraud... Its entire purpose has been to scare gullible people and to use the psychology of fear on people so that they demand protection from their own criminal governments.... In return these criminals will strip the people of their own rights and freedoms for the illusion of "security" from the fraud terrorists.... It is so sad that so many people are that stupid and have allowed their nations to be turned into police states as a result....Just today, I came across an interesting article from the Investment Watch Blog, at, that should be a wake up call for everyone, and shows how the fraud "war on terror" has indeed suckered nations into imposing a brutal police state on its own citizens.... For according to this article, it appears that thanks to the fraud ISIS "terrorist" group that is as phoney as a three dollar bill, it appears that the French government has now imposed a full police state on the French public, and has said that it will only be "lifted" once "ISIS" is defeated!   I have the link to that article right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  WHY am I not surprised by this at all? The French people fell victim last year to first the fraud "Charlie Hebdo" attacks, and then later on with the fraud "French theatre" assaults that were both clearly false flag operations to scare the French public into accepting the lie of more security in exchange for surrendering their rights ... The  result from these fraudulent attacks has indeed been to impose "emergency" measures on the French to strip them of their civil rights and freedoms.... And now the French government has the audacity to state that these "emergency" measures, and the subsequent imposed police state, will stay in place until this phoney "ISIS" is defeated?  When the hell will the French wake up and see that they have been duped?Knowing what we do know about "ISIS" being nothing more than a US/Israel (and NATO) creation to drive the phoney "war on terror", it is so obvious that the French government knows full well that it is a fraud... But thanks to the gullibility of the French people, the French government will now have a PERMANENT police state imposed on the French public, and their rights and freedoms are now gone forever....This should be a wake up call for everyone... The sinister criminals that are running our governments do indeed want to see every single one of us stripped of our freedoms and they are indeed using the lie that there is a "war on terror" to justify that assault on our rights...More to comeNTS