Excellent Video From RedsilverJ: Paris Attacks - Staged Bombing Shooting Hoax For Syrian Invasion Exposed!

Some people simply do not get it... Just after I posted my last article stating in the easiest way possible that this "Paris Attack" was indeed a false flag attack and the real agenda was to again get the invasion of Syria going, I came under attack from some trolls who attempted to flood my comment section with complete and utter bullcrap.... I of course have deleted all of their comments and have refused to post them... Obviously I hit a nerve and am very close to the real truth otherwise there would have been no need to put me in their bulls eye!Now I want to present a fabulous video here that shows again the real agenda behind these attacks in Paris France... This video comes courtesy of "RedsilverJ" who as done a fabulous job in exposing the fraud Sandy Hook shooting as well as the equally laughable recent Virginia shooting as hoaxes and staged events.... The video is entitled: "Paris Attacks: Staged Bombing Shooting Hoax For Syrian Invasion Exposed" and is definitely a must see by everyone... I have it right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: RedsilverJ along with an assortment of those in the "real" truth movement have nailed this one as a staged false flag event for the invasion and destruction of the innocent nation of Syria...It should be obvious to everyone by now what the agenda is... Fear is a powerful weapon, and the criminals behind this latest fraud in Paris are hoping that the French public will be so traumatized and filled with grief and anger that they will be so willing to want to have Syria attacked just to seek "revenge" against the American/Israeli fraud known as ISIS....Yes, the Jew spew media machine and our own criminal government propaganda ministries are still working overtime with this one.... The fact is that it is now an uphill battle in getting the real truth out to the brainwashed public and at the moment we are not winning this battle.....But again, the real truth must be told and it is again important that everyone take these articles that expose these Paris attacks as frauds and do their utmost to spread them to everyone...The innocent nation of Syria has now got a huge bullseye on it, and unless people wake up to the truth that nation will be attacked...Along with the risk of a full escalation to a new world war against the Russian Federation as a result...More to comeNTS