Video Shows Again The Fraud Of "ISIS" In All Its Glory!

It is so sickening how much the Jew spew media continues to put out fraudulent reports about that phoney "terrorist group" that has been causing so much damage in Syria and Iraq right now that of course goes by the name of "ISIS".... I have never been fooled by this fraud "terrorist group" and the whole fraudulent "war on terror" for I and others can see exactly what they truly are... CIA/Mossad agents and operatives!.....I and others in the real truth movement have brought forward so many articles and reports that clearly show evidence for the world to see for themselves that these "terrorists" are indeed fully funded and armed by the criminal governments of the United States and Israel.... Now, I want to again present the following very important video that was sent to me just the other day that absolutely shows proof positive that these "terrorists" are indeed CIA/Mossad agents.... Here is that video for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  This video should be seen by everyone living in the United States, Canada, and all of the  NATO countries that are presently helping this fraud "terrorist group" in its destruction of Syria...The best part of this video is when the US Apache helicopter appears over this "convoy" and rather than attack these "terrorists" actually shadows and escorts the convoy as it makes it run towards Syria!   How blatantly obvious does it get that this proves that the criminals in the US military and government are indeed working with these "terrorists" and not against them...If the US was so much wanting to have their CIA/Mossad agents destroyed, then that Apache helicopter would have had a field day in firing off its armaments into that convoy and destroying it outright.. But again, it does not even take one single pot shot and instead actually escorts the convoy!I am truly sick and tired of those who are still brainwashed by the lies that we are fighting a "war on terror" when all the proof is there to see that it is and always was a sham... The US and Israel indeed created these "terrorist groups" for the sole purpose of destroying peaceful nations such as Syria and Iraq.....Please take this video and use it on your own websites, or simply send it off to everyone you know that still stupidly believes that this "terrorist group" is somehow real...The deception must end, and everyone must wake the hell up and put an end to the actions of our own criminal governments...More to comeNTS