Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 8th, 2015

 Sunday.... And again as usual time for my weekly rant..First, I must say it has taken a bit longer than expected for my better half to finally get better from her bout with Shingles... The lesions on her legs disappeared earlier last week, but the pain was excruciating for her to endure... Finally, as of last Friday, she was able to walk around normally without too much pain and it does appear that the worse is now over... As I said before, I do not wish the pain that she suffered on anyone, and I can understand that many that have suffered from Shingles  are sometimes debilitated for months!Well, what else is there to say about the Russian Metrojet that crashed in Sinai last week?  I still find it annoying that the mainstream media is constantly changing their stories as to the cause of this atrocity... I do believe the misleading information is of course being done on purpose, simply because the culprits behind the crash of that jet that caused the death of some 224 passengers and crew is none other than our "friends" in Israel..... All we have to realize is that exactly at the same time that this jet was crossing over the Sinai peninsula, there were indeed war games going on in Israel itself, and we have seen too many times in the past where disasters such as this plane being blown out of the sky coincides exactly at the same time that these "games" or "exercises" occur....Yes, I had originally thought that the cause of the plane crash was "structural failure" as the original reports came out.. But there are way too many inconsistencies with the idea of structural failure, and more evidence shows that it could have either been a bomb on board or an air to air missile strike... If it was a bomb, then it definitely was planted on board by none other than the Israelis who of course always seem to be the ones in charge of "security" at all airports.... And lo and behold but an Israeli "security" company was indeed in charge at the airport in Egypt where this ill fated flight took off from!... But the evidence that it was a missile strike seems to be gaining ground, especially with the strange audio recordings from the plane just before it began its crash to the ground.. That alone points to the plane taking an external hit to its fuselage, and not the sound that would have pointed to an internal explosion from an on board bomb..... And again, if it was a missile strike, then it had to be an air to air strike due to the fact that the contrail from a surface to air missile would have easily been seen by eye witnesses... Therefore, we again have the Israelis doing the deed by firing off a missile from one of their own fighter aircraft that was partaking in that military "exercise" while the Russian jet was in flight....Honestly, there are many reasons why the Israelis would take a shot at the Russian Metrojet... As I said in a previous post, it does appear that if Israel did indeed do the deed, the reasons are obvious... The Israelis are of course very upset that Russia has intervened in Syria and are putting a stop to the Jewish desire for Syria's destruction and hegemony over the entire Middle East......The psycho Israelis also are not scared to commit such an act of murder, because in their sick minds, if Russia retaliates, then they can count on their American puppets to come to their "rescue" and therefore have their nice little world war launched.... I do believe that if Israel did shoot down that passenger jet, the Russians know, and there will be hell to pay... Russia will not take the murder of some 224 passengers and crew, and payback is indeed a bitch!OK, what else is there to say now about the horrific "Trans Pacific Partnership" that our nations have so secretively and against the will of their own people signed into law...It is especially sickening to me that all of the countries that put their signatures on the dotted line for this "agreement" did so without any input from their own citizens and have been saying that the terms of the agreement would not be divulged for YEARS!....Thankfully thanks to the transparency of the New Zealand government by law, the full text of the agreement is there.. Yes everyone, read it and weep!I have done my part in alerting everyone to the horrible terms of the TPP Partnership by putting out the entire text of the agreement in an article at this blog last week for all to see for themselves....And again from what I have read it is indeed a deal that will see personal freedoms in our nations removed and allow corporations to rule over our land and our lives..... It is especially sad how the Jew spew media has been purposely keeping everyones' attention focused elsewhere, especially with what has been happening in Syria, while they rarely talk about the TPP Partnership other than to claim that it is such a "good deal"!..... I am again asking anyone that has not already read the clauses of this "agreement" to take a close look for themselves and let me know if they find anything at all that makes it such a "great deal" as claimed....Well, the Paris conference on "Climate Change" kicks off shortly, and it appears that there is not enough outcry or resistance to having our nations, including my own Canada, put their signatures on the dotted line for the imposition of the fraud of "Carbon Taxation" under the guise of saving the planet from ourselves... Yes, "Climate Change" is and always was a fraud, and these new "Carbon Taxes" are nothing more than more fleecing of our citizen's hard earned incomes....The scumbags and liars behind the entire "Climate Change" fraud will make out like bandits with the Carbon Tax fraud, and the big kahuna behind the entire fraud, Al Gore himself, will become a multi-billionaire thanks to his ownership in shares in the only companies capable of counting Carbon credits!    Basically, the entire "Climate Change" con was created for a few swindlers to get filthy rich, while we all get fleeced with more taxes.....  Like I have said many times, PT Barnum was indeed right when he said "There is a sucker born every minute"!After over 4 years now of alerting everyone about the still ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima Japan, it appears that I have been proven correct yet again about the major lies that our governments tried to promote.... I said within the first while after the initial March 2011 meltdowns that there would be no hope in hell of fixing the problem as TEPCO, the Japanese Government, and so called "experts" had claimed, simply because the radiation from the meltdowns was making fixing the problem impossible... I was proven right with the recent articles that have finally come out saying that the disaster was still out of control and the fix could take centuries.... That is bad enough, but I also said that we were lied to constantly when TEPCO claimed that the waste radioactive water, resulting from their constant need to pour water over the exposed reactor cores, was being "stored" in large containers.... That was impossible due to the fact that the amount of water poured over the reactors over the last 4.5 years far exceeded any storage capabilities, and I said flat out that TEPCO was simply dumping that waste water directly into the Pacific Ocean... Well, lo and behold, recent reports have finally "admitted" that the waste water was indeed going directly into the Pacific, contaminating the ocean itself.... Yes, we are indeed seeing the result of that 4.5 years of dumping of radioactive water in the Pacific with reports of wide spread radioactive contamination right across the ocean even to the west coast of North America... Basically the Fukushima disaster has indeed damaged the north Pacific Ocean and we see the result with fish and wildlife right across the Pacific dying.....The bottom line is this disaster is still going strong with no end in sight... People are now dying from Cancer right in Japan as a result of the radiation, and the north Pacific Ocean is rapidly becoming a dead zone.. It is so shocking to me that few people seem to actually give a damn about this ongoing catastrophe and again I blame both the Jew spew media and our own governments for the continuing silence.. Yes, the planet is slowly dying from the Fukushima disaster, but to the criminals in charge the only thing that matters is again their cherished Israel!Arthur Topham, who writes the Radical Press website, at, is presently in a BC courtroom in Quesnel British Columbia, charged with inciting "hate"... It is remarkable that in this once and free nation called "Canada" that the criminal Jewish elite wield so much power that they will do anything to have any criticisms of their evil actions curtailed and to have those who  point out their evil nature be charged with the frauds of "antisemitism" and "inciting hate"...... I have checked into the charges that the Jewish power elite in Canada have brought against Topham, and to me they are so ludicrous... Their main attacks focus on Arthur's articles that he posted years ago where he promoted some writings that everyone can easily obtain anywhere across the internet or even purchase online over at Amazon books!   For example, they claim Arthur was inciting 'hate' by his posting of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".... To me, that is so ridiculous because anyone and everyone can easily go online and read the Protocols for themselves.. Heck, I even have the link to the Protocols here at this blog in the left hand column for all to see for themselves..... Luckily, this upcoming week, Arthur has none other than Gilad Atzmon take the stand in his defence and hopefully to blow the prosecutors' laughable charges away.... Yes, what Arthur Topham is facing right now in BC, Canada is a travesty and if the trial was in any way "fair" he would win easily... But again, the Jews do control Canada and they do dominate our "judicial" system, and it would not surprise me that they turn the court into their usual "kangaroo court" and have Arthur found guilty of the fraud of "inciting" hate based on trumped up and fraudulent charges....  Yes, the Jews dominate Canada and they will not allow any "free speech" in this land that was truly free once upon a time...Well, again this last week we have seen many articles coming out in the alternative press and at many truth seeking websites that point to what I have said is painfully obvious about the so called "migrant and refugee crisis" that is presently ruining Europe... I said that the entire 'crisis' was a fraud and was being bankrolled by none other than that ultra criminal George Soros, for the sole purpose of both destroying European nations but also to fulfill the Jewish long desire to have the Caucasian race that has always dominated Europe utterly destroyed, and I am being proven absolutely right and many recent articles back up my assertions.... It is therefore no wonder that most Europeans have finally awakened to the cultural and racial danger they face from this Soros plan, and are now doing their damnest to block the so called "refugees" from flooding into their nations... It is now at the point that we could see riots right across Europe and even open civil war in nations such as Germany where their own criminal governments are working with Soros to have their own national identities destroyed... Yes, it is bad enough that Europe has been on the brink of financial failure due to the failings of the fraud European Union, but now we will see full chaos, upheaval, and even destruction of European countries thanks to the Jewish created and financed "refugee crisis".....Yes, we have seen this last week where the criminal and psychotic state of Israel has finally come out and laid down their demands on the United States for their acceptance of the Iranian nuclear agreements... It is so laughable to me that these maniacs are actually demanding that the US build them an "aircraft carrier" as part of their  payback... I laid it out in an article last week how ludicrous it is for Israel to want an aircraft carrier, simply because the cost would be in the tens of billions of dollars for the ship itself, as well as the air wings, the support vessels, defensive systems required, the maintenance, etc.... Honestly, if the US government bows down to this ridiculous request then the American people will not only foot the entire outrageous bill and may finally awaken to the reality that their own government does not abide by the wishes of the American public, but are nothing more than whores for Israel!One thing before I go onto my last minute "tid bits"... This Wednesday, November 11th, does indeed mark the 97th anniversary of the official ending of the so called "Great War", World War I, and we are to honour those brave men and women that have given their lives for their countries... It is indeed sad to understand how those brave souls went off to fight in wars in foreign countries not knowing the bitter truths that "all wars are banker wars" and that they were brainwashed into fighting and killing others for all the wrong reasons... The only ones who won these wars were the Jewish banking scoundrels that made off like bandits from bleeding nations to death for their financing of the weapons of war... It has been especially hard for those returning veterans to finally understand the real truths about what they were fighting for, and we have seen the result with so many US veterans that are returning from the "wars" that their own criminal government launched on peaceful nations turning to suicide once they learn the bitter truth.... Let me make myself clear here that I do not condone war, or the actions of our own governments for their want to perpetuate the fraud wars and the equally fraudulent "war on terror".... I only want us all to remember those who have fallen in so many wars where they fought for what at the time they believed was right..... In return, and as a true service to those who have fallen, we can do our utmost to put a halt to the criminality of our own governments in perpetuating the fraud of war itself!OK, onto my last minute "tidbits".... I did not watch the Jew spew NBC telecast of that horrific Jew show "Saturday Night Live" last night with special guest host, Donald Trump.  I hope that someone will give me the heads up in a comment as to how well he did and if there was the expectant protests to his being the host on that terrible show!...... One good thing that Donald did state last week was that if he ever is President, he would end the trillion dollar boondoggle called the F35 Lightning II "fighter" plane fiasco.   Yes, this is something good about Trump, but he is still under Jewish control and if he does become President, would definitely answer to his Jewish masters first and foremost......Israel of course continues to gobble up more and more of the west bank in Palestine while the Jew spew media is so focused elsewhere (purposely).  At the same time they are continuing to murder Palestinians while the world turns a blind eye to their actions.  I am still waiting for people to wake the hell up and realize that there can never be "peace" in that region for the greedy selfish psychotic Jews want that land all for themselves and to have the Palestinians destroyed!...... Honestly, I again have to ask where the sanity of the American people has gone when they are actually considering that maniacal psychotic Jewess, Hillary Rodham Bligh (real name of Clinton) to possibly be their next President?   Yes, America is indeed a failed state and the idea that a murderous criminal like Clinton can actually be the President says it all......But wait, we also have the machinations of that Ben Carson who claimed last week that the Great Pyramids were built by Hebrew slaves as storage bins for grain (!).  Yes, the American Presidential campaign is indeed a circus with many of the so called candidates now coming out looking and acting like lunatics!........Has everyone finally noticed how quickly that fraud "Hurricane Patricia" came and went  without much fanfare?  I again stand behind my statement that the entire buildup and Jew spew media reporting about that "super hurricane" was a complete fraud, and so many people got so easily suckered........Reports have come out this last week showing definitive evidence that Windows 10 is indeed a spy program.  It is no wonder that the criminal corporation Microsoft is so much wanting suckers out there to "upgrade" to their newest "operating system" for free!  The old saying that "nothing is free" definitely stands in regards to Windows 10, and I will continue to use my  Windows 7 program and avoid any "upgrade" until proper anti-spy ware is available.........It is getting colder in this region of central Canada, and there has indeed been snow on the ground a bit earlier than in previous years.  Yes, that flies in the face of those scam artists behind the entire "climate change" lie.  It is still my hope that when our nation's governments meet in Paris later on this month, they are greeted by an old fashioned blizzard!.....Definitive proof comes out that Glyphosate definitely causes Cancer, and yet we do not see our own governments going after Monsanto for promoting and still having that deadly toxin added to our food sources?  It does appear that Monsanto and others have definitely bought off our governments and will be allowed to poison and kill our fellow citizens for years to come.......More reports coming out this week showing how the "flu shot" does NOT work at all and in fact many people are getting injured from that "vaccine".  I again cannot stop people from getting their seasonal "flu shots", and only can ask them to do their proper research about the truths behind vaccines.  But it is so sad to see so many lined up like dumb ass sheep at Pharmacies these days willing to have their bodies injected with poisons!........Arsenal is playing Tottenham Hotspur right now as I type this report.  Many key games to come, and this one against the Spurs is indeed crucial.  The real shocker in the BPL this year has indeed been the demise of the Chelsea Blues.   Yes, I am indeed a great soccer fan, and someday I hope to make it to England to catch a Gunner game live at Emirates Stadium!.........Still crossing my fingers that Whitewraithe wants to start up our Turbulent Times shows on December 1st.   She has indeed been doing a lot of independent articles these days, and I always recommend that many here go over and read her material at Pragmatic Witness ( finally,  for a change, I have nothing to report here on the lunacy of the Kardashian family of skanks, trolls, and trollops.  After two years of closing these rants with my laughable take on these scumbags, it is definitely time to move onto a new target.  I am open for suggestions and everyone is welcome to send me ideas via the comment section....  And as usual in closing...More to comeNTS