Russian Sinai Metrojet Attack: What Is The British Press Trying To Pull With Their Latest Utter Bullshit?

I have been following all the strange reports coming out from the Jew spew media concerning what actually took down that Russian Metrojet last week, killing some 224 passengers and crew... It is so astounding to watch the lies coming out that makes it nearly impossible for anyone to come to the full conclusion that it was (a) mechanical failure, or  (b) a missile strike, or  (c) a bomb placed on board the aircraft itself.... It seems that someone is desperately trying to make sure that everyone is kept off track in terms of what actually caused this disaster, and again I do smell a rat.....Well, it does appear that the British press itself is now coming out with a massive lie today to try to lead people down the wrong path in terms of the cause of the Russian air disaster.... For according to the following article, that comes from the Daily Mail online news site, at, it appears that a British passenger jet flying out of the UK enroute to the same airport that the Russian Metrojet took off on its ill fated flight a week ago, was able to take "evasive maneuvers" and avoid being hit by an oncoming "missile" two months ago!   I have the link to that Daily Mail report right here for everyone to take a close look at, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow where I am indeed calling bullshit on this entire Daily Mail article: Notes:  This is an outright lie by the Daily Mail and it is so astounding that they actually had the nerve to print such trash....First... If this incident happened two months back, then WHY is it only being made public now?  If this actually did happen, and the liars in the media wanted to have it blamed on "ISIS" forces operating in Sinai, then again, why did they not talk about this two months ago?   If it was real, then the news services around the planet, and not just the Daily Mail, would have had reports on it.... For only one news service to suddenly file such a report is ludicrous....Second.... A passenger jet cannot suddenly "turn to the left" when a missile is approaching from some 1000 ft away... That is impossible due to the fact that passenger planes cannot endure high G strain or maneuver in such a manner.... The sudden motion would have also been a nightmare for not only the aircraft, but also for passengers on board and we would have had serious reports of many passengers seeking medical help for that maneuver once the plane landed in Egypt... And again, where are these reports of injuries to passengers??? NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!Third.... The article claims the pilot was able to spot the missile coming from under 1000 ft away... It is so laughable that this article says such drivel considering again that the passenger plane can only see forward and just barely off to the sides.. If the missile was approaching, chances are more likely it would approach the plane from the rear where the pilots have no visibility at all.....Again, the major point that makes this entire article complete and utter bullshit is simply that it comes out now when the world is still searching for the right answers as to what brought down that Russian Metrojet.... What this article does is confirm that the UK is now in bed with the Americans and the Israelis in lying their asses off to deflect and mislead everyone away from exactly who brought down that jet.... And who has to gain by this article full of bullshit?  Why none other than our friendly psychotic state of Israel...Thanks to this bullshit article from the Daily Mail, I am more convinced than ever that the jet was actually shot out of the sky by an Israeli air to air missile....The Jewish power elite that of course controls most of our bullshit mainstream media is putting out these bullshit articles to absolutely lead everyone down the wrong path and away from the real perpetrators of the crime, which again more and more is pointing to Israel itself....And about those reports of bombs on board?  As Jim Stone ( says, and is very accurate in his findings in this matter, there was no sound reported over what little what obtained from the "black boxes" (which investigators have strangely claimed to be ruined and not useful as evidence?) which indicates that there was no bomb.. If there was a bomb, there would have been a definite and very distinctive explosion sound recorded, and there was none.... For a missile to hit the aircraft near its rear while the plane was airborne could more easily explain the strange and very sudden flight pattern of the airplane as well as the lack of explosive sound, as well as the charred remains of the plane at the crash scene....  Yes, again, I may have my differences with Jim, but his findings so far in regards to this Russian jet are actually very sound indeed....Yes, there is much more yet on this strange incident in the skies over the Sinai peninsula... And we will continue to see very misleading and total bullshit articles everywhere.. It is our jobs to sift through the crap and hopefully come up with the real answers and the culprits behind this aircraft disaster...More to comeNTS