One Month After American Genocidal Attack On Hospital In Afghanistan, World Ignores Calls For International Inquiry!

There have been many commentators who have come into this site and have always asked me the same questions as to WHY I "hate" the United States of America so much....   I have always made it perfectly clear that I do NOT hate the American people at all, but I do hate the actions of their most criminal government.....We only need to look back now a month ago when the US Military committed a cold blooded act of calculated murder on innocent people at that Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan to show why the entire world now sees the American government in Washington as the true danger to peace for the entire planet!Yes, it is now a full month since that October 3rd genocidal attack by the US Military on the "Medicins Sans Frontieres" (Doctors without borders, or MSF for short.) hospital in Kunduz province, Afghanistan... Some 30 people are now confirmed dead from that brutal attack, and since that date, the whole world has been waiting for true justice to take place and the American government to face a war crimes tribunal for that assault... However, according to the following report from the Thomas Reuters Foundation website, at, it appears that the entire world has now ignored calls for an international inquiry into that brutal attack... I have that article right here for all to see for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:World ignores calls for inquiry into U.S. bombing of Afghan hospital: MSF Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - Mon, 2 Nov 2015 18:02 GMT Author: Emma Batha More news from our correspondents  Joanne Liu, president of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) International, pauses before making her statement in Geneva, Switzerland, October 7, 2015. MSF said it demands an international fact finding commission into the deadly U.S. bombing of its hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz at the weekend under the Geneva Conventions. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse LONDON, Nov 2 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Calls for global support for a full inquiry into the U.S. bombing of a charity-run hospital in Afghanistan have gone ignored, according to the head of Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) which is mourning the loss of 30 lives in the attack.Joanne Liu, president of the charity also known as Doctors Without Borders, said the Oct 3. attack in Kunduz in which 13 MSF staff were among the dead could amount to a war crime with signs the hospital was deliberately bombed several times.But Liu said appeals from MSF to about 76 governments asking for backing for an impartial investigation to clarify what went wrong and prevent any future such tragedy had failed to win support."The silence is embarrassing," Liu told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview on Monday one month after the attack."We are ... the outraged victim to a certain extent. It is normal that we want to understand."Hospitals are supposed to be protected under international humanitarian law - a set of rules which aim to limit the effects of armed conflict on civilians and the wounded.The Kunduz attack happened in the early hours of Oct. 3 during a push by Afghan security forces with U.S. air support to retake the key northern city from Taliban fighters.Liu said there were facts to suggest it was a war crime."They had our co-ordinates, they knew what MSF was doing, we had been there for four years. The only structure that was lit up in the middle of the night (that week) was our hospital," Liu said, adding there was a clear MSF logo on the roof."All the parties had the co-ordinates ... which were reaffirmed directly after the first strike. Despite that it continued." APOLOGY NOT ENOUGHShe dismissed any suggestion that it could have been a case of collateral damage as nothing else was targeted that night, or that the Taliban had been fighting from the compound.The United States, which has apologized for the attack, is conducting an investigation, but MSF wants an independent humanitarian commission created under the Geneva Conventions in 1991 to be activated for the first time to handle the inquiry.Switzerland, which provides a secretariat for the Berne-based International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, has initiated the process but it can only go ahead with the agreement of the U.S. and Afghan governments.Liu said the attack had broader implications for the safeguarding of health care for civilians in conflict zones.A week ago an MSF-run hospital in north Yemen was destroyed by a missile strike. Last year patients were shot in their beds at a hospital in South Sudan."We have seen an erosion over the years of international humanitarian law. Enough is enough. We cannot keep going like this," Liu said.Liu, who visited the Kunduz centre earlier this year, said it had been wrongly portrayed as "a little clinic in the bush" but was a specialised trauma centre serving a population of at least one million."I always called it a jewel of northeastern Afghanistan because it was a place where everyone felt safe, everybody knew they would get high (quality) care," she added.MSF has now closed the hospital, which had three operating theatres and treated more than 22,000 patients in 2014."For me the key message is about the safeguarding of the humanitarian medical space in war zones," she said. "No one expects to be bombed when they are in a hospital. Every human being can understand that."Referring to high levels of violence in wars like Syria, Yemen and South Sudan, Liu said it was outrageous that attacks on civilian areas were now considered non-events."There is this numbness about violence in war zones today," she said. "We do think that, yes, even wars have rules, and we do think it's important to reaffirm some of those rules."(Editing by Belinda Goldsmith; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change. Visit  NTS Notes:  Honestly, I am not surprised by this, for I and others said before that the criminal US government would do its utmost to blackmail or entice other nations to forego an international investigation into that assault.. Basically, these criminals are indeed trying their best to get away with murder....It is not surprising that the criminals in the US government somehow believe that a false "apology" is sufficient to call off an international investigation.  Murder is murder, and simply saying "I am sorry" for the brutal assault is definitely not enough... Yes, this is a travesty of justice indeed... But with the actions of the American military across the planet for the last 1/2 century at least where they have done other acts of cold blooded murder, they will most probably get away with this one as well....  It is a sad statement to make, but again it shows more proof that indeed the United States' criminal government is indeed the major threat to the entire planet today...Let us hope that the world does not bow down to the United States and a proper full inquiry and investigation into this assault does take place.. The victims of this massacre do deserve their justice... One other note.... This has not been the only MSF hospital that has been attacked ruthlessly and without provocation over the last while... An MSF hospital was also viciously attacked in Yemen just over a week ago by Saudi Arabian forces using American and Israeli supplied weapons, with just as many killed as the American assault on the hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan...  Yes, it does appear that the criminals are indeed violating all international laws and have indeed made hospitals their targets....More to comeNTS