Trudeau-bama to promote TPP- Not a Hope in Hell for Real Change!

Quoting Just-in Trudeau

Canadians, he said, had sent a clear message that it's "time for change in this country my friends. Real change."

"We beat fear with hope," Trudeau said. "We beat cynicism with hard work. We beat negative, divisive politics with a positive vision that brings Canadians together."

  Real Change? Not even close!: From "Canada Saw Red"

 Getting my crystal ball out...Trudeau will divide this country, same as Harper did, just in a different manner.We will suffocate under political correctness. We already did under Harper, but, it will get so much worse under Trudeau. Free speech will be further restrictedWe will have a national drug the nation program- Canadians take too many precription drugs already - but Trudeau like drug them Harper/Mulcair will be sure we can all make big pharma/petro chemcial that much richer and more in control of our health and well being. By making it easier to access our SOMA for the brave new world. Trudeau will of course do it to ‘help us’ all- Because the Liberals ‘care’Canada's involvement in wars and destruction will be presented as R2P*Trudeau will do nothing about the TPPThe more things change. The more they are exactly the same. Oh and smart money says we will still cater to Israel!

Three of my predictions have already shown themselves as accurate! 1-Canada's involvement in wars and destruction will be presented as R2P Canadian ISIS Air Mission Withdrawal: Prioritizing National Interests

  On October 20, Trudeau announced the end of the Canadian combat mission in both Iraq and Syria.[i] He had spoken with the United States President Barack Obama and explained to him that he was committed to ending the air support Canada was providing in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He assured that Canada would continue its humanitarian efforts and would expand the training of Iraqi fighters.

 In military terms, the impact of the Canadian air forces’ withdrawal from the fight against ISIS will be minimal. Canadian forces did not account for a large percentage of the aerial bombardments against ISIS targets.[viii] Although the impact of the withdrawal of Canadian air support will have little military impact there is, however, an impact on the perception of Canada by international actors.

Canada: and the perception of humanitarianism....R2P2-We are going to continue to cater to Israel: Trudeau-bama reassures Bibi-

    "Mr. Trudeau has been very consistent from the very beginning of his campaign, in expressing his support for Israel," said Barak."I'm sure maybe the style will change," the envoy added. "But I don't feel there will be a change on the substance. I'm really reassured."
 Trudeau also "explained there would be a shift in tone but Canada would continue to be a friend of Israel's," she added.

3-And Trudeau is going to promote the Canada destroying TPP Japan's Abe, Trudeau agree to promote TPP

 Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Canada’s prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau agreed to promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), both seeing the free-trade deal as beneficial to the region, Japan’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

 In just two weeks? Three correct predictions! Not bad! Not bad at all!  I expect all the other predictions will come to fruition also. It's not difficult to predict the predictable.From earlier today:

OSCE Can't Produce Valid Criticism of Turkey's Election!
