Call Congress –Tell Them No US Troops In Syria

The US government has announced that a “limited number” of US Special Forces are being sent to Syria. This is an egregious violation of both President Obama’s oft-repeated pledge that he will not send US ground forces to that country, and the Constitution of the United States, which clearly states that only Congress may declare war.
As Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vermont) put it in a recent statement:
“This announcement raises serious questions about the Administration’s strategy in the region. There may be credible answers but, without the engagement of Congress consistent with the requirements of the Constitution, the American people will not get the answers to which they are entitled.
“The biggest question raised by today’s announcement is, ‘When will Congress finally accept its responsibility?’ The Constitution is clear that only Congress can authorize war.
“Make no mistake about it, this is a war. Yet, the legal framework justifying this war is loosely tied to the fumes of a Congressional authorization approved in response to the 9/11 attack on America over 14 years ago.
“A civil war in Syria did not exist 14 years ago. ISIS did not exist 14 years ago. Neither the United States nor Russia were conducting military operations in Syria 14 years ago.
“Every Member of Congress should debate and vote on the Administration’s strategy. No more bobbing and weaving. We need to do our job.”
We here at are urging our readers and supporters to call their congressional representatives and urge them to;
1) Demand a congressional vote on sending US troops to Syria, and
2) Vote NO on sending troops
This is important. The last time President Obama declared he would intervene in Syria, the American people rose up and said “No way!” Now, he’s defying the popular will and trying to do an end run around Congress.
Don’t let him get away with it! Call your congressional representative now.
