AKP's "Stunning Victory"?

Not really. But it's interesting how the media is spinning this.Link

Turkey's long-dominant Justice and Development Party (AKP) scored a stunning electoral comeback on Sunday, regaining its parliamentary majority in a poll seen as pivotal for the future of the troubled country.The party, founded by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, won over 49 percent of the vote to secure 315 seats in the 550-member parliament with nearly all votes counted, easily enough to form a government on its own."Today is a day of victory," a beaming Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told a crowd of jubilant supporters in his hometown. "The victory belongs to the people."He appealed for unity in the country, destabilised by renewed Kurdish violence and bloody attacks and facing escalating concerns about the faltering economy and what critics say is Erdogan's authoritarian rule."Today there are no losers but winners," he said. "We are coming to rebuild a new Turkey along with each and every citizen." 


"I am a Kurdish loyalist so I didn't change my vote, but I know that other people might have changed their minds," said 24-year-old Ersin Polat, who works in a clothing store in the Sur district, which has been under security curfews in recent weeks.

"I know that our neighbours were scared and they were going to vote for AKP this time."

No doubt a great many Kurds voted for AKP also. In light of the behaviour of the PKK.. Ending the truce and all...That's right readers, as I had reported previously it was the PKK that officially ended the trucePrevious post from July 28/2015: PKK Ended Ceasefire Weeks Ago? A stream of the latest news

What was so very important in that news story for my readers? This very important information, is as follows.............
"The PKK announced three weeks ago that it was ending a three year cease fire complaining of a lack of progress in long-running, stalled peace talks with the Turkish government"

I repeat in large bold print:

"The PKK announced three weeks ago that it was ending a three year cease fire complaining of a lack of progress in long-running, stalled peace talks with the Turkish government"

 PKK announces end of cease-fire, mobilizes guerillas

 The Kurdish Communities Union (KCK), an umbrella network that includes the PKK, announced on Saturday that the cease-fire which was declared via a message from the PKK's imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan in 2013 has ended, dealing a huge blow to the protracted reconciliation process that was expected to speed up with the Peoples' Democratic Party's (HDP) entrance into Parliament.

Rudaw- July 12/2015 

 The Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) in a statement released on Saturday announced that a ceasefire with the Turkish government is over, claiming that Ankara has welched on its promises regarding the Kurdish issue in that country.

As I mentioned in posts covering  the first election there was some curious ballot counters. Also in the previous election the AKP party had still won, but, not with a majority.It was too bad that those in the so called alternative media failed to report factually that it was the Kurds who had ended the ceasefire. By their own admission. Instead choosing to regurgitate the fairy tale presented by the NATO media.The big question is: What will happen next?
