Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 1st, 2015

 Yes, it is Sunday.. A new month... And time again for my weekly rant...It is good to be back.. As I stated over the last week, I had been spending the majority of my spare time taking care of my sick lady, who of course was down and out with what they call a "mild" form of Shingles.... Honestly, watching what she went through from what the doctor said was a "mild" case of this disease, I do wonder what a "severe" case of Shingles would have done to her?It was indeed excruciating at times to watch her suffer from the pain that was primarily focused in her legs... I did my best to keep her comfortable and made sure she was able to get enough nutrients and sleep.... I of course did all the house work and all of the cooking, cleaning, and running errands, while she was immobilized.... Yes, it was tough going and at times I was worried that she would get worse but the lesions finally have dissipated and it does appear that the worse is over.....Most of her pain has now subsided and she is moving around as of yesterday evening without much difficulty....There has indeed been so much happening that I have missed over the last week... I tried to spend some time here and there reading up on what was going on in our sick world, and I did my best at times to fire off a few articles here and there.. But my mind was elsewhere worried about my lady's health, and I found it hard to concentrate on other matters....   Yes, sometimes things do happen and as I have always said, family does come first.....First and foremost... I have not the time nor do I care about answering to the members of my "favourite fan club" the Hasbara/JIDF clowns that continue to try to flood my comment section with their diatribes of nonsensical garbage... I have always put their ridiculous comments, insults, and slurs, into the spam and/or recycle bin and I do not even bother with giving them a response... Honestly, as I have said before, if that is the best that the real enemy can do, then we are definitely winning this war for people's minds...Lets get down to business.... I received a comment the other day stating that Vladimir Putin himself has stated clearly this last week that Global Warming aka Climate Change is indeed a fraud and that the whole purpose of the Carbon Tax swindle was to purposely cripple nations that are trying to reach their industrial potential... Honestly the man is absolutely right here... The criminals behind the Climate Change fraud have indeed been trying to saddle developing nations with the fraud of carbon taxation while at the same time bleed the taxpayers of the developed nations as well.. Heck, the con artist behind the entire Climate Change fraud, Al Gore, holds shares in the only companies in America that will be able to count "carbon credits"... Once the resolutions are passed in the upcoming Paris fraud conference on "Climate Change" that will impose the swindle of "Carbon Taxes" on our nations, that ultra crook, Gore, will make out like a bandit and will become a multi-billionaire due to his holdings in Carbon credit counting companies!   Few people out there realize that this has always been exactly why that ex-Tennessean Gore has been going around the world saying that we must save the world from ourselves.. He is in it for the money!But is it too late now to stop the upcoming Paris conference on "Climate Change" from proceeding ahead?  I doubt it, for most of our nation's leaders are all in it for their own personal gain as well, while others are just too stupid or braindead to even realize that it is all a scam... Canada's newest Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is also going to put Canada's signature on the dotted line that will see the Canadian people fleeced by the lie of "Carbon taxes".  As I stated in my previous articles, Justin is either too ignorant or stupid to know the real truth that it is a con, or he is part of the swindle....I am leaning on the latter....The big news out of the Middle East this last week was the US finally having to admit that Russia was winning the war against their own proxy bullshit "terrorist" force known as ISIS.. But of course the American and Israeli cabal behind the entire fraud 'war on terror' and their lust to have Syria destroyed are indeed sore losers, and they are now upping the stakes by the US government coming out and stating that they have sent some "50" Special Forces "operatives"  to "assist" the "moderate rebels" fighting against Bashar al-Assad's forces in Syria... What a load of baloney, simply because by now everyone with common sense can see that there are NO "moderate rebels" at all, and the number "50" that the liars in the US government promote is an outright lie... I am stating it here that the US is now sending in hundreds of their Green Berets and other "Special Forces" to assist their CIA friends in "ISIS" directly against the Syrians and Russians!  Basically, the criminal Americans have indeed "upped the stakes" and has now openly instead of "covertly" intervened in Syria when they have NOT been invited... It is actually an "invasion" by the US and they will indeed increase their "forces" in an effort to try to again turn the war in their favour... It is as I stated before a blatant escalation of the conflict on the part of the United States and it could indeed lead to a direct war against Russia itself and further escalation to World War III!  What bothers me is the ineptitude level of the American people that they are just too stupid or dumbed down now to see what is happening, and they will indeed suffer greatly as their idiot President and the criminals in the Pentagon have them heading to global conflict.....Yes, in spite of the recent efforts by the Americans to try to save their ISIS fraud, the war in Syria has definitely turned against the "rebels" as the Russians and their Hezbollah, Iranian, and other allies have now fully intervened in assisting the good guys, the Syrian forces, in taking back their nation... It appears now that unless something terrible happens that vilifies Russia to the point that other nations will intervene, the American/Israeli attempt to destroy Syria has failed and is doomed.....  However, as I said many times, these criminals are indeed sore losers and I can guarantee that they have something new up their sleeves to try to turn the battle in their favour... Watch for it, everyone...Why am I not surprised by what I am reading and watching right now happening in Palestine?  I have said many times that the entire Israeli plan was to play the delay tactic as they scooped up and seized as much land in the occupied West Bank away from the Palestinians as possible... All of this rhetoric bullshit that we see about "peace proposals" is exactly that.. Bull shit!... The Israelis have never had any intention of ever giving back any of the land that they have stolen, simply because to them and their sick and twisted religion, the land has always been theirs and theirs alone.... In their sick and twisted minds there can never be a "Palestine" ever, period, end of story.... This is exactly why I am sticking to my guns in my saying that the ONLY choice that the true people of that region, the Palestinians themselves, have is to fight and fight hard for their very existence.. It is now a case of fight to live, or accept your genocide... If anyone with any common sense was given those two choices, it is so obvious what they would choose in a heartbeat.....OK, if anyone needs any further proof as to exactly who runs America, then all they need to do is to look at the newest bullshit that is about to happen in that circus that is called the American Presidential race and its so called 'debates'... This coming week, supposedly, the upcoming Presidential Candidates' Forum is to take place from... Get this... Israel!  Ok, I honestly have an open question right here for all of my American readers; WHEN did Israel suddenly become either part of the United States?  Or better, the United States become part of Israel?   Bad enough that every single person that has the gall to sit in the US government has to openly pledge their undying allegiance to Israel first and foremost, but now they are throwing the fact that Israel totally controls the United States right in the faces of all Americans by having this "forum" take place in a FOREIGN land!   Yes, the Jews now totally control America and they are not afraid to flaunt that control by having this "debate" air from a foreign nation..... Honestly, how do you like your enslavement to Israel now, America?I see that insane nut job, Benjamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) has now "retracted" his assertions that the Palestinians caused the Jewish "holocaust" of World War II.   This is so laughable and yet so disturbing.. It does show the gall of these monsters that they first tried to pull the fast one on the entire planet in their attempts to somehow vilify the Palestinians that they "instigated" the "holocaust", and now a full week and a half after insane knucklehead Binny made that statement, they actually are only now 'retracting' it??   To me, this is so bad and yet too late, for the flood gates should now be open for everyone to finally realize that something about that part of our "history" is so amiss... But will it lead people to actually demand full investigation into the real truths behind the "holocaust"?   I doubt it, for still at the moment, the Jewish control over our nations and its demands that investigation into the facts behind the "holocaust" is still to remain strictly taboo... Yes, Netanyahu almost blew it for the Jews, but he will of course get away with it.....OK, what happened to all the news about that "super" hurricane that supposedly hit Mexico on the Pacific coast?   WHY has nobody even noticed that in spite of all the Jew spew media rhetoric that it was the "storm of the century", NOTHING happened!   Where is the massive "death toll"?  Where is the massive "damage"?   And why has nobody else noticed or commented about the fact that the Jew spew media was so quick to move rapidly on to other stories and no longer talk about "Patricia" after it "fizzled out"? ......Yes, I said in last week's rant that something was all wrong with this "hurricane Patricia" and I have been proven right... It was indeed nothing but complete and utter bullshit and another attempt to somehow justify the fraud "Climate Change initiatives" that are to be put into writing in next month's Paris conference....   Someone also sent me a note that one other researcher, Jim Stone, who actually lives in Mexico, came to the same conclusion that "Patricia" was a fraud... I checked into his articles and he is absolutely correct in his statements about this fraud "hurricane"... But again, I do have my differences with Jim especially with his "Project Apollo was real" ridiculous statements.... I will give credit though where credit is due for Jim is indeed spot on in terms of this swindle called 'Hurricane Patricia"......Yes, it has now been almost 2 full weeks since Justin Trudeau took over as Prime Minister in this formerly free nation called Canada, and in spite of the Jew spew media saying that the sky would fall, nothing has happened.. at least not yet..... I will state it clearly that I have no love for Trudeau at all in spite of the comments that somehow say I do... I am waiting for Trudeau to keep his "promises" especially in seeing that the horrific freedom stripping bill C51 be repealed...That more than anything else was why I actually voted in the last "election"..... But again, Trudeau is just as big a Jew butt kisser as his predecessor, Emperor Harper, was, and yes, he indeed will suck Jew dick and pledge his undying support to Israel.. But the choice was either to continue to watch Canada go to hell under the Harper dictatorship, or give the new guy a shot at making a difference.... Honestly, by now it should be obvious as it is in all nations that the Jews control, for they care not who is in charge simply because they are the ones behind the curtain pulling the strings....One thing I missed last week was a report out of Japan that the Fukushima nuclear disaster is not only still out of control, but there may not be a hope of even containing the disaster for CENTURIES to come!   I am not doubting this report one bit simply because of my background in physics and knowing that what we are being told about the true nature of this disaster by the Jew spew media is of course nothing but lies... Yes, Fukushima is still spewing out its poisons into the Japanese countryside and into the Pacific Ocean and its effects are definitely now being felt everywhere... It is bad enough that reports have now come forward showing people actually dying of Cancer in Japan associated with this disaster and other reports showing that the north Pacific Ocean is indeed dying from the radiation and waste from that disaster, but the real disaster is to me that most people honestly now just do not give a damn.... I said many times that our governments and the media avoid Fukushima simply because their marching orders from their Jewish lords and masters are to care only about their beloved Israel and I have seen nothing that proves that statement wrong....Yes, Whitewraithe is back... She stayed out of contact with me for the last while for her to straighten out a few personal issues and to try to get her own life back into some kind of order... And yes, we are talking directly to each other after that long break... We are also indeed going to relaunch our Turbulent Times show starting in December and we do hope that most of our previous audiences will take notice and tune in...... It has been a long time coming and we do have so many interesting subjects to talk about....Well, it is good to be back.. I personally hope that I never have to go through a bout of "shingles" and that is why I continue to try to keep myself as healthy as possible.... I do appreciate everyone's support and their patience... Now onto my usual last minute tidbits to close this rant......I see that a Russian passenger plane just went down over Sinai, and of course we see the ridiculous assertion that "ISIS" downed that aircraft.  I have read the preliminary reports, and I will agree for the moment that this plane most probably went down due to structural failure, and the reports that ISIS had something to do with it are laughingly bullshit.  However there is still much to be discovered from this crash, and I will be looking for the real truth and reporting it here when real information becomes available.  Stay tuned......America sends a destroyer to the South China  Sea to "stir the pot" and create friction with China?  Yes, the American government is indeed looking for some type of provocation for open war due to their imploding economic woes.  But honestly, a war with China?  Insanity is indeed the order of the day as it pertains to Washington DC these days........Report comes out in the US stating that most children are now functionally illiterate in terms of their Math and Reading skills, and the level is falling.  Honestly, thanks a lot, America for going along with the Common Core bullshit method of teaching your children!.........Again, I have to question the sanity of most Americans that they would actually still consider that ultra murderess criminal psycho Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) as their next President?  Are Americans truly that stupid?  Or have the so called Jewish "elite" already chosen her royal evilness as their next puppet in the Oval Office?  I would not bet against the latter.......Bingo!  I read a report that Dr. Evil himself, George Soros, has indeed been funding the so called 'refugees' that we are presently still seeing flooding into European nations.  I said it before and I will say it again.  It has always been the Jewish goal to destroy Europe and the dominant White nations there by using these "refugees" as their weapon of choice and I still see little that shows otherwise....OK, why is the Jew spew media saying that Greenland is "melting" while true reports have come out showing that the Greenland ice shelf has in fact been growing?  Yes, the lies are all coming out fast and furious now and just in time for the upcoming Paris conference on the lie of "Climate Change".......Donald Trump is to "host" that Jew run show "Saturday Night Live" on November 7th!  Considering that the entire American political system is a circus and run by rejects from clown college, he should fit in on that so called "comedy" show nicely.........Arsenal wins a great game yesterday against the Swansea City Swans 3-0 and is sitting tied with Manchester City at the top of the table, and only in second place due to Goals differential.  The Gunners are now clicking on all cylinders, and considering the demise of Chelsea this year, it is indeed a good time for UK BPL Soccer fans, including myself.......And finally, what everyone waits for patiently, my look at the great American family of idiots called the Kardashians.  It was indeed Holloween yesterday, and I see that the best mask was worn by Bruce Jenner and it scares the crap out of everyone.  No wait, that is no mask?  Yikes!!!!.  But again, nothing surprises me any more about these trolls and skanks and I am still waiting for someone to explain to me the love affair Americans actually have with these worthless excuses for human beings?  I am all ears...More to comeNTS