The US Is Failing In Syria. But They Are Indeed Trying Yet Another Regime Change In The Middle East... This Time In Iran Itself!

The American attempts to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad government and destroy Syria itself is turning out to be a dismal failure... Yes, with the Russian Federation now fully committed to save Syria and end the US/Israeli fraud "terrorist" group called ISIS once and for all, the Americans and the psychos in Israel have reached a roadblock in their attempts to turn the entire Middle East upside down and to allow the psychos in Israel attain their "Greater Israel" project...But all is not as it seems, for the Americans and Israelis are indeed continuing their sick wars in the Middle East as long planned under their psycho "Securing The Realm" documents written by criminal Jewish "neocons" in the late 1990's.... People always forget what Wesley Clark stated clearly in his famous video about how the US was going to attack 7 nations in the Middle East on the behalf of the criminal state of Israel, with the peaceful nation of Iran being their ultimate goal....Now I came across this most important article here that shows that in spite of the momentary roadblock the US/Israel have reached in regards to their destruction of Syria, they are indeed gunning for "regime change" in Iran!  First, here is a most important video that everyone should watch that shows how disgusting and criminal the US has truly become in its want to abide by its Jewish master's dream of total Jewish hegemony over the Middle East.... This video shows clear evidence that the US is indeed fully funding and using a known "terrorist" group for their aims of "regime change" in Iran itself... Here is that video:And here is the link to that most important Global Research article for everyone to see the evidence for themselves: just as a reminder.. Here again is that most important video for all to see where former General Wesley Clark talks openly about the criminal US government working to have 7 nations destroyed in the Middle East on the behalf of the Jewish neocons and the criminal state of Israel.. Here is that video:NTS Notes: I surely wish the entire world would wake up and realize that these criminals absolutely will not quit... They received their marching orders from their Jewish overlords decades ago, and they are indeed not going to quit their efforts until every nation that Wesley Clark stated clearly has been conquered and/or destroyed... Or they hurl this entire planet into World War III....This should be a wake up call for everyone..Yes, the US wants Syria destroyed and conquered as the stepping stone to the greater prize which has always been the peaceful and innocent nation of Iran itself through the usage of the fraud MEK "terrorist" group...It is therefore most important that everyone do wake up the masses and make them realize that the present debacle in Syria will absolutely NOT stop the psychos in Israel and the US from working towards their goals for total control over the Middle East and the hegemony of Israel over the entire region...   Again they will not stop until people wake up and we stop them!More to comeNTS