US Airdrops Tons & Tons of Munitions into Northern Syria- For the “good” terrorists

Yup, the US is, as expected, upping the ante. And who is getting the arms? Arab and Kurdish militias. Recall me enlightening readers to the fact that the Kurdish militias had bad intentions? Too many wanted to believe them heroes, actually fighting ISIS.  They aren't heroes. And they aren't fighting ISIS. I've explained the symbiosis between the two groups on a number of occasions and had for the most part discounted news that the Kurds wanted rapprochement with Russia.  I couldn't see it happening, not at this time. And likely not at all.Considering the multiple posts I've written on this topic, this latest news is unsurprising. Though others may be shocked? Can't say you haven't all been warned?U.S. delivers 50 tons of ammunition to Syria rebel groups

(CNN)U.S. military cargo planes gave 50 tons of ammunition to rebel groups overnight in northern Syria, using an air drop of 112 pallets as the first step in the Obama Administration's urgent effort to find new ways to support those groups.

C-17s, accompanied by fighter escort aircraft, dropped small arms ammunition and other items like hand grenades in Hasakah province in northern Syria to a coalition of rebels groups vetted by the US, known as the Syrian Arab Coalition.

All pallets successfully were recovered by friendly forces, a U.S. official said.

All pallets were successfully recovered by 'friendly forces' including brand ISIS!This article shows a specific location? Fox News

 The U.S. military airdropped 50 tons of small arms ammo and grenades in northern Syria on Sunday, a senior defense official told Fox News, representing the Pentagon's shift from training rebel fighters to equipping them.

Before you all read this paragraph, recall me suggesting repeatedly that the Kurdish militias in Syria and  Turkey are effectively "Stay behind Armies" Think of Italy and Gladio but wider spread and for a good long while now 

 "This time, the official said Syrian Kurds were not recipients of the U.S. airdrop -- only Syrian Arabs fighting ISIS. There is sensitivity in Washington over arming Syrian Kurds, whom Turkey sees as an enemy but the U.S. counts as a NATO ally"

Washington views the Kurds as NATO allies. The Syrian Kurds are intimately linked to the PKK- Their sibling organizations. Do you have any doubt whatsoever that PKK and YPG are not both NATO allies? Because I don't!   Baloney to the claim that the Kurds didn't receive weapons-  Do you really think that Washington, would view them as NATO allies and not drop arms to them? That is lip service to Turkish concerns and nothing more. Turkey knows they're being destabilized. I've written about this happening for the past year now!Better still contemplate the possibility the Kurds are awaiting an even bigger shipment of arms? Maybe the 50 tons is only part of a larger arsenal yet to come- Recall the highlighted 'first step" above?Unconfirmed but interesting and quite plausible

PUKmedia: YPG will receive 120ton of weapons&ammo fr US within 24h. Not confirmed by YPG yet. …

Why do I think this massive weapon drop, 50 tons and more, to the Kurds is very possible?For the obvious reason that the Kurds are one of the brands of 'good' rebel and they have always been one of the destabilizing forces in SyriaUS-backed Syrian Kurdish militia joins new military alliance This is not a new military alliance, it's a rebrand, as you will read today. Long term participants here will already know and have seen video footage of the Kurds and certain Arabs (Iraqi Sunnis)  fighting together. Remember the vast majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslims.

The alliance calling itself the Democratic Forces of Syria includes the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia and Syrian Arab groups that have already fought alongside it against the Islamic State militant group in northern Syria.

Rebranded: The Democratic Forces of Syria! Doesn't that sound well..."democratic"?

The Democratic Forces of Syria includes the YPG, various Arab groups including Jaysh al-Thuwwar (Army of Rebels), and an Assyrian Christian group.

OH  my an inclusive batch of terrorists- See it really is democratic ;)All they need is some LGBT fighters for it to be really, really fair and balanced! Syrian Kurds, Arab rebels form alliance against 'IS' Again, not a new group, just a rebrand for purpose of perception management!

 The new force, the Syrian Democratic Forces, formally cements an alliance that has been in place for months as the groups fought the Islamic State in northeast Syria. It includes the Syrian Kurdish militia YPG, its women's fighting force YPJ, alongside Arab rebel groups and tribes and a Syriac militia.

The announcement of a "unified national military force"....

Syria has a unified national military force already! The bunch backed by NATO are a unified, rebranded horde of killers/mercenaries/terrorist/ethnic cleansing destabilizers Previous posts concerning Kurds/Kurdistan/Kurdish collusion with Israel etc. There are 161 Kurd related posts here and blogger is making my access to them difficult, but, here goes:
