The Bigger Story Behind Russia's Cruise Missile Attack On ISIS: Moscow's Jaw Dropping New Missile Is A Wake Up Call For Washington!

By now, most people are fully aware of how several Russian cruisers and destroyers that were in the Caspian Sea successfully launched some 26 hypersonic cruise missiles in a very long range attack on ISIS targets in Syria..... It was an amazing achievement by the Russian Federation, and a huge success in their war in support of Bashar al-Assad's Syrian government..But we have also seen the Jew spew western "media" try to play down this massive success by Russia by claiming, and very falsely, that up to 4 of the cruise missiles "crashed" in Iran during their long flight to Syria.... By now however we are finding these reports to of course be false and nothing more than more western propaganda bullshit....Yes, the Russian missile strike was indeed a fantastic success... BUT what has been overlooked in all the reports about this strike is the effect it has had on the lunatics running the US military... Right now, I want to present an important article that comes from the Sputnik News online website, at, that is entitled: "Moscow's Jaw Dropping New Missile Is A Wake Up Call For Washington"... In this article, you will see clearly that the US has been caught totally off guard by this new cruise missile, its fantastic success in its assault on ISIS in Syria, and the implications that it has for any possibility of conducting a "successful" war against the Russian Federation....I have the link to that Sputnik News article right here for all to see for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  What the Russians have done with their new hypersonic cruise missile, the SS-N-30, in its highly successful attack on the fraud of ISIS in Syria is to show the world that the US no longer has any type of "military and technological edge" as it has long claimed when it comes to modern weaponry.... If anything, this missile has shown that the Russians can build weapons just as good as the west, and in many cases even better!It is an amazing feat of Engineering and Technology to be able to launch a cruise missile from a distance of around 1000+ miles,  and hit a target with very high precision that the Russians have just shown... And I can bet that this display of technological prowess by the Russians is scaring the crap out of some of the members of the Pentagon.....It is no wonder that the criminals in the US government and the Jew spew media have been trying hopelessly to "play down" this Russian success.. For they are trying desperately to convince the more skeptical citizens of our nations that a war with Russia is "necessary" and that we could actually win in such a war.... But as I have shown previously with Russia's success in using electronic jamming to disable a US destroyer, the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea back in early 2014, (see article here) and now this new hypersonic cruise missile's success, the Russians are absolutely no pushovers and if the US is stupid enough to actually attempt such a war, they will indeed get one hell of a bloody nose....Yes, Russia is winning its war to destroy the US fraud of ISIS and they are not afraid to use the best of their modern weaponry in the process... And yes, it indeed has been a severe "wake up call" for the criminals in Washington!More to comeNTS