US trained Syrian "rebels" GAVE weapons to Al Qaeda

In other words- Brand A US trained & supplied rebels delivered weapons to Brand B US/Israeli trained rebels  who were in need of weapons.It's not incompetence. It's a simple and obvious fact that the US and Israel support terrorism.

Syrian rebels trained and armed by the United States gave at least a quarter of their weapons cache to al Qaeda affiliates in Syria earlier this week, U.S. Central Command acknowledged Friday.

Gave at least "a quarter of their weapons cache to AQ"  At least a quarter?  So maybe even half of it!

Centcom said Syrian fighters voluntarily “gave” equipment, including six pickup trucks and ammunition, to al Qaeda’s Syria arm, Jabhat al Nursa, according to a report from the Washington Post.

The US and company chose this route to arm their terrorists because it gives them plausible deniability Nothing more and nothing less. Forget the spin about safe passage and the rebel training program being in question.It's obvious the rebel training program is successful in getting done that which needs doing or it would have ended long ago. Hence this most recent delivery of weapons to AQ!Flashback: Al-Moallem: Russia's participation in fighting terrorism will turn table on conspiratorsTo this section cause it's related

Update # 3: Back that train up on the claim of  4 or 5 US trained fighters..  US has trained only 'four or five' Syrian fighters against Isis, top general testifies I had my very big suspicions about this claim being made public, while all the Russia hysteria continues! Today we have  many more  US trained fighters entering to "fight ISIS" via the Turkish conduit  Dozens of US-trained fighters enter Syria from Turkey
 Seventy-five Syrian rebels trained to fight jihadists under a beleaguered US programme have crossed from Turkey into northern Syria

75 more rebels. 75 more US trained rebels.

Hassan Mustafa, spokesman for the US-backed Division 30 unit to which some of the rebels were deployed, confirmed that the group had entered Syria."Their training in Turkey lasted two months and they went directly to the front lines with Daesh.

They went to the frontlines with Daesh/ISIS? With Daesh? As in together. Alongside? Mustafa didn't say they went to confront / fight/ destroy/crush or conquer Daesh.  He said "with Daesh"

According to Abdel Rahman, the group had entered in a convoy of a dozen cars with light weapons and ammunition, under air cover from the US-led coalition that has been carrying out strikes against IS in Iraq and Syria. He said the rebels crossed through the Bab al-Salama border point, the main gateway for fighters and supplies heading into Aleppo province.

Bab al Salama border crossing? Wow, that rings a bell! Hold on to your hats boys and girls!!! Bab al Salama was the VERY FIRST border crossing taken by ISIS! You know to form the caliphate and all that rubbish!2013- 

 Bab al-Salam is the first border crossing between Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Islamic emirate and Turkey


 The Islamic State captured the town of Soran Azaz and two nearby villages, giving it the ability to move along a road leading north to the Bab al-Salam crossing between the Syrian province of Aleppo and the Turkish province of Kilis

It's also the border crossing for US trained Daesh fighters!

 Before the fresh batch of fighters, the US-led train-and-equip programme had only managed to vet and train some 60 rebels to fight ISIS jihadists on the ground.

Gee, I thought it was 4 or 5 US trained rebels- but the early number was 60 and now we have another 75.It appears the US and company are bolstering KurdIShIS with the additional fighters. Also: the claim of 4 or 5 fighter being trained, which I never believed, was promoted to push the incompetence meme- Someone, somewhere always has to be 'incompetent'

Flashback done! The one question I have is why this information is being leaked? Is it to push the incompetence meme, so this episode can be spun further down the road? Is this related to Putin's appearance at the UN? What is the deal?!  Keeping in mind our perception of reality has to be managed constantly.