Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 20th, 2015

Sunday again...Last full day of Summer, 2015, and here comes my usual rant...I have been under a lot of criticisms lately for my stance on a wide variety of topics... Many of those criticisms have of course been aimed at me personally by those who I call "my favourite fan club" which as always are my "friends" in the Hasbara/JIDF group.... You really have to applaud their efforts though, for they come up with some of the strangest excuses and rationality for defending both their psycho religion called "Judaism" and their equally psychotic nation called "Israel".....For this rant and as a change of pace, I figured I would answer many of those questions that are always sent my way, by first putting up the question that is always asked of me, and then my responses........ I will of course touch on some of the subjects of the day in my last minute tidbits.... Well, here goes nothing...NTS: Are You A Racist?   I always have a bit of a laugh when I get this question... NO I am not a "racist" when anyone actually takes the time and researches what that term actually means and what it stands for....If someone claims I am a "racist" in terms of my stand against the Jewish criminal tribe, then I answer them straight out by asking them to please prove to me that the Jews are actually a "race"?.... A religion does not make a "race" and the Jews are absolutely not a race, period... They are a conglomeration of different races of man and are linked by their fraud religion.... Therefore for someone to call me "racist" for my stance against the criminal religious group of fanatics called Jews, they are sadly mistaken...And as I have always noted, I am NOT a "racist" when it comes to other races... I have no qualms against blacks, or any other race.. To me, the blacks are very much being used and duped by the criminal Jews into the so called 'race wars' that we see on a massive upswing across America and elsewhere across the planet.. But that is by design, for the Jews are using the blacks as nothing more than their "foot soldiers" for the destruction of their primary enemy, the Caucasian race.....As I have always said, solve the real problem of the Jewish criminal activities first and foremost and all other problems such as "racism" will sort themselves out very quickly afterwards....NTS: You are nothing but a filthy "anti-semite":    I really do love it when I get called an "antisemite" for I always say to those who hurl that accusation to first PROVE that they themselves are actually "Semites" before making that slur.   Believe it or not, but people are still being fooled by that term everywhere without realizing that those who actually make that accusation are absolutely not even Semites..... It is again the Jews themselves who invented the term "antisemitism" to use as a weapon against those who see their evil nature and their criminal actions at work..... But the good news is now the term "antisemitism" is losing its punch, for more and more people are no longer fooled by the term and what it implies.... AND I also always say to those who call me an "antisemite" to watch the important video that I have up on the left hand column of this blog where an Israeli herself came out years back and stated clearly that "antisemitism" was indeed a trick used by the criminal Jews to keep their critics and their accusers at bay....Basically, if anyone calls any of YOU an "antisemite" just stand your ground and again ask the accusers to first prove that they are actually Semites, and then ask them to look at that video!NTS: Why do you call the media the Jew spew media? Is that not hateful?  Lets get the facts straight here.  The entire media here in North America and in fact almost everywhere around the planet is entirely controlled by Jewish interests.  That is a fact and there can be absolutely no denial that is real.... I began calling the controlled Jewish media the "Jew spew" media well over a year ago, and it is absolutely the bitter truth... The media that we are being brainwashed by on a daily basis spews absolute garbage and lies and the so called "reporters" and "news people" do nothing more than spew out what they are demanded by their Jewish masters and controllers... Therefore the idea of calling the media the "Jew spew" media is absolutely fitting even though not "politically correct"...And people by now know how I feel about the scam of "political correctness"!NTS: WHY do you never talk about the Holocaust?   Yes, I constantly get asked that question, and as I have said many times, I live in Canada where there are indeed horrifically draconian laws that prevent anyone such as myself from speaking freely about that very important part of our history... It is the truth that if I ever talked openly about my true thoughts about the "Holocaust", I could be arrested and put into jail here in Canada through the kangaroo court system for being falsely labeled as a "Holocaust denier"...... The facts are simple that the Holocaust is one of the only parts of our history where investigation and  research are strictly taboo..... I again have to always ask "why"?   What is so hidden that we are not supposed to find out about the Holocaust?   Is there definitely something that the criminals that pushed the "laws" forward blocking research do not want us to see? I again always ask everyone to look at the facts, do their own research, and to come to their own conclusions about the "Holocaust"..... I am stuck waiting for the day that the draconian "hate crime" laws will finally be lifted here in Canada, and when that day comes, there will be hell to pay....NTS: Why do you always talk about NASA?  The proof is there that we landed men on the moon and still you keep on trying to claim differently?  Yes, believe it or not, I still get this type of comment and thought thrown my way from time to time.... I again will not sway from the truth and I will always say emphatically with the proof staring everyone in their faces that mankind has never ever landed men on the lunar surface... I need not go into detail here, but suffice to say that it has now been well over 43 years since the last "landing" of Apollo 17, and man has never ever attempted another landing on the moon, or even gone as far as beyond low Earth orbit, simply because he can not nor never has in the past! ... NASA has always been a criminal government organization built upon the original concept of putting weapons into outer space to be aimed back at Earth... The moon landings were a case of pure propaganda done at a time when American public support for their own criminal government was being destroyed due to the illegal Vietnam War.   The propaganda worked wonders, and even to this day the brainwashing is immense.. There is still an estimated 80+% of all America that still believes in the moon landings...NTS: Well, the moon landings may have been faked, but the Mars landings are real.   NASA has lied its ass off when it comes to the faked moon landings, and yet there are those who cannot see that the Mars landings are fake as well.   I still challenge people to please explain to me how NASA was able to land their original Viking probes back in 1976 (a bicentennial propaganda stunt) using conventional parachutes in a 0.004 BAR atmosphere, and I have not received one peep from the Apollo/Mars believer camps..... Basically once a liar, always a liar, and I have put up so many articles already that show definitive proof that the Mars landings are just as FAKE as Apollo was... And the current "Curiosity" probe that is still claimed to be on Mars?  Forget it, for again NASA did a great Houdini act in getting that probe landed on Mars a few years back, and it definitely is NOT on Mars at all.... But you got to love the fantastic "images" that they claim are coming from "Mars"... Yes, there are indeed suckers born every minute....NTS: Why do you have so much hatred for Israel?   This one is quite obvious... Any nation that does not draw its own borders....Has a goal of seizing neighbouring land for illegal expansion in a sick and twisted dream of a 'greater Israel'....Continues to outright murder the true indigenous people of the region, the Palestinians themselves...Continues to lie to the entire world about its massive and dangerous nuclear weapons stockpile.....Threatens not only the Middle East but the entire planet with its aggressive nature.....Bleeds another nation financial dry for its own greedy survival (The United States of course)..... And of course is based on a lie (again the fraud religion of Judaism claiming that the Jews have a "historical" right to that land)...... Basically the list can go on and on, but the point is that Israel is a curse on the entire planet and should never exist, period... If these points do not clearly show why there is a "hate" for a nation filled with haters, then what else is there to say?NTS: Why so much emphasis in your writings on the shootings in America?  Yes, I have been asked this question for the last few years, and I will state it clearly... A hoax is a hoax, and the "shootings" that we see across America, especially the Sandy Hook fraud school shooting and the recent Virginia fraud shooting, should have been wake up calls for everyone across the world that the criminals behind these frauds are definitely going for broke in trying to scare the crap out of people so that gullible people will surrender their rights, their freedoms, and their own defense which is of course their guns, for the lie of more 'security'..... I can only state the truth and each one of the fraud shootings across America and even here in Canada, have been operations used to bend people's minds using the propaganda effect of fear... And it has worked wonders for there are indeed fools out there that will sign away their freedoms for more 'protection'..... One important note again is that there are still fools out there that have been paid well to poison the well and have done their utmost to try to defeat those who see the fraud in all of these shootings... We know who those fools are and they do infest the alternative media with their lies.... Hopefully many can see who they are and are no longer looking at their "websites" or playing their sick games.....NTS: Why the reports on the F35 fighter aircraft?   Yes, I have been receiving so many inquiries lately about why I have been talking about the F35 Lightning II fighter, and I answer them by stating that it is VERY important, due to the monetary waste that the entire program is bleeding from taxpayers everywhere... This "fighter" aircraft is such a tremendous waste of time and has already cost both Canada and the United States HUNDREDS of billions of dollars for a machine that will actually weaken our military forces.... Basically, this machine is the worse mistake that a nation can make in putting its air defence into its incapable hands... It seems that Canada and the US are still hell bent to have this aircraft replace many more older and yet superior fighter aircraft, and honestly, they will be sorry..... And by the time the entire program is completed, we are looking at a cost of well over a TRILLION dollars spent... A trillion dollars could go to ending poverty in Canada and the United States permanently, while giving the Americans a fully paid for health care program to boot..And there would still be money left over to pay for the much needed upgrades to our failing infrastructure!   So for those who ask why I talk about the F35 flying POS... You have my answer...NTS: You are wrong about vaccines.   YES I get these all the time... I have told many people over the years the damage that vaccinations actually do to the human body, and usually all I get is anger and disgust... But I will not stop with the exposure of the truth and telling people flat out that vaccines absolutely do NOT work....  It is an uphill climb in trying to convince people, due to the massive brainwashing that most of us have endured all our lives, especially when it comes to the idea of getting a "shot" to prevent a dangerous disease from killing us.... The facts are still the same, though, in that it is not vaccines that have caused the downfall of diseases such as measles, smallpox, polio, etc, but proper sanitation and proper hygiene.... People do need to do their own research and understand that is the fact...One other note here....I have also been constantly asked why I focus so much on health issues with this blog, and I have always said that the criminals that want us enslaved want to have our bodies and our minds destroyed... Many of them are perfectly aware that the way to wreck our efforts to have them stopped is to poison our bodies and our minds.. Therefore it makes sense that they have been introducing the poisons necessary through our water (Poisonous Flourine compounds in our water) and of course our food..... Yes, the saying that a healthy body means a healthy mind should never be overlooked...NTS: Why concentrate so many reports on the war in Syria?   Like other wars of aggression caused by the criminal state of Israel for their pursuit of hegemony over the Middle East, they presently have Syria in their sights... These psychos have for over a decade decided that Syria must be destroyed, and they care little for the welfare of the Syrian people themselves... Thousands of innocent people are to die just so the criminal state of Israel removes one of their last obstacles in their sick pursuit of a "Greater Israel"..... The facts again as I have stated many times is that everyone has been lied to, purposely about the entire "war on terror" and especially about the fraud of 'ISIS'... There can be no doubt in anyones' minds any more that ISIS is and always has been a complete fabrication created by the US and Israel for the destruction of peaceful nations, especially Syria..... Syria could be make or break for these criminals and it may be where we are able to expose their crimes against humanity and finally put a stop to Israel.....I will continue to tell the truth about that "war" in Syria with the hope that I am able to reach some people with the truth....There are other questions I am always asked about that I have not covered so far in this rant... I figure I would touch on a few of them here in my usual last minute tidbits....... Global Warming is a fraud, period. But is it not disgusting to find some so called scientists are now calling for skeptics and doubters of the Global Warming scam to be jailed?  Hopefully people are not this stupid to actually consider such a horrific action.......The Fukushima Disaster is still going strong.  Nothing unusual to me here, for I have known for years now that there is no way in hell with the technology available to actually stop the melted down reactors from continuing their onslaught to the planet.  It will take years before some new technology can be perfected to actually put an end to this crisis.  In the meantime, Japan and the Pacific will continue their slow death........Yes, Donald Trump and the other idiots who are vying for the GOP candidacy for the next US President had their "debate" last week, and I actually caught a few highlights of that circus.  Lets face it, Trump absolutely destroyed the others in that "debate", but again Trump is an absolute Jew dick sucker, and he knows who his masters are.  America will again be stuck with another Jew dick sucker as their next President unless they actually wake the hell up!....... Not much different happening here in Canada where the next Prime Minister will definitely be just another Jew dick sucker as well.  Canada has been under the firm grip of Jewish power for decades and little will change come this October 19th when the next batch of Jewish puppets get selected to the Parliament in Ottawa.......So let me get this straight. Ann Coulter finally has the guts to tell the truth about the Jewish control over America and she gets lambasted for making her thoughts clear over Twitter?  I used to think that Coulter was another Jew butt kisser, but I am beginning to see her in a new light. Hopefully she does not suddenly buckle under and beg the forgiveness of those criminals for her exposure, but it appears that right now she is indeed buckling under.  America needs more people to finally have had enough and tell the damn truth about the Jewish control over their once free nation........When will people finally wake up and see the entire "refugee crisis" in Europe being promoted by the liars in our Jew spew media as being a massive scam?  Yes, there are indeed Syrian "refugees" but the vast majority are again nothing more than ILLEGAL migrant workers trying to come into Europe under the falsehood of being "refugees" from Syria.  The dead giveaway is when anyone takes a closer look at these "refugees" and sees that the majority are black.  There are few blacks living in Syria as the majority are actually caucasian....I was a bit peeved yesterday watching Arsenal lose to their hated rivals, the Chelsea Blues by the score of 2-0.  A very badly refereed game in my estimation as two Arsenal players got "red carded".  But it is part of the game, and again as I said before, I do love Soccer........What the hell? Starbucks Coffee that has always been owned by the Jews is now telling straight people that they are not welcome to their coffee shops?  Good, they can have all the sickos out there, and I hope this puts an end to that outfit with their outrageously priced $5 to $6 cup of crap they pass off as coffee!.....  Oh, by the way, I hope you all understand by now that I am not "politically correct" and will never be.  Political Correctness to me is a sickness that should be exterminated......Whitewraithe is starting her new job tomorrow and I do hope for the best for my best confidant and friend in this real truth movement. I am crossing my fingers as I hope this job is to her liking and she is able to finally get back on her feet again.  If anyone wants, they can send her a good luck message over at Pragmatic Witness........And finally, after this very LONG rant (hopefully not too boring!), my usual take on this week in the psycho ward called the Kardashians.  There has been a "buzz" in the so called "'entertainment" world with Kris Jenner finally meeting the former Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn) for the first time since Bruce changed sexes.   Honestly, that is one truly screwed up family to start with and again it makes sense as to why Bruce is so screwed up having to live in that psycho ward for years.  But again, even with America going to heck in a hand basket, for some strange reason they still love their Kardashians!More to comeNTS