Rehousing Syrian refugees in Europe is an Israeli plan

 Algerian activist:

Abdul Razzaq Maqari, president of the Movement for the Society of Peace (MSP), blamed the west for the Syrian refugee crisis, accusing them of carrying out an Israeli plan, Quds Press reported yesterday.

Posting on his Facebook page, Maqari wrote: “Israel is happy to get rid of the Palestinian refugee camps in the region.”

 He added: “Some might think that the EU states are doing the refugees from Syria, including the Palestinian refugees, a favour when they welcome them into their countries. The Western countries know very well that they are the cause of the destabilisation in the region.”

Based on demographic studies, he said the West is in need of 47 million migrants by 2050 to maintain positive population increases. Adding that Israel is happy to know that the west is accepting a large number of refugees including Palestinians.

“Instead of finding a place for the occupiers, who came from everywhere to reside in Palestine, the west is looking for places for the Syrians and the Palestinians who are fleeing the Syrian regime and Daesh,” he said.

Maqari criticised the role of the West in undermining the development of the Arab and the Islamic world, noting that people think they are “humanitarians” when they sympathise with the Syrians, while they do not know that they are the root cause of the crises in the Arab world.

 Yes, Israel is happy to have the world absorb their refugees.Real humanitarians would make sure that all refugees go back home! Right of return.That includes Palestinians back to Palestine/ Israel

Israel: Refugees not our problem -We make’em & You take’em!