The Virginia Shooting Is Fake: Did Alison Parker Do Two Takes For Shooting? Watch Video And Decide!

I must apologize to my readership... I honestly wanted to close the books on this fraud Virginia shooting at this point, simply because by this time I had hoped that everyone would have seen this for what it was .... A fraud and a hoax!   But again, I continue to see some of the Jew spew media outlets, especially in the United States, continue to proclaim this fraud as being real and the crisis actors involved in this scam out there doing the media rounds calling for gun control across America... Therefore it appears that more conclusive evidence is required to expose this fraud once and for all...I was sent the following video and asked to add it to this blog as evidence that this Virginia shooting is an elaborate hoax.. After watching it, I knew that it belonged here for everyone to see.... Therefore I again want to present the following video from Youtube user, Peekay22, who has indeed done his homework well and has been on top of this fraud from the very beginning.... In this piece of hard evidence, in the following video entitled: "Virginia Shooting - Possibly 2 Takes? You Decide, you will see definitive evidence that there are glaring inconsistencies in the two videos that show different angles of where he pulls the gun and actually "shoots" Alison Parker with his gun loaded with blanks.... Please watch this report, and I have further comments to follow:NTS Notes: Peekay22 has indeed done his homework well in exposing this shooting for the fraud it truly is..One other glaring inconsistency that I and others noticed is where the script of paper that she is holding while doing the interview between Video One and Video Two is actually at a different position.. I ask everyone to slow down the video report and look at the paper she is holding.. It is definitely at a different angle!  Therefore there is indeed some "monkey business" here and shows that there indeed were two takes done for this shooting "incident"!So let us summarize what we have here in this ridiculous fraud...The following are some of the key points that I have picked up (so far) from this fraud:(1) Shooter is allowed into shopping mall BEFORE the hours it is supposed to be open.  Who let him in?(2) Shooter approaches the victims on a wooden walkway that would have made sound as he approached the interview taking place and remarkably nobody notices? Amazing!(3) Shooter is able to stand right there pulling out gun the first time, and instead of not shooting immediately, he pulls the gun back... Why?  Was he waiting for the right "cue" to take the "shot"?(4) Alison Parker turns her head momentarily and thus sees shooter and does not react... Again, why?(5) TV station cameraman is not even looking at the interview and not recording until gunman is right besides him... Why is he looking out over the balcony and not at the "interview"?  And why is he not reacting to this man approaching and standing right there besides him?(6) Interviewee can clearly see gun out of corner of her eye as he approaches and waves it at Alison and absolutely does not react... Why?(7) Neither Alison or interviewee react initially as gunman pulls gun out a second time aiming it at Alison... Nobody notices?  Why?(8) Strong evidence of two takes for this shooting.. Alison nods in "take one", while in "take two" her head is not moving.  And of course the paper she is holding is out of place between the two video shots.... How else can this be other than two takes being done for this fraud?(9) Gunman fires off shots, but telltale signs of blanks are here including the acoustics from the gun are all wrong for being a real gun.. Sounds definitely correlate to gun shooting blanks...(10) Alison's reaction is all wrong and rather than fall down from being shot, is able to turn, scream, and run... No signs of clothing being torn as gun "bullets" hit her at all and no signs of blood anywhere...(11) Hand of gunman appears to be white... While alleged gunman is black and hand should be black as well.... Some say this is due to lighting and not to do with gunman at all.... Possible inconsistency and pointing towards a real set up with the alleged gunman the person to take the fall for this fraud...(12) Interviewee claims gun shot hit her in back, but she was turned to the gunman when the shots were fired.  Therefore how did gunman hit her in the back?(12) "Boyfriend" of Alison Parker with his laughable photo "scrap book" of pictures that he is STILL carrying around ...  And no tears being shed at all for the woman who is supposed to be the "love of his life"... Ridiculous to say the least....(13) Alison Parker's "father" Andy Parker has been exposed as a former actor... On day of shooting rather than grieve the murder of his daughter like other parents usually do, he is doing the media rounds showing no emotion in his face at all...(14) Right on cue, both fraud Chris Hurst and fraud Andy Parker are suddenly media hounds promoting gun control.... Sandy Hook again, everyone?Honestly, this list can go on and on, and I will add to it with the help of commentators who want to put in their own two cents worth.... But the bottom line is that in spite of our efforts in showing this to be a set up, most Americans are still gullibly thinking that it was actually real!And one other note.... I mentioned in my Sunday rant the fact that the known trolls that have ridiculously called the previous fraud shooting at Sandy Hook to be real have strangely gone quiet on this one!   I expected that midget man from Idaho with his trolls to be on top of this one, and that poor excuse for a writer from the suburbs of Chicago to chime in as well.... But they are of course being quiet about this knowing that they would be lost in trying to defend this fraud like they lost their credibility in defending Sandy Hook as a real event.... That alone should tell everyone about their phoney credentials!More to comeNTS