Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Yes, it is now Labor Day weekend, 2015... And time again for my weekly rant....It is supposed to be Labor Day weekend for myself, and here I am doing some more renovations and yard work this entire long weekend... My better half has always had this grandiose scheme of what she wants our house and yard to look like, and I am always doing my best to oblige...Therefore rather than do any reading or surfing over the net yesterday, I was busy doing both yard work and some renovations and it was indeed exhausting.... I figured that I did a pretty good job, but she of course still wants more!.... Honestly, I can never figure out the female mind and at this point I figure why try?   Yes, many writers have said that the greatest mystery in all life for men is .. Women!Honestly, I want to move away from having to do further reports about the fraudulent shooting in Roanoke Virginia at this point... I figure that if people do not get it by now that they are being hoodwinked by yet another false flag for the purpose of striking fear into the minds of gullible people and to convince them to surrender their last line of defense against a tyrannical government, their own guns, then I cannot help them...So, I figure that unless there is something earthshaking to report further, I want to go onto other more important topics.... One thing though that I did notice in closing.. I wonder where all the known trolls out there that laughingly think these false flags are real, such as that troll that runs the Ugly Troll website out of Idaho and of course that piss poor "writer" from the suburbs of Chicago are and why they are avoiding this ridiculous Virginia "shooting"?  Is it possible that even they realize that they cannot keep lying and that people are no longer falling for their ignorant ramblings?Yes, I have been watching the refugee crisis that is unfolding in Europe with great concern... This crisis is of course entirely the fault of the criminal governments of the United States and the psychotic state of Israel.  These monsters have unleashed their CIA/Mossad front known as 'ISIS' on the civilians living in Syria, and in many cases these 'terrorists' have murdered countless civilians using the most inhuman methods....The Syrian people have reacted by fleeing their towns and villages by the thousands and of course many have been seeking refuge outside of Syria itself... The vast majority have gone into neighboring nations such as Turkey and Lebanon, but others have become the new "boat people" and have sought passage to countries in Europe... We have seen the dangerous results of the risks these refugees have taken when we find reports of many perishing in enclosed truck containers while others have drowned when their flimsy boats capsized in the Mediterranean Sea.....But I am still troubled by the continuing reports about that one particular death of a 3 year old Syrian boy that was found washed up on a beach in southern Turkey after his makeshift boat capsized in the Mediterranean drowning him in the process.... The Jew spew media has been using this one incident as their perfect propaganda weapon to claim very falsely that Bashar al-Assad is to blame for the Syrian refugee crisis while overlooking the blaring fact that the fraud "ISIS" is fully to blame.....As I stated in my last report the Jew spew media here in Canada has been running nonstop with lying reports that the refugees were somehow "fleeing" the "criminal" Bashar al-Assad's regime and army, and of course pushing the lie that Assad was a "butcher"...... But of course everywhere I have looked in the alternative media and of course online on Friday, I found no other reports making such claims... Yes, the Jew spew media is trying their best at of course trying to use this Syrian refugee boy's death as another weapon to try to convince a more skeptical world that Assad is somehow "evil", but they are failing miserably.....I did state in my last report the one factor that people must not overlook when it comes to this 3 year old Syrian refugee's death... This propaganda weapon is strangely reminiscent of the 1990 Kuwaiti "incubator killing" stories that were being promoted falsely by that "nurse" that happened to turn out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States..... Are we watching the 1990 "incubator" scam that was used so successfully to get the United States to attack Iraq being replayed to get the world to attack Syria?And about Syria itself... Yes, the reports are absolutely true that Russia has entered the crisis and have begun operations alongside the good guys, the Syrian government forces, against the US/Israeli fraud "ISIS"... The real kicker came in just the last few days when President Barry Soetoro demanded that Russia stop their attacks against "ISIS".   THAT alone should have finally told everyone exactly what I and others have been saying all along that "ISIS" is as phony as a $3 dollar bill.......Lets just say that Vladimir Putin is no dummy when it comes to the Syrian situation and has rightfully pledged his forces to assist a nation, Syria, in fighting against "terrorism".... Now the world will finally see and understand that "terrorism" is nothing but a sham and has always been a propaganda tool for criminal nations such as the United States and Israel to attack and destroy peaceful nations...While so much time has been spent focused on the crisis in Europe and Syria, the ongoing horrific situation in Yemen has been (purposely) overlooked by the Jew spew media.   Not surprising, considering the Jewish run nation of Saudi Arabia has been leading the brutal assault against the Yemeni people and these criminals have cared not that their attacks have resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians... And of course we still have a severe humanitarian crisis where the Yemeni civilians have been without basics such as food and water for some time and mass starvation is definitely about to set in.... Thousands, if not millions, of people will shortly perish if further real aid is not allowed into that war torn nation....But the Saudis and their allies have refused and blocked all aid shipments, and there continues to be a massive media blackout from the truth about Yemen reaching the outside world.... It seems again the criminals who want another peaceful nation, Yemen, destroyed care not for the slaughter and needless death of millions in the process.....I do fear the worse for Yemen is yet to come....Yes, the Iranian nuclear 'deal' has passed through the United States government and the reports all say the final agreement will become formalized very soon... However, lets not kid ourselves when it comes to this "deal", for again the whole premise of the agreement has always hinged on the lie that Iran was somehow "building" nuclear weapons, which it is absolutely not....The whole deal has been about the sanctions that the US and other nations have brutally and illegally imposed on that peaceful nation, and of course the Iranians want the 'sanctions' lifted as part of the agreement....Over the last week however, I found some very troubling reports that say that the illegal sanctions against Iran were to stay in place in spite of the "deal" which again of course means that the "deal" is absolutely meaningless and has been a farce from the very beginning...... There have also been some ridiculous reports that show that in spite of the "deal" the criminals in the United States will still attack and try to destroy Iran on behalf of their masters in Israel!   So again, I am not sold on this "deal" for the key points that were supposed to be put in place as part of concessions to Iran are being reneged by the US itself....  The real kicker to me is where the US government is now willing to appease the psychos in Israel for this deal by offering them the very weapons necessary for Iran's destruction... And all at US taxpayer expense... Does anyone else see the hypocrisy here, because I surely do....Lets not kid ourselves when it comes to the economic situation across the entire world, and especially all the lies about "economic recovery" that the liars in the Jew spew media and our own crooked governments continue to harp.... In my own day to day dealings and in my own field of work, I can see clearly that there is NO economic "recovery" and that the worse is yet to come... I see in local shopping malls more and more stores being closed and boarded up right here in central Canada, and I see people not spending to fuel the economy simply because they do not have any money.    Businesses everywhere are tightening their belts and are in fact laying off employees by the thousands..... And do not get me started about the fraud stock markets, for by now everyone can see that we are watching a scam in progress as stock values by major corporations have all taken a massive tumble and would have continued to fall if not for some criminal manipulation to make it appear that they are only going through 'slight corrections'..... There have been warnings for years that the massive crash is coming, and all indicators show that the middle of this month will be crisis time..... I have always said that people must be prepared for the worse and have some supplies at hand just in case the worse does happen....Better to be prepared......Why oh why are the scam artists promoting the lie of "Global Warming" still being allowed to spew their trash when the evidence that the planet is absolutely not overheating is clearly evident?   This summer here in central Canada has been a bit cooler than in previous years, and the number of "hot days" has indeed been in decline as compared to previous years.... The long range forecast for this coming winter here is also quite alarming with all indicators showing that it will be just as brutal as last year with intense cold to settle over this part of the world for days..... But this is of course expected, for this planet is of course entirely dependent on Sol's radiation output, and right now Sol has gone very quiet.... It does appear that this planet is indeed entering the "perfect storm" where several cooling cycles that this planet constantly goes through are all happening at the same time.. There is talk about another "Maunder Minimum", where we will see another "mini ice age" much like what Europe endured several centuries ago, about to take hold and that has serious repurcussions for everyone especially when it comes to diminished food production due to shortened growing seasons...... But again, these are natural cycles and have absolutely nothing to do with human caused "global warming"....Sadly and strangely in spite of all the evidence that Global Warming is a fraud and a scam, we still find our ignorant governments wanting to push the lies of carbon credits and carbon taxation upon all of us!   Yes, the scam will continue until gullible people wake the hell up and put their own governments to task....Well.. I guess that is enough of what I wanted to cover for this rant.. But fear not, for I may have missed some topics that are of course on most people's minds, and I will touch on many of them right here in my usual "last minute tidbits".......Report came out that due to the untimely death of 4 technicians on board that Malaysian flight MH370 that "disappeared" over the Indian Ocean, the criminal Jewish Rothschilds have "inherited" an important semiconductor patent for freescale semiconductors.  If there was ever a motive for the theft of that plane and the subsequent murder of its passengers, this is a glaring one indeed!.....And speaking of MH370, I am still not sold on this "flaperon" found in Reunion being from the long missing MH370 flight.  I look upon it as planted evidence and nothing yet has convinced me otherwise......More stories out of America about that psychotic murderous Jewess Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) and her email server's messages.  Honestly, this woman is not only a murderer, but a traitor to America itself.  I have to ask again why anyone in their right mind would still consider this most evil creature for the office of President?  Are those who are willing to actually vote for this monster truly that stupid?.......More gullible people across America are jumping on the Donald Trump bandwagon, and again all I see are stupid people.  Donald Trump is not only there for the fluff value much like Ron Paul was in the previous campaign, but he again is firmly under the control of the Jewish criminal elite.  Trump built up his billions through Jewish criminals and he answers to them first and foremost.  If he is finally 'selected" by these criminals to be the next US President, then he will do exactly the same as previous Presidents in sucking Jewish dick........Interesting report came out this last week where there has been an outbreak of Polio that has been found to be caused by the Polio "vaccine" itself.  Just more proof again that not only do vaccines not work, but they actually weaken the immune system and promote the very diseases that they are supposed to fight.... And speaking of the fraud of vaccines, there is some good news as there is a push for a repeal of that ridiculous vaccine law in California that has forced parents to have all of their children "vaccinated" before being allowed to attend public schools in that state.  I am crossing my fingers that the good people of California finally get their act together and have that draconian law repealed and soon!.......I am still waiting for that expected attack by the criminal US puppet regime in Kiev to finally be unleashed against the civilians in the breakaway eastern provinces of Ukraine.  It is coming, and again it will be nothing more than a brutal slaughter of civilians by criminals using weapons bought and paid for by US taxpayers.......WHY does anyone still put up with the bullshit of "political correctness"?  I for one am sick of that fraud, and will never stoop to its stupidity.  I call a spade a spade and a Jew a Jew.  If there are those who do not like it, tough.  There are many "politically correct" blogs out there that they can go to and continue to have their minds turned to mush...... A week off for Barkley's Premiere League soccer and I am going through withdrawals.  But hey, the real "bread and circuses" sport spectacle to divert American minds away from the horrible troubles their nation is going through, the NFL season, starts this coming week..... Next Friday marks the 14th anniversary of the Israeli Mossad attack on America, better known as "9-11", and I will have my own reports coming this week.  But again 14 years since the Israeli Mossad carried out that operation that attacked and killed some 3000 Americans, we are still far away from real justice for the victims.  Only when Americans finally understand the true evil nature of the "chosen ones" will real justice be pursued......And finally, my weekly Kardashian report for those who truly have melted their brains.   I found out last week that there is a spin off of the popular 'Walking Dead" series on Talmudvision, and I actually watched a bit of this show called "Fear The Walking Dead" a few days ago.  I wonder if the idea for the  "zombies" from those shows stems from those Americans that have actually watched the ridiculous "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"?  It is just a thought.   Yes, still strangely while America goes to hell, they still love that family of skanks, hoes, trollops, and misfits.....More to comeNTS