Did “ISIS” Completely Destroy Palmyra Temple?

It’s certainly questionable.  NO, I don’t believe the lying, war mongering/whoring/child abusing  UN. Nor do I take their ‘satellite’ imagery as gospel. Satellite imagery can be fudged. Example: Did US Fake Satellite Images to Show Russia Shelled Eastern Ukraine?The UN bolstering the claim of an alleged 'global terror group' ? The UN promoting the narrative provided by the NATO/Israeli proxy- ISIS, more succinctly, the UN is promoting the narrative of NATO nation special Ops masquerading as ISIS? 

Could it be to justify further intervention? More assistance in creating the expanded Israel, NATO terror state of Kurdistan?


    “An Islamic State operative told the Associated Press over Skype on Monday that the temple had been destroyed, without elaborating. He spoke on condition of anonymity because members of the group are not allowed to speak to journalists”

    Love how it is AP get’s reports from ISIS over Skype? How is it that AP has the know how and is able to get in  touch with the global terror group? That's not really a 'terror group' And if they can so easily contact them, why can’t NATO touch them ;) (Facetious) Not as much progress as hoped for in fight against ISIS, Harper tells rally

    "The intervention has had the effect of largely stopping the advance of ISIS, particularly in the north of Iraq and to some degree in other parts of Iraq and Syria -- not maybe as much we'd like," he said.

    Oh, I guess the Kurdish militias are falling down on the job.So much chaff   (worthless matter) to sort through, daily!Back to Palmyra

    DAMASCUS - A blast rocked the ancient ruins in Syria's Palmyra on Sunday but the site's famed Temple of Bel appeared to be largely intact, Syria's antiquities chief said.Maamoun Abdulkarim confirmed reports of an explosion at the UNESCO World Heritage-listed site, but said Palmyra's most important temple did not appear to have sustained major damage."The frontal columns and the cella (interior) of the temple do not appear to have been damaged," Abdulkarim said on Monday."According to the information we received from the town, the temple is still standing, but antiquities staff are not able to enter the site to see close up," he said.

    “On Sunday night, a monitor and activists said the temple had been partially destroyed by Islamic State group (ISIS) militants who detonated explosives inside the famed site.

    “An unnamed monitor and unnamed activists” said the temple had been destroyed by ISISBUT: Maamoun Abdulkarim, named and quoted is saying "According to the information we received from the town, the temple is still standing, but antiquities staff are not able to enter the site to see close up

    Amr al-Azm, a former Syrian government antiquities official who now is a professor at Shawnee State University in Ohio, said he believed a very large amount of explosives was used in the blast near the Temple of Bel.

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