Radio Free Blood Attacked by “ISIS” / “CyberCaliphate”? Centcom? Israel?

By Jack Blood
On Friday August 14th 2015, the Jack Blood Show was hammered by a group posing as activist Muslims fitting a pattern we are seeing more and more of.
As the 2nd LIVE hour began, multiple posts under several user names began spamming, and filling up our live chat room with things like:
“God is Great”, “Praise Allah” and “بن لادن الداعشي المعروف بـ بعو :
am ben laden

بن لادن الداعشي المعروف بـ بعو :

  • am ben laden

    if you don’t went to dead give me a skype

  • you have 10 min
    *Ben Laden is likely not misspelled, but a name potentially signifying the author’s real name is Ben. Benjamin is often a Jewish name. ( Osama bin Laden means “Osama, son of Laden)

We attempted to stop them by banning the user accounts, which was effective for a minute, and then a renewed attacks came with new user names. Its important to note that creating a user name could take several minutes, and would require new email accounts. The speed in which this occurred seems to suggest either a coordinated attack, or a fairly sophisticated hacking into our network.
What made this even more suspicious was, at the time I was discussing Sen Bernie Sanders Zionist leanings, and playing a clip from 2014 where he nearly has people arrested for questioning him over his devotion for Israel, and his war propaganda regarding the Palestinians. “Isis” has declared war on Palestine (which doesn’t make sense unless we factor in their funding and support, which is well known to us. eg: NATO / Israel)

It might also be a problem that I am not a member or leader of a divisive group or gang, but that I am also planning a 2016 Presidential Run with Veteran Black Panther Larry Pinkney
Other than that, It’s hard for me to imagine why anyone cares to bother us. We do have high profile guests on air, and offer Original Content daily… But I rarely if EVER even promote this show anymore. This experience, and others like it (listed below) are the reason why.
So WHO was REALLY behind this “cyber-vandalism” gang-stalking, or Cyber-Terror, and what do we plan to do about it?
Whomever was responsible either has a poor command of the English language, or would want us to thing so. I have no doubt that some have truly fallen for the trap that is “ISIS” and its related organizations, much in the same way that American White Supremacists fall for the FBI infiltrated, or run KKK. However, the fact that The Jack Blood Show was a target, and the above stated timing of the target seems to suggest a false flag of sorts. eg: Israeli Intelligence, one of their sub groups of internet volunteers or perhaps CentCom / American Counter Intelligence (Coinelro) itself. (We are still investigating this – But Qui Bono / who benefits is always a great place to start.
Some may recall that recently Centcom itself claimed to have been “hacked” by ISIS. It was noted in the mass media as a major threat to security, until it wasn’t. When we dig into that story we find that nothing of the sort happened. In fact, it was only the social media pages of the Pentagon that were ALLEGEDLY hacked. (See – Pentagon: Hacking of CENTCOM Site a ‘Prank or It Doesn’t Really Matter if ISIS Sympathizers Hacked Central Command’s Twitter)
One might ask if they hacked themselves to gain support for a phony war against ISIS, and or tough internet laws that will surely come after an “Internet Pearl harbor”. Years back we learned that the I – Patriot Act was already written for just such an occasion, and all of the pieces are seemingly in place.
It should be noted that we have had this kind of trouble many times before! We once caught HALLIBURTON in Houston, (and simultaneously China) at the other end of a viscous, and again well times attack on our show by tracking the IP address of the perpetrator! So please excuse us if we are skeptical of said origins of “enemy cyber attacks”.
We have been threatened by international law firms (once on the behest of The Arab Press House), had a fake grenade thrown through our window, been gang stalked and attacked many many times (once while we were live on air protecting Tax Protesters Ed and Elaine Brown from an attack by the US Marshals on their land in NH…) We have had our house set on fire, been targeted in several public campaigns of slander (some even buying “sponsored links” on Google) and had groups go after and threaten our sponsors, etc etc etc….
Gang stalking is in interesting subject in itself. Israel has deployed this method on many levels. Interesting article here:  Radicalized Militant Judaic Gangstalkers are the KKK of the new millennium.
Israeli intelligence, known for their deception, has either hired or inspired Zionists online to both spread state propaganda, and to troll and post “anti – Semitic” vitriol on sites that merely question Israel’s foreign policy. See: ‘Common Dreams’ website traps Hasbara troll spewing anti-Semitism  Also: The Double Identity of an “Anti-Semitic” Commenter. We have covered this issue in the past on our website: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms
I have very seriously thought about walking away from all of this aggravation. The last several years have been very hard on myself and my family. We have been virtually blackballed in the Alternative media, Truth and Freedom movements (for telling the truth and wanting to be FREE), and any appeal of sticking my neck out for everyone has left me long ago.
However… after 19 years of this, I am not sure I know how to do anything else. There is a good chance that at my age, with a giant hole in my resume’ titled “Culture Jammer” or professional “Conspiracy Theorist” etc…. I am unemployable, and unwanted in main stream America.
I cannot help but think of Malcolm X. Having to turn on and expose the Wolves in Sheep’s attire, and thus enlightened to the true cause of Unity, Justice, Equality, and Freedom… Went to his death willingly, as he was called to be such a Martyr, and because there was no other choice to be made. I am certainly no Malcolm X, but that doesn’t stop me from relatively feeling my destiny is clearly not a peaceful or good one.
We will continue our efforts to trace and track down these groups and expose them for who they really are! NOT “Freedom Fighters” working to regain their own nations, and resources… But trash and trolls whom offer allegiance to take down the real Freedom Fighters who oppose ‘GlobalCorp’ and the One World Govt.

