Israel plans a Provocation to Justify Invading Syria- Ground Invasion, that is!

IDF troops prepare for possible incursion into Syria

 I’m going to highlight & repeat, where necessary,  for clarification purposes, exactly what Israel's evil plan is!

The IDF has already prepared plans to attack Syria in light of a recent military assessment that Iran has opened a new front against Israel on the Golan Heights. Military exercises in the area over the last two weeks have focused primarily on a scenario of offensive operations inside Syrian territory in response to possible action from the Syrian border such as the infiltration of dozens of terrorists armed with anti-tank weapons, machine guns, grenades and light weapons into one of the communities along the border.The exercises included possible IDF responses to such infiltrations with troops firing at fixed points on the Syrian side of the border. Simultaneously, officials expect a barrage of mortar bombs to be fired at communities in the Golan Heights during such a scenario.

Let me repeat that:

"with troops firing at fixed points on the Syrian side of the border. Simultaneously, officials expect a barrage of mortar bombs to be fired at communities in the Golan Heights"

 In other words- Israel will fire at "fixed points" on the Syrian side of the border.  Fixed points being towards their AQ/Al Nusra rebels. AQ/ Al Nusra, the ‘rebels’ Israel has been backing for years and years now will respond to the "exercise fire" with a barrage of mortars.

Commanders in the field put theoretical defensive plans into action using aircraft and combat helicopters alongside tank-fire, artillery guns and even hundreds of reserve fighters who participated in the exercise.

Theoretical defense plans will be put INTO action including tanks, helicopters, artillery guns and hundreds of reservists- who all coincidentally participated in the exercise

The Northern Command estimates that despite the relative quiet on the Golan Heights, strategists suggest it is quite possible an errant jihadist organization pushed into a corner by Assad's army, or by competing organizations, could try to carry out an attack in Israel in order to draw it over the border, into Syria's civil war.

Let's repeat that! 

"The Northern Command estimates that despite the relative quiet on the Golan Heights" , "an errant jihadist" , "could try to carry out an attack in Israel in order to draw it over the border" into Syria's civil war.

And Israel will be happy to provide the pretext by "firing at fixed points on the Syrian side of the border"

In light of this concern, the main jihadist organization in the Syrian Golan, *Nusra Front, who hitherto has not fired a single shot toward Israel* may try to do so in the future.

 Of course, Nusra Front, Israel’s Islamist army, will fire a shot “in response” to Israel’s provocation- This is tag teaming/cooperation/working together of Israel & it’s jihadi forces to steal the rest of the Golan. Minimally. Possibly even more. Let's digress and entertain the scenario in which Israel attempts to connect itself with the fledgling Kurdistan.

- Maybe, Israel will attempt to take enough territory to connect itself to their cohorts in Kurdistan?  September 24/2014The Kurds: Israel's not so improbable ally

Which is why Turkey has become the pariah state. Something I've been writing about since last year. When I published Part 1- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey.

Followed by : Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey 

Then November 2014: Kurdistan. NATO’s new Southern Flank?

Pt-3: Destabilizing Turkey. Pre- Election Bombing/Explosion at Kurdish RallyAnd a ton of other stuff in between, before and after!Digression over let's get back to those Israeli plans

The remaining border areas are in the control of rebel groups, primarily Nusra Front, whereas Hezbollah militants are not operating near the border fence as most of them have left the Golan Heights in recent months to reinforce their postions on the Syria-Lebanon border, but hundreds still remain deep in the Golan Heights.Regarding Islamic State, they have begun to move their focus from north and eastern Syria to the south during the past few months. They are still far from the border fence and are 70 kilometers from Israel in the Druze mountains.

IDF What about the Druze?

With respect to the Druze, The Northern Command has drawn up plans to deal with a situation in which rebels try to occupy the Druze village of Hader. Many of the 12,000 inhabitants have relatives in Israeli Druze villages. The plans include Israel assistance and messages regarding these plans have already been sent to the various rebel groups.

Rebels try to occupy the Druze village of Hader- "The plans include Israel assistance and messages regarding these plans have already been sent to the various rebel groups"

That reads exactly the scenario that would be expected of Israel- They will assist their Islamist jihadis with occupation of the Druze village and have already sent messages to the various rebel groups regarding these plans.Ynet includes footage set to music to demonstrate their 'awesomeness' LOLI think all war is nauseating, but, am including it because it makes me think of the series I've been posting on music and mind control- How music affects your mindThis is likely all connected to the removal of the patriot missiles from Turkey. Mentioned yesterday.

Netherlands, US & Germany withdrawing Turkey based Patriot Missile Batteries