Netherlands, US & Germany withdrawing Turkey based Patriot Missile Batteries

 Also! Woe, woe woe for the transgender Turks -  Standard Demonization via Identity Politics  brought to us all by the CBC- Canadian Brainwashing Corporation. Payed for with Canadian taxpayer dollars Look  at the bottom of this post for the identity politics spin. First, pick your link for Patriot Missile news or peruse them allLinkLink  & Link

Germany, the United States and the Netherlands all deployed Patriots in early 2013 after Turkey asked its fellow NATO partners for help in protecting its territory amid an escalating civil war in Syria. The Dutch ended their mission earlier this year and were replaced by the Spanish.

 Following a report in German news magazine Der Spiegel alleging that the German Armed Forces would be pulling out of Turkey when their current deployment ends at the beginning of 2016, officials from the German Ministry of Defense confirmed to news broadcaster Deutsche Welle that they would be withdrawing the troops when their parliamentary mandate expires on January 31st.

 Washington would withdraw its Patriot missile batteries from the country in October

 So, the Netherlands has already ended their mission earlier this year- replaced by SpainThe US and Germany will remove missiles and partners by the end of 2015- No talk of replacement

Washington remains "committed to supporting Turkey's air defence capabilities, including against ballistic missile risks and threats... and its security and regional stability."

 "It does not reflect a decision by the NATO Alliance to reduce support for Turkey's air defence," the official told AFP.

Washington does NOT remain committed to supporting Turkey via it's air defencesAnd this does indeed reflect a decision by the NATO alliance to reduce support for Turkeyh/t also to anonymous linkie person for the heads up regarding the missile newsRecall?

NATO Bows Out on Turkey. Turkey and Article 4

Demonization/ perception management/identity politics of the same kind we saw used to attack  Russia, rears it's ugly head this time against Turkey  Being transgender in Turkey: Some say they live in 'empire of fear'The empire of fear..This spin story coming hot on the heels of Erdogan's Palace:

Erdogan "ensconced in his Palace"- Yup, it's the dreaded Dictator/Palace Meme!