P5+1 is a distraction. Early Seeds of Iranian destabilization cross the Turkish border

The seeds of an Iranian destabilization are being  sown- All the while the destruction of Turkey by Kurdish forces is on full display, for those with eyes to see.Briefly:There is a pattern of moving the destabilization agenda along: Tunisia to Libya, after Egypt,  Libya to Syria, Syria to Turkey- Turkey to Iran- Heading eventually towards the Russian border-The situation is fluid, clearly. One occurrence sets up the next one or two, building off of each situation. Or, am I the only one noticing?1-Turkish soldier, Iranian killed in PKK attack

A Turkish soldier and an Iranian national were killed in an attack by militants of the outlawed Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) in eastern Turkey on Friday, private Dogan news agency reported.A group of PKK members tried to stop several trucks and a bus from neighboring Iran between the town of Dogubayazit of Agri province and town of Caldiran of Van province on Friday noon, the report said.They attacked the bus as it did not stop, killing a Turkish soldier and an Iranian assistant bus driver and also wounding three Iranian nationals.

So the PKK attempted to ambush the bus?Seems likely. Also interesting that the PKK are digging trenches, and heavily armed.

On Friday at least two people were killed and 10 others injured in clashes between PKK members and the Turkish security forces in southeastern Sirnak province of Turkey, private Dogan News Agency reported.The clashes erupted as the security forces came to Silopi town of Sirnak in order to close ditches that were dug by PKK sympathizers, said the report.The PKK militants opened fire with rocket launchers and long barreled weapons to the police officers, injuring a police officer among others.

 PKK is digging trenches in Turkey, armed to the teeth. When security services arrive to prevent the trench digging the PKK opens fire.

 A youth organization called "YDG-H," which linked to the PKK, has been digging ditches to prevent the Turkish security forces from entering in the region, according to the report.

 Some 40,000 people have been killed since 1984 when the armed PKK launched its first attack. A bit more on the situation:  Kurdish attacks on more things Turkish and IranianAttack halts flow in natural gas pipeline from Iran to Turkey

Saboteurs attacked a pipeline carrying natural gas from Iran to Turkey in Turkey’s eastern province of Agri late on Monday, halting the flow, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz and state gas company Botas said.

Sabateurs- this is the Globe and Mail- NATO media in CanadaSecond Passenger Train Attacked In Eastern Turkey

A second passenger train was attacked in the early hours of Friday morning following a similar attack a day earlier, police said.The service, which runs between Iran and Turkey, was hit by a blast from a remotely detonated landmine just after midnight,

So, we have an Iranian bus with passengers heading into Turkey. A natural gas pipeline from Iran to Turkey. And not one, but 2 trains in a roughly 24 hour period, that runs between Iran and Turkey.Making this phone conversation all the more timely! Rouhani urges Iran-Turkey cooperation in anti-terror fight

In a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart Receb Tayyib Erdogan on Wednesday, Rouhani regretted the “destructive role” of terrorist groups in instigating insecurity in Iraq and Syria, saying Tehran and Ankara should draw up a joint plan to uproot terrorism, ISNA reported.The president added that the chaotic situation requires more cooperation between Iran and Turkey, as the two influential countries in the region.“This condition of insecurity will undoubtedly leave its adverse effect on neighboring countries,” Rouhani said, adding, “These developments and the situation of the region necessitate the expansion of Iran-Turkey consultations.”Rouhani said any anti-terror operation needs to be cooperated with the central governments of violence-stricken states, warning that if such cooperation is not materialized, even “bigger problems” may emerge.The president reiterated that Tehran and Ankara have always stood by each other throughout the toughest of times, saying Iran attaches significance to the further enhancement of relations with Turkey.

One last item, almost forgot!- Headline US trained rebels fighting in Syrian unaccounted for?

Many of the Syrian rebels trained by the United States to fight ISIS are unaccounted for in the northern part of the country and some have been found in Turkey, a U.S. official said Thursday

The U.S. must rely on the 54 rebels, known as the New Syrian Forces, to report their movements since they fall under the U.S. chain of command, Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said earlier Thursday. He said they have the means to communicate with the U.S. military, but that it didn't mean they provided regular updates about their positions.

They have the means to communicate and seem to be right where they should be, so are they really "unaccounted for" or are you just supposed to believe that? From earlier today: