This Date In History: 70 Years Ago Today, The United States Unnecessarily Dropped The Uranium Nuclear Bomb, Little Boy, On Hiroshima

Yes, today marks the 70th anniversary of that terrible day when an American B29 stratofortress bomber, named "Enola Gay" opened its bomb bays over the peaceful city of Hiroshima Japan at approximately 812am Japan time....And sent one bomb on its way hurtling down to the city below.... That bomb was an Uranium 235 based "rail gun" device code named "Little Boy".... At 815am, the device exploded in a fireball some 150 meters in diameter... It also released a massive blast shock wave that obliterated the city below it killing some 150000 innocent people in an instant, while leaving some 100000 more to feel the ravages of radiation sickness for years to come,  and changed the world forever.... Being a student of real history, I can say unequivocally that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was indeed unnecessary and after researching the facts for years, I can safely say that it was indeed an act of cold blooded murder and genocide on the Japanese people.... We have always been led to believe that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima (and Nagasaki 3 days later) was to "save American lives" and quickly put an end to the war with Japan... I find the real facts to be different, and I will explain why....After the Japanese naval defeat at the Phillipine Sea battle of June 19th-20th, 1944, sometimes called the "Great Marianas Turkey Shoot" where the Japanese lost 3 heavy aircraft carriers, and their entire naval air fleet was utterly destroyed, the Japanese government forced the resignation of Hideki Tojo's cabinet and placed Prince Fumimaro Konoye in the office of Prime Minister... Konoye was no fool and realized that the Japanese had been thoroughly beaten and that the war against America was a lost cause... Within a few weeks, his cabinet sent out "peace negotiators" to seek honorable terms with the American government for Japan's surrender.. However, the negotiations reached a stalemate, due to the American demands that Japan surrender "unconditionally".....The Japanese nation before and well into World War II had been governed with the religious belief under "Shintoism" that their Emperor, Hirohito, was somehow "divine", and that almost unshakeable belief was a major stumbling block for the Japanese in their want to end the war... The Japanese negotiators in 1944 were trying to have one single term placed into the Unconditional Surrender terms outlined by the Americans, in that they be allowed to keep their Emperor as the head of state, even if it means in a "figurehead" capacity... The Americans basically said "no deal" to this request, and the war continued....Few people are even aware that when Japan finally did surrender on August 14th, 1945, the terms were indeed agreed that the Emperor was to be allowed to continue as the Japanese head of state, but only in a "figurehead" position.... So the question that everyone should be asking is .... WHY did the war continue after 1944 if the simple terms that the Japanese asked for at that time were actually agreed upon with the final surrender? That unwillingness by the American government at the time cost the lives of some 100000 more allied troops in the unnecessary invasions of the Phillipines, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and even Borneo and Burma.....I have read many works by authors such as Eustice Mullins, that show that the war was indeed carried on for another full year against Japan, costing my innocent lives in the process, for not only the military industrial complex, the criminal Jewish banking cartels, but for the testing of the ultimate Jewish weapon, the A-bomb, on the innocent civilian population of Japan.... It does appear now that their information is indeed correct....The United States with the Manhattan Project in full swing by late 1944, had already invested at the time some 2 BILLION dollars in 1944 dollars on the development of the atomic bomb, and it does appear that the criminals involved in the Jew Roosevelt government did not want the project to end abruptly and wanted to make sure that the experiment was a success... It does appear that these monsters did not care about the lives of innocent people that would be murdered in the process.....Therefore by mid 1945, the American scientists had three nuclear devices developed and ready for testing... One was the "rail gun" Uranium device code named "Little Boy", and two Plutonium 239 "implosion" devices... One of the Plutonium based devices was subsequently detonated at the Trinity site in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945 while the other, code named "Fat Man" was loaded, along with Little Boy, on the American cruiser Indianapolis and sent to Tinian Island in the Marianas...... Yes, the facts have been coming out over the years that Hiroshima was indeed unnecessary, and can now be seen as an act of cold blooded murder and genocide....The Jewish criminal scientists involved in the Manhattan Project had their "super weapon" and wanted to have it tested on innocent lives and they got it when Enola Gay dropped their device over Hiroshima...I came across the following report, that has a great amount of actual photos of the carnage that resulted in Hiroshima from that one single weapon... I want to present the link to that article here for all to see... and others in this, the "real" truth movement, have been honoring this day for the real victims of the murderous American attack on the innocent city of Hiroshima.....  People everywhere must understand that we have all been lied to purposely in our so called "History books" about the real truths about this fateful day, and it is again time for the real story to be told!More to comeNTS