Islamic State Woos Kurdish Attackers in Turkey- Damage Control Extraordinaire

Coming hot on the heels of SAS/ISIS damage control: SAS dress as ISIS fighters in undercover war on jihadis- Humour?! Today we see the Wall Street Journal is engaging in the Kurds/ ISIS spin/damage control.Damage control defined for clarification: measures taken to offset or minimize damage to reputation, credibility, or public image.Why might damage control be necessary at this time? The short answer is because their have been 2, yes 2, suicide bombings that took place in Turkey- both linked to Kurds affiliated with ISIS.  Then there is also the problem of how it is that Turkey attacking ISIS is the same as Turkey attacking Kurds?And that dear readers is a HUGE problem! Because those occurrences suggest that rather then having a combative relationship, ISIS and Kurds have a cooperative relationship.Huge problem? What?The perception managing media has been spoon feeding us drivel for months and months now about "heroic Kurds" Kurds as the only successful fighters, beating ISIS. Kurds being the polar opposite of ISIS.  Lots of nonsense like that. Of course, readers here know I have a different thoughts on KurdIShIS. But for now we'll focus on media presented spin and the necessary damage controlHeadline: How Turkey’s Fight Against ISIS Advances Its War Against the Kurds What?! Turkey's fight against ISIS should aid the Kurds in every way shape and form.ISIS, according to the media, being absolutely opposite of the Kurds.  The Kurds being those that, we are told, fight tooth and nail against ISIS? So, the question is very clearly: How then could Turkey's fight against ISIS advance war against the Kurds?The obvious answer is:  Turkey's fight against ISIS can only advance the war against the Kurds if the Kurds and ISIS are one and the same! Or as I have called them for so long now KurdIShIS. Let's move on to the very necessary damage control WSJ, again: Working hard to cover up the very blatant connection. The connection that was made all the more clear when Kurdish persons undertook 2 suicide bombings in Turkey. And when Turkey's bombing of  ISIS in Syria, which is being confirmed and applauded all over the place, was reported as somehow affecting Kurds? Perhaps the Kurds & ISIS are standing right next to one another?Headline: ISIS Woos Kurdish Attackers In TurkeyThat headline acknowledges ISIS/Kurdish cooperation in terror, but, plays up the 'poor me' spin. Also known as playing the Victim Card: Victim playing (also known as playing the victim or self-victimization) is the fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking.Israel always plays the victim card

 Orhan Gonder was a quiet, studious Kurdish teenager who went out of his way to help people, according to those who knew him in this small Turkish city near the Syrian border.So when he started frequenting a tea house known as an Islamic State recruiting center last year, his parents went to the police and implored them to detain their son before he could do any harm. On June 5, the 20-year old set off a bomb at a Kurdish political rally in the nearby city of Diyarbakir, killing four people and injuring dozens, officials said.

Was he a 'studious' Kurdish teen? I don't know?

 And two weeks ago, another young Kurd from Adiyaman blew himself up in the middle of a rally of student activists, killing 31 people preparing to go help rebuild Kobani, the Syrian-Kurdish town that overcame a long Islamic State assault in January.The two attacks exposed a troubling phenomenon: Islamic State appears to be successfully wooing young Turkish Kurds, while their kinsmen in Iraq and Syria—for the most part—are taking up arms against Islamic State. Kurdish militants in Syria, backed by U.S.-led airstrikes, have become the single most effective fighting force on the ground against the extremist group.

"The two attacks exposed a troubling phenomenon" But not the one Wall Street Journal wants you to think about. It exposes the same one I've talked about for far too long now! KurdIShIS!Understanding the damage control? It's being poured on thick and fast!

Some Kurds have been seduced by the allure of the Islamic State’s vision of carving out a caliphate and imposing its fearsome interpretation of Islam.On the face of it, Adiyaman seems like a challenging recruiting ground for Islamic State. This city of 250,000 has never embraced Kurdish nationalism the way much of southeastern Turkey have. But high unemployment combined with a dominant conservative Islamic culture have created a climate for Islamic State to step in and attract recruits with decent salaries and young wives.

You are supposed to believe that these are 'persons disloyal' to the Kurdish cause. You and I cannot verify that spin in any way shape or form. This is a narrative being spun after the fact to explain away Kurdish involvement with ISIS.Read the rest for yourself at ISIS Woos Kurdish Fighters WSJ linkFlashback to an older post- some may have read it and some didn't. If you haven't, now might be a good time

Written and posted prior to the Kurdish perpetrated bombings in Turkey. Varying articles and a video included.Also relinking:  Turkey: ISIS/Kurds & the Good Vs Evil Narrative

  Every time you allow yourself to be taken in by a presented, simplistic, good vs evil narrative you will be made more foolish for it