Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 2nd, 2015

Yes, it is now the 2nd of August.... I am back from a much needed vacation, and it is time to get back to doing my weekly rant...There has been a lot going on in our world over the last two weeks, and even though I did a "mini" rant just two days ago,  there is still so much more to talk about....First, I periodically get questioned as to how I do these rants, and I will be honest.. I just sit down as I am doing right now and basically just type what comes to mind after surfing for hours on what is happening around our planet... I do not have any notes or any prepared material of any kind at hand.....No need.... I just basically "let her rip" and type away only stopping periodically just to correct errors or sentence structure....  I do feel this gives my rants a more "personal feel".....As I stated in my "mini" rant,  I am absolutely not sold on Donald Trump as President of the United States, and nobody else should be as well... The man is a proven Jew butt kisser, and has shown many times that he is a loud mouth buffoon that basically says anything and cares not about the consequences.. Granted, he has been absolutely right when it comes to the immigration issue and has been spot on when it comes to that idiot from Arizona, John McCain... But the man is hopeless when it comes to world issues and has a poor understanding of even domestic issues across America... I am again standing firm on my conviction that the man has been selected as the latest and greatest "saviour" that the Jews have selected to lead the masses, only to have the rug pulled out and leaving many people disillusioned much like the same trick they did using their previous "saviour" Ron Paul... It does seem that the script has been written where Trump will be used to ruin the Republican party vote and thus allow one of the big Jew ass kissers over on the Democratic ticket to be their selected stooge for President....I have long wondered about the American Presidential system and WHY the American people have failed to even look at any "3rd Party" representative... Considering the damage inflicted on the American republic by the clowns running on both the Democratic and Republican tickets, WHY have the people not opened their shallow minds and looked at anyone else?   Heck, if it comes down to the criminal John Ellis (Jeb) Bush versus the ultra criminal and psychotic Jewess Hillary Rodham Bligh (again, the real last name of the "Clintons"), then anyone running as an independent or even a write in candidate is much better by a long shot...... But again, it appears that the power of the Jew spew media is omnipotent again and brainwashes the gullible fools in America to vote for criminal A or criminal B and therefore for their own enslavement!  I would put it mildly, but basically the American electoral system is truly one fucked up mess.....Well, getting away from the truly screwed up American political circus, there is trouble again brewing across the planet..... And of course we can thank the psychotic and insane state of Israel for much of the grief.... Over the last few days, that psychotic state has begun calling up its reservists in the IDF and has openly launched attacks across its border into Syria.... I would say that the truly psychotic and insane Prime Minister of Isra-Hell, Benyamin Miliewkosky, the failed Khazar Lithuanian born New York used furniture salesman, is having a real fit now that his plans for the attack and destruction of the innocent nation of Iran is falling to pieces as the nations that agreed on the P5+1 nuclear agreement are about to sign off and free Iran from sanctions.... The lunatic Israeli psycho is obviously a poor loser and is now willing to launch attacks on nations around Israel, especially Lebanon and Syria, just to show the world that his criminal nation means business and to again show the world that Israel is indeed a mad dog......Of course lunatic "Binny" is not letting the Iranian nuclear deal get signed off without having his minions in the US government try to stop the deal in the US Congress... But again, if these fools do stop the deal, then the entire world may finally wake up to the realization that the US is entirely controlled by the Jewish criminals and is nothing more than a puppet of the state of Israel... It may also finally open the dumbed down and chemicalized American people to the truth that their own nation is absolutely nothing more than a slave of Jewish interests...I have been slammed a lot by readers who claim that my articles and rants are nothing more than "antisemitic" and many ask "why do I hate the Jews so much?".... I have to repeat periodically that I am not a hater and that I only cannot stand criminals... If the actions of the Jewish people would actually be for the benefit of all mankind, then I would look at them in a different light... But since the majority of the Jews are taught to hate the rest of mankind's guts (written right in their own Talmud) and many have been working constantly for the enslavement of us all, then the ludicrous notion that I am a "hater" falls apart immediately.... How can one be a hater of these people who themselves are truly the haters of everyone other than their own "chosen ones"?Lets face the truth here... If the Jews that control all of the world's financial systems actually cared about the rest of mankind, then they would wipe out the debts incurred across the planet in an instant... It can be done since all debts are truly artificial and can be wiped out by the stroke of a pen.....It would be no loss to them considering their immense wealth and would be most favourable to themselves in the eyes of the world and in the realm of world opinion... However, it seems that they are purposely working at putting all nations across the planet under crushing odious debt as to put everyone under their control and enslavement forever....Again, I ask... What is there not to "hate" here?OK, I will admit something here.. I did watch a bit of the Jew spew media reports while sitting in my hotel room relaxing and I am truly shocked by the outright lies that the so called "news reporters" continue to promote... I found it especially shocking that so many spew these lies staring into the camera lenses with straight faces... It got to the point that I could not stand more than 5 minutes watching their trash and lies before turning the station to find something on the so called "entertainment" channels, or to turn to "Sports Centre" for what happened in the world of sports for the day... It is no wonder that the numbers of viewers to news outlets has collapsed, because who in their right minds can take the constant bullshit???The big news to me that came out over the last few days has been the reports of "pieces" of wreckage found on a remote island in the French Reunion chain in the south Indian Ocean... Many of the Jew spew networks have of course come to the quick conclusion that the parts are from the "missing" flight MH370 that "disappeared" over the Indian Ocean some 15+ months ago... As I stated in my mini rant, I am absolutely against this being from MH370 and I am standing firm on my own conviction that this is "planted" evidence to give the criminals that stole that aircraft back in March 2014 an excuse to finally have the MH370 mystery "solved" and let them get away with the crime.... The facts again are (a) the parts suddenly appear 15 months after the initial 'disappearance' which is astounding, and (b) it is just too convenient considering how quickly the Jew spew media climbed on board saying it was from MH370 without proper investigation, which makes me always smell a rat.... And just yesterday, I read Jim Stone's latest article showing strong evidence that the piece was indeed planted just to try to let the real criminals get away with theft and murder... I may have my differences with Jim Stone, considering his strange and sudden belief that NASA's fake moon missions were real, but the report on the fraudulence of this MH370 debris suddenly surfacing in the south Indian Ocean is very sound.....  I am calling a spade a spade, and this "debris" is indeed planted "evidence"... The truth will always be that MH370 was hijacked, flown to Diego Garcia where the passengers where murdered, and then used as the weapon of choice in the failed MH17 false flag operation over Ukraine...And speaking of that failed false flag operation called Malaysian flight MH17... It  has been over a year now since the US and Ukraine purposely had that robotically controlled craft blown out of the sky over Ukraine to blame Russia, and the criminals in the US and Ukraine are still harping the lie that "Russia did it"..... It is also so amazing that all attempts to get independent and unbiased investigators to actually go and check over the wreckage and come to the conclusion as to who exactly is to blame for the fiasco have been blocked by the US and Ukraine themselves!   Gee, I wonder why?   And it should be plain to anyone that uses a bit of thought can see that the Americans and Ukrainians do not want people to see what they are hiding.....I have read the reports coming out about how the state of California is now going to further their recent and horrid passing of the vaccination for all school aged children bill by making vaccinations also "mandatory" for all adults as well.... I find that so disgusting, considering that the truth is again that vaccines absolutely do NOT work, and in fact weaken the body's immune system making anyone that actually is gullible enough to take these shots of poison vulnerable to the very diseases that the vaccines are supposed to fight!   On top of that, I have seen many reports that show that vaccines are actually the optimum method to be used by criminals to modify the DNA of their intended victims... It is no wonder that the Jewish elite are behind the mandatory vaccination of the Gentiles.. They want to use these vaccines as their weapons of choice to modify our very being and/or to use them for mass sterilization...Granted, there are also so many reports that have come out that show the links between vaccines and the explosion of cases of Autism and other neurological disorders around the world... We only need to look at the ingredients within vaccines to see why.... Mercury alone, in the form of Thimerosal is not only poisonous to human health, but does indeed cause severe neurological damage to the human body and is indeed one of the key causes of Autism....   But again, there is a push now for the state of California to impose mandatory vaccination on all of its citizens, and we know that once California goes, then the rest of the United States (and Canada) will quickly follow.... I have said it many times and I will say it again... Everyone must do their utmost to defy and rebel against any planned "mandatory" vaccination scheme.....I see that the criminals behind Microsoft have officially released their latest version of their very corrupt operating system, "Windows" with version number "10"..... Yes, many of my computers and laptops have been running Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, but not by choice.. I preferred Windows 7 which I found to be very useful with few headaches.... But like Vista before it, Windows 8 was a real nightmare to navigate and to use for surfing.....  And lo and behold, here comes Microsoft with a system that they claim will "fix" all the problems of Windows 8, and they are willing to "upgrade" everyone to their newest operating system for "free".... I seriously have my reservations about version "10" considering all the reports over the alternative media, especially when it comes to security and privacy issues.... Many articles are showing that "Windows 10" is the criminal surveillance network's dream and has serious security flaws..... My recommendation is that if people truly want to 'upgrade' to wait until the initial bugs in this newest operating system are worked out first, and to read about how to protect themselves from spying eyes on this newest system, before downloading it.....Well, I guess that is enough of the biggest issues that have crossed my mind... It is good to be back after a much needed rest and actually spending time relaxing for a change... Now, as usual, I will close this rant with my usual "last minute tidbits" to cover some other subjects that I have not touched upon above, but are on everyone's minds......The economies of the world continue to collapse.  Nothing new here.  Again as I said before, all that anyone has to do is to take a trip to their local mall and look at all the empty and/or soon to be empty stores in all their glory.  The world is in deep economic trouble and the worse is still yet to come....... I jumped the gun a bit on Stephen Harper's call for a supposed snap election here in Canuckleheadistan, but it is coming as of this morning, and is set for October 19th, just 78 days from now. Yes, Stephen the dictator is wanting to be king of Canada again, and hopefully the fools that actually vote will select a knucklehead that is not a Jew butt kisser.  But considering this is Canada, and how much the Jews control this once free nation, there is a fat chance of that happening.......Again I have to ask, why are the people of Greece putting up with the bullshit from their own government?  They already said NO to austerity, and the crooks in control want another vote!  How many times must it be said that NO means NO and the Greek people have spoken.  The Jewish criminals behind the IMF austerity enslavement plans for Greece should take their debt and shove it up their asses!............Let me get this straight.  The US just tried another coup in another nation, this time Georgia and they have failed?  Gee, I guess the people around the world have finally awoken to the real goals of the crooked American government and what they mean by "regime change".............The American commonwealth nation of Puerto Rico is defaulting and is basically bankrupt.  Gee, with all the fluff going on about "The Donald" and other crap over the American Jew spew networks, WHY is the collapse of Puerto Rico not making the news?  It seems that fluff matters more than real news these days..........Yes, the Jewish created organization used for control of Gentiles called Planned Parenthood is finally dying and all I can say is good riddance.  A true waste of time and waste of lives that should have been put out of its misery years ago...........I am a happy man for next week the Barkley's Premiere League starts up again for a new season!  My soccer withdrawals are now finally over, and I will again be cheering for Arsenal to make a push for the "top of the table" and the championship.  Crossing my fingers as usual..........Some good news, for it seems that my good friend and colleague, Whitewraithe, is a happier person these days with many of her family issues resolved.   I am also crossing my fingers that she is able to secure some decent employment very soon.  As always, I wish her the best.........Two weeks on vacation, and nothing has changed when it comes to the situation at Fukushima Japan with the nuclear disaster there still going on strong.  It is amazing how the Jew spew news has an almost complete media blackout on that disaster that is far from over.   But again, wars for Israel always come first and foremost........And finally, for a change of pace, I will end this rant with not a look at the Kardashian clan, but to look at that American psycho, Hillary Rodham Bligh(t) (Clinton) and her follies.  Well, it appears that her royal highness, Hillary, who I call Killary for good reason, forced the closure of a major department store in NYC just last week, and forced the citizens of NYC away from the premises, so that she could have an $820 hair cut at an upscale salon.  That alone should be an outrage to the American people, and yet we hear of almost no outcry for this creature's lust for power and luxury at everyone's expense.  Yes, the Bligh (Clinton) crime family really does think of the rest of us as pions, and I need to ask WHY anyone in their right minds would vote for this psychopathic inhuman creature?   And here I thought the Kardashians were bad enough....More to comeNTS