Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 12th, 2015

  Sunday.... And time again for my weekly rant..Well, I am back... Sort of.... I am still suffering from a bit of "burn out" and will probably be taking it a bit easier over the next while..... I will be posting for the next while but a bit more sporadically....The fact is that I have been enduring a very grueling work schedule over the last while, and that has been coupled with high demands at home for work around here and of course some renovations... It was taking its toll on me and considering that I am indeed 55 years of age, it has been taking a bit longer to recuperate...My better half recommended that I take a bit of rest and relaxation time to again "recharge" my batteries, and even though I am very stubborn, I reluctantly have had to concur....Yes, I am a most complex individual with a mind that seems to constantly race at some 1000 km/hour.... I am constantly reading and trying at all times to keep abreast as to what is happening across the planet... But I do let my feelings sometimes take hold and I have had a sense of letdown from what I see happening....It is depressing to see that in spite of the efforts of myself and others in reaching out to people with the truth about the sickness around us, the most evil tribe members, the Jews, are winning the war for our future... It is so sad when I sit down for my usual ritual of having coffee in my local Tim Hortons restaurant, with my laptop open, to hear people around me talk about the most ridiculous subjects or to be oblivious to the criminality of the tribe as they ruin our society....It is even more difficult to sit with a group of colleagues and friends to discuss and debate anything without getting into an argument....Most of them honestly do not like to bring forward any issues of the day when I am around because they feel that I am a most "opinionated" individual.   They are fearful of my stance on anything because they know that I do not pull any punches and tell them the truth no matter how much it hurts..... Our "politically correct" society has indeed done its damage well.....Well, where to start on what the hell has been happening over the last week.... Obviously the situation in Greece has become an unmitigated disaster for the Greek people due to the ridiculous and criminal turncoat, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, now having the gall to go against the wishes of the people and going over the Brussels to discuss a new "bailout" package for the Greek nation... To me, the man is now a traitor to Greece and he should be removed from the office of Prime Minister immediately....Lets face facts here... The Greek people voted to tell the criminal Jew run IMF to take their austerity measures and shove it up their asses.....And yet, here we have this scoundrel Tsipras groveling to the IMF criminals who created the odious debt situation in Greece in the first place and begging them to impose even more unpayable debt on the Greek people.   It seems that the man is willing to commit political suicide and may indeed see the wrath of the Greek people as they rise up and throw his sorry ass out of office...The real kicker to the Tsipras situation is the fact that the criminal EU and the criminal US Government want him out as Greek Prime Minister, so that they can bring in another puppet that will bow down to their Jewish masters' wishes.  There is now no choice for the Greek people other than to again rise up and throw the Syriga Government out and bring in a person that actually has the balls to tell the IMF and EU to stick it.... That person then must do what Iceland did and arrest and jail the Jewish criminal bankers in Greece responsible for the mess in the first place... After that, the Greeks must tell the EU and IMF that their debt is defaulted and reset to zero.... After that, they must withdraw from the EU, start printing their own money (the Drachma..and hopefully interest free...) and seek union with the BRICS nations.....  There is in fact no other alternative, unless the Greek people suddenly want a future of perpetual enslavement....I have been watching the ridiculous "political correctness" problem now run amok in the once great United States of America, and I can not help but shake my head... The purpose of the most recent false flag and very fraudulent "shooting" in Charleston South Carolina is now revealing itself as the Jew spew media and the American government is working diligently in removing all sense of opposition to the criminal US regime and police state through the fraud of "political correctness".  The problem is that the gullible and most ignorant American people are falling for this trap as they willingly take down symbols of resistance from tyranny...The big issue of the "Confederate flag" in the United States is absolutely ridiculous.  The so called "Confederate flag" that has been called, though falsely, the "Stars and Bars" has never ever been a symbol of "slavery" or "tyranny" as the Jew spew media has portrayed, but has always been a symbol of rebellion and resistance to such tyranny!   The flag itself was never ever the official flag of the Confederate States of America, but was originally carried by both the Army of Northern Virginia, and several regiments fighting in Tennessee.....It symbolized the resistance of the people against the imposition of control by the centralgovernment of Washington and symbolized the rights of the states to impose the laws on their own people, and not the federal government.... It has been so amazing and yet troubling to me to watch this insane push by people in the American south to be so easily brainwashed by the lies of the Jew spew media and go around removing the "Stars and Bars" from all public and private establishments, without knowing exactly what that proud flag symbolized....Are the people of the United States truly that stupid?One other troubling note about this "political correctness" run amok in the US was the recent push by the Mayor of Memphis Tennessee to actually consider the removal of the graves of Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife due to the misconceptions of what that Civil War General stood for... Most Americans are oblivious to the truths about General Forrest and his actions in Tennessee during that war, and many are even more oblivious to what he did after that conflict ended in 1865.   The Jew spew media has tried its best to vilify Forrest for years, without telling about his superb tactics during the Civil War that are still taught to military tacticians to this day, and how he stood against the tyranny that Washington DC brought into Tennessee with the "Reconstruction" period immediately after the Civil war and how he stood for the rights of the newly freed black slaves..... Instead we now have the people of Tennessee now brainwashed into supporting the idea of desecrating his grave in Memphis, all for the fraud of "political correctness"... I agree with several Tennesseans, including my friends Whitewraithe and Buelahman, that it is an abomination!OK, I usually never ever discuss the circus that is the American political system, especially when it comes to the clowns running for the office of US President, but I have been asked many times over the last week my impressions of Donald Trump and his own "politically incorrect" statements... Well, guess what... The man is absolutely 100% correct with his statements about illegal immigrants in the United States.... "The Donald" as he is laughingly called at times, is absolutely right when he called illegal immigrants criminals, because basically they all are criminals because of their "illegal" status living in the United States.   That, and he is correct in the aspect that the percentage of crimes being done by these illegals compared to legal citizens of the United States is phenomenally high.   It seems that in American states where "illegals" are in a vast majority, the crime rates have indeed skyrocketed, and the correlation cannot be overlooked....  Yes, most Americans that have been brainwashed by the lies of the Jew spew media are now clamoring all over Donald Trump for his stance, but the man is absolutely right.....Sadly, we will be witnessing the Jew spew media work overtime now in trying to destroy "The Donald" before he becomes a threat to their control over America, and the gullible American people will fall for it as usual....Then we have that other psychopath that is in the running for office of US President, Jewess Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) who has been sucking up to Jewish power brokers in America by doing everything possible to show her undying love for Israel and all the criminality that psychotic nation stands for..... It is so disgusting to read and watch as this psychopath goes around the United States, demanding ridiculous amounts of money and frills just to make speaking engagements, and spew her lies to people stupid enough to actually support her....  To me, this woman is probably the second most dangerous person alive in the world right now, right behind psychopath Miliewkosky (Netanyahu), for her revelations that if she is ever "elected" to US President, she would immediately attack Iran and most probably plunge the entire planet into World War III. It is my hope that the American people, at least those who still have 1/2 a brain and yet vote in the upcoming American "primaries" and "election" do NOT vote for this creature....Of course while most people have had their minds turned to mush by this insane rush for "political correctness", there have been happenings elsewhere... It does appear that all this fluff put out by the Jew spew media has again been done purposely to divert peoples' attention away from what really matters.....Few people are aware about how the situation in Syria has again turned dire, due to the US and Israel continuing to use their fraud of "ISIS" to create havoc in that most innocent nation.  That, and just last week, the US Government has again tried to push the lie that Bashar al-Assad "gassed" his own people some two years ago to the United Nations Security Council in a vain attempt to have Syria destroyed.  Yes, these lunatics will not give up, and considering that all other attempts to ruin Syria have backfired or blown up in their faces, they are resorting to regurgitating the lies of the "gassing", hoping this time it sticks.....And of course we have the ridiculous Iran P5+1 meetings still going, in spite of missing the June 30th 'deadline' that have reached an impasse due to the ridiculous and impossible demand put forward by the US that ALL of Iran's military facilities be open for "inspection"... As I have said before, no nation should ever allow such a request, and the Iranians have rightfully refused such a ludicrous demand..... Yes, the criminal and psychotic state of Israel is behind this latest roadblock because they want the Iran deal to fall apart and thus use their Jew spew media to promote the lie that Iran caused the failure of the P5+1 talks and thus promote the lie that there is no other alternative to prevent Iran from "building nuclear weapons" other than war... These psychos want war with Iran, and they want their American puppets to do all the fighting and dying in such a war.....The bottom line is that the last deadline for the Iranian nuclear deal is supposedly this Monday (unless they delay it again...) and there will be NO deal simply because the psychotic state of Israel will have their American puppets destroy any hopes that a deal can be reached....Yes, there has been a lot that I have missed in my short absence, and I will be back to putting up articles to cover these key issues very soon.... And as usual, I will end this week's rant with my "last minute tidbits" to hopefully cover some of those issues briefly........The Chinese stock market is in a state of full collapse with dire consequences for the entire planet, and few people around here have noticed?  Yes, the Jew spew media has done its best at covering up this disaster and keeping most people focused on garbage and fluff.......Ukraine has been on a spending spree it seems as it continues to order more expensive and very lethal American armaments for their push to slaughter civilians in the eastern provinces.  Amazing how they are able to obtain these weapons, considering their national economy is a disaster and actually much worse than Greece.  And of course these weapons are bought and paid for by gullible American taxpayers.......News came out this week that sales of that ridiculous "Apple Watch" have turned into a disaster and have basically fallen off the cliff.  Honestly, I cannot understand the love affair of gullible people as they would be willing to fork out up to several thousands of dollars for a truly piece of junk.  PT Barnum was right when he said that there is a sucker born every minute......There is supposed to be a "ceasefire" right now in Yemen, and yet we find reports of the Saudis continuing to launch airstrikes against civilians there.  That and finally some media outlets are reporting about the unmitigated human disaster unfolding there as some 20+ million civilians are at risk of mass genocide through starvation.  Yes, Yemen is a disaster, and we can thank the tribe and their minions in the United States for creating that mess in the first place.......The psychotic state of Israel is still fighting the UN over the recently released reports about Israel's genocidal attacks on Gaza last year.  The fact is Israel is absolutely guilty of committing acts of mass murder against the Palestinian people and should be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity.  However, considering the total control that Israel has over their American slaves, they will never stand trial for their crimes......"Jade Helm" is set to kick off next week in the United States, and we may indeed see new and more deadly false flags happening during these "exercises".  Be ready, America, for they are coming.....New reports came out last week showing how the Lougheed Martin F35 is on top of all its other failings too slow for any air to air combat at all.  Lets face facts here that this $1.5 TRILLION dollar program has been an unmitigated disaster, and that the US should go back to the drawing board and develop a real 'fighter' plane.....Nothing new to report about the still ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima Japan.  The reactors are still in meltdown and the situation is still out of control.  But hey, it does not make for great Jew spew reporting, when political correctness in American is now run amok.......More lies from the Global Warming camp as they try to find excuses as to why the planet is not 'overheating' as they have long predicted.  These liars have nothing left now but their lies and they are still trying to push their bullshit in what I have called in poker terms "raising on a busted flush".......With the state of California stupidly passing laws that force all school aged children in the state to be vaccinated, I wonder where all the public outcry has been against this travesty?  Are the American people really that stupid?  And are they willing to allow criminals to inject mind and body destroying poisons into their bodies?..... And of course, I will finish this rant with my usual shots at the Kardashian clan of idiots, trolls, trollops, and misfits.  For this week, I have only one of these creatures to focus on that says it all about how ridiculous these creatures are;  "Caitlyn" Brucie Jenner.   I rest my case....More to comeNTS