Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 5th, 2015

 Sunday... The expected attack by the Israeli Mossad and US CIA created and directed group known as "ISIS" in the United States on the 4th of July did not happen yesterday as many had predicted.... And it is time for my weekly rant...Yes, the regular media and the alternative media was filled over the last week with predictions that the fraudulent "terrorist" group called 'ISIS' was going to do something nasty in the continental United States for the American 4th of July holiday, and...Nothing happened!I did not put out any reports about this impending "attack" because I had a gut feeling that absolutely nothing was going to happen on American Independence Day, and I decided to reluctantly go with my gut feeling.. It seemed too obvious with all the fraud Jew spew media pouring out their usual false reports and lies that this very fraudulent "terrorist" group would do nothing against the United States yesterday...For if ISIS did an act of aggression against the United States on that day, then the American people would quickly put two and two together and realize that ISIS was indeed a fraud.... Therefore the Israeli and Americans that run that group knew they would be better off doing absolutely nothing on July 4th.... But yes, an attack on America is still coming, but the US and Israeli Governments have both agreed to not signal when that attack will occur to keep their fraud ISIS "evil" and "unpredictable".....Yes, yesterday was the American 4th of July day of "Independence", but as I and others have stated in many articles, the American people are absolutely NOT "free" and "independent" by a long shot..... There is NO freedom in America at all these days with that once great nation now a shadow of its former greatness... The US Government has basically gutted all civil rights and freedoms as they continue to shred that articles and amendments in the US Constitution right in front of the American people... The US has rapidly become a police state where the American people can be arrested and detained with their rights to a fair trial no longer valid... And as we have seen with the recent fraud "bombings" anyone can be fingered as the culprit even though innocent, and then face a kangaroo court in a laughably ludicrous justice system where they are already guilty though proven innocent and then face the death penalty. The sad part about what has been happening to the once great American nation is that the American people are now too dumbed down and chemicalized by their Jew spew media and foods in their diets to do anything to stop the decline and collapse......As I have stated many times, the day will come when the United States as a "free" society is no more, and on that day most Americans will suddenly find themselves as slaves with many then asking what the hell just happened... Only then it will be much too late to have done anything to stop the slide into tyranny....This is truly a day that may go down in history... Today of course the Greek people have the golden opportunity to say 'OXI' (NO) in their national referendum to decide the fate of their nation.... We are already aware of the doom and gloom that the Jew spew media is portraying if the Greek nation decides to say NO to the European Union and criminal Jew run IMF "austerity" measures that basically will enslave Greece for all eternity....But as I have stated many times, the "sky will not fall" if the Greek people say NO and decide to tell the IMF and the EU to take their "austerity" and shove it up their asses.....We again only need to look at the Icelandic model where the people of Iceland back in 2010 decided to say NO to EU/IMF austerity and tell the Jewish criminal banksters to take their odious debt that had been crushing Iceland and shove it..... Then the Icelandic people not only told the IMF to stick it, but they also took the rightful step in either arresting, or throwing out of the country, the criminal Jewish bankers.....The result has been an Iceland that has been not only rapidly recovering, but has now been one of the most economically prosperous nations on the planet.....  Yes, Greece can do exactly the same thing and I do expect the results for the Greek nation with a NO vote to be very much the same....But of course we have the Jew spew media running their lying articles that if the Greeks vote NO, then there will be doom and gloom for Greece and possibly the entire EU.... But the fact is that these liars know that if Greece votes NO, then other nations in the EU will look at Greece and quickly follow suit by also saying no to austerity measures and odious debt....This is why the liars in the Jew spew media have been told to continue to push for the "Yes" vote and have been filling our Talmudvisions with reports about why a "Yes" vote in Greece is necessary.....And of course with the referendum vote, I do suspect we will see, just like in the fraud Scottish referendum of last year, many of the ballots being tainted and in cities and regions around Greece many Yes votes in areas that would strongly vote NO..... Yes, the criminals will resort to vote rigging, and hopefully the Greek officials are onto this attempted scam......We shall see.....One other note about the Greek crisis.. I have been asked my opinion of the Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, and the suspicions that he is actually an IMF operative.   I have been looking at some articles about this man and his background, and yes, he may be part of a very dirty game being played with the Greek people by the IMF... I suspect that he may indeed be there to make sure that even if the Greek people vote "NO", that they will still be enslaved to the IMF..... It is my hope that if and when the Greek people do finally say no to austerity and do what Iceland did in jailing the people responsible for their debt mess, that Varoufakis is exposed and arrested as well....I have had some comments and emails sent my way asking why I have not reported on the horrendous Supreme Court of the United States decision last week in ruling in favor of legalizing Gay and Lesbian marriages across the United States.... I have been absolutely limiting all of my articles at this blog on this subject because to me, homosexuality is an abomination plain and simple....I need only to turn to the fact as to WHO has been seen in full support of this legalization of homosexual marriage... Lo and behold the primary support of that horrendous act by the US Supreme Court has been the Jewish "rights" groups right in America.... I have a question for people... WHY is it always these Jewish criminals that are always applauding these actions that turn society upside down?...... The simple fact that the Jews are the ones that are suddenly so happy to see the rights to homosexual marriages become the law of the land in the United States should be a warning signal and a red flag for everyone.......Must I again point out that it is right in the horrendous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion where one of the articles clearly states that the Jews will promote such abominations as homosexuality as a means of destroying families and especially for the destruction of all the "Goyim"?   This legalized "Gay and Lesbian marriages" law shows again the the Protocols are indeed real and that the criminal Jews are absolutely following that blueprint for world domination to the letter...Yes, I have always seen homosexuality as an abomination and something that should never ever be promoted... I find it especially horrific that these "groups" continue to promote their filth, with their annual "Gay pride" parades, and their push for more and more 'rights' in the open and so blatantly in everyone's faces.... It is unnatural and absolutely just another method being used by the Jews for the breakdown of our societies.... Yes, there are many readers to this blog who may be homosexual and now may hate my guts, but that is your problem and not mine... If you do not like it, you can leave at any time.......The so called "Charleston Shooting" of last week has turned out to be another Sandy Hook false flag operation as I and others had predicted.... The real red herrings starts of course with the name of the supposed gunman.. "Dylan Storm Roof".  I again have to ask how absolutely phoney and ridiculous that name is... Who in their right mind would give a child a middle name "Storm"?.... It does seem that this is the real criminals behind the entire operation laughing right in our faces about how gullible people truly are.....And of course all of the actions by this "shooter" does not even add up, starting with his only purchasing a gun just a week before the shooting and then going out with precision marksmanship in shooting 9 people dead in a church, with only one person wounded.   Absolutely impossible for a first time shooter!   And I really have to ask again how it is that this "shooter" was able to pull off this slaying using a standard hand gun that required reloading?   What were the victims doing during this shooting?  Standing still and saying "Hey, I am right here... Take careful aim now, and shoot me... I will not move!" ... The bottom line is that if anyone with even 1/2 a brain looks closely at this "shooting" they will see it for what it was, a drill that went live and absolutely a massive hoax....So, we now have the fraud Charleston Shooting to go along with the other frauds and hoaxes we have seen happening in the United States for the sole purpose of using the psychological effect of fear on the American people to make them more willing to surrender their rights and their guns for the fraud of more security.... And of course we still have the shills and misfits in the so called "truth movement" that are out there spewing their garbage trying to claim that these shootings and massacres are somehow real....... One example was last week where a known shill, who strangely has still been promoting the Sandy Hook fraud operation as being "real" , had a known CIA operative as a guest on her internet talk show.  The entire show was filled with lies and attacks against anyone that sees Sandy Hook as a fraud... I listened to the show, and I found it so revolting..... I am still surprised that anyone with any common sense actually follows this person and her lies..... I have said that I would never use names, but everyone by now knows who she is and how she has been using the lie of Sandy Hook to promote and sell her crappy books....Of course while world attention has been diverted by the rash of shootings, and of course the "crisis" in Greece, things are heating up in the Middle East... The primary target for destruction is still Syria, and we find reports coming out that both Jordan and Turkey are about to invade and impose "no fly zones" in the innocent nation of Syria.   This is of course "Plan C" for the eventual invasion and destruction of Syria itself, since "Plan A" which was the fraud and laughable gas attack of two years ago failing miserably, and "Plan B" which was the ISIS "invasion" of Syria not working as expected... The criminal governments of Israel and the United States, having failed so far in getting Syria wrecked, are now going to use other nations, including Jordan and Turkey, to do their dirty work for them....One piece of good news is that Russia will not sit idly by and watch Syria be destroyed.  The Russians recently came out and called on the world to support Bashar al-Assad in Syria in his war against "ISIS".  This is a great move by Russia, because Syria is now being promoted as a major force against the so called "terrorist" group ISIS, which will leave the US and Israel stuck in a mess.... If the US now turns against Syria's war on ISIS, it will finally expose ISIS for the fraud it truly is.And of course we find things suddenly heating up in the Sinai peninsula, where the Israeli/US con called ISIS has suddenly started lobbing a few bottle rockets back into Israel itself... Of course as always these "rockets" never hit anything and have caused absolutely NO damage... But right on cue, we have the criminal Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) regime screaming that ISIS is now "threatening" Israel.... I suspect this was done more as a propaganda stunt and a way for Israel to answer all criticisms as to why ISIS has never targeted Israel itself.....Watch as the world wide Jew spew media runs with this latest fraud......Well, I guess that is enough for now... But before I go into my "last minute tidbits", I must note that it does appear that Whitewraithe has decided not to quit writing articles over at her Pragmatic Witness on July 1st of this year..... I say, good for her, for she is indeed a very bright lady that has suffered a few serious set backs over the last while... Her back is still on the mend, and she has told me about the horrendous pain that she has suffered from during the healing process..... One other note is that our Turbulent Times shows on Blogtalk have indeed been shelved for the next few months at least, but I am hoping we can have that show back up and running later this fall... Stay tuned...Ok, onto the "last minute tidbits"....... The Ukrainian war against the eastern provinces is still heating up, as the Minsk ceasefire accords are now a thing of the past and the Ukrainian army is gearing up for their all out attack on the innocent civilians there.  It will indeed be a slaughter, and I do wonder at what point the Russian Federation will finally have had enough and be forced to intervene to prevent further genocide.....There have been some very chilling reports coming out of the US Pentagon this last week about how the US is gearing up for World War III with Russia and China being the primary targets and adversaries.  I had hoped that the Cold War would have been over by now, but it seems that these lunatics will not quit until they see this planet destroyed!.......A report surfaced this week showing that all audit information for the Gold repository at Fort Knox Kentucky has 'disappeared'.   My instincts tell me that this has been done on purpose, for if a real audit was ever conducted at Fort Knox, the investigators would discover very quickly that there is absolutely NO gold there at all.  America had all of its gold bullion stolen out of the nation decades ago........When will Americans stop this ridiculous push for removal and destruction of the Confederate flag?  The "stars and bars" are and never were a symbol of "racism" or "slavery" but was a symbol of resistance from a tyrannical government.  This lunacy takes place while what really matters, including the economic collapse of the nation itself, continues........Another freedom flotilla stopped from reaching Gaza, and the Israelis are now claiming their illegal seizure of the flotilla to be "humane".  Piracy and illegal seizure of any vessel in international waters is still illegal, and evidence has now surfaced that the seizure of the ship involved was far from "humane"......UN report comes out that the Israeli massacre of the Gaza Strip last year was indeed a war crime.  But nothing will come of that report as the Israelis will have their puppets in the US simply veto the entire report in the UN Security council.  Thousands of innocent Palestinians were slaughtered, and of course Israel will get away with that act of genocide again...... I have not put up additional articles covering the shooting at that hotel in Tunisia where some 30 people have died.  It does appear to definitely be another false flag operation, as there is strong evidence of more than one "gunman" involved and I smell the Israeli Mossad all over this one, and the stench is overwhelming..........The one year 'anniversary' of the MH17 shoot down over Ukraine is approaching, and the coverup to the truth behind that shoot down continues.  Must I again go into detail how MH17 was actually the missing MH370 plane being used in a false flag operation to be blown out of the sky over Ukraine and be blamed on Russia?....A Washington State woman has just died of Measles, and now a report comes out that she was indeed "vaccinated" from that disease.  More proof that not only do vaccines not work, but they actually weaken the body's own immune system and make any gullible enough to have them injected into their bodies, susceptible to the very diseases they are supposed to combat!.... And how can the US Government continue to promote the lie that vaccines do not cause autism, when the vaccine product FDA labels clearly indicate that they do?  It is indeed mind boggling how gullible Americans truly are......Women's FIFA World Cup final takes place tonight in Vancouver, BC, with the American women's team taking on the Japanese team.  I may watch the final and hopefully it will be more exciting than the other matches I have endured so far......And finally, to close this rant, my usual shot at America's "sweethearts", the trolls, trollops, misfits,and skanks, called the Kardashians.  Supposedly, my favorite target, that skank Kim, has now been calling for gun control in the United States.  It again shows how truly brain dead this air head is in not knowing the truth about guns and how they are for the defense of the American people against a tyrannical government.  But nothing from this skank and the other trolls in her troop surprises me any more.  Yes, strangely, while America continues to go to hell, the American public still has their strange love affair with the Kardashians.More to comeNTS