Happy 4th Of July To All Of My American Readers

Yes, it is Independence Day in the United States of America... Two hundred and 39 years ago, the American colonies declared their independence from the British Crown and Empire and a nation was born on the principles of freedom and liberty for all of its citizens...That is what the American people have long been led to believe... But in reality the original colonies never did become "independent" of the British Empire, and even today most Americans are truly unaware that the United States of America is actually still very much subservient to the British crown, and that the American government still pays a 'tribute' to the British crown... This is fact, not fiction......And one other shocking piece of information for my American readers is the fact that the original Declaration of Independence and even the US Constitution was written exclusively for the Freemasons and not for all of the American colonial citizens... Only these Freemasons were intended to enjoy the fruits of these documents, including freedom and liberty.....This is fact, not fiction as well....One other important fact about the United States is that the US itself is not even a country, but was actually declared and incorporated as a corporation back in 1871.  Even today most Americans do not understand that their nation is absolutely still a corporation, and the American people are members of and answer to that corporation run out of Washington DC......Another piece of fact, and not fiction....It is also a sad note that the original concept of the United States was to free the people from the tyranny of criminal Jewish banking Usury interest and debt.... The US was able to stay free of that control until the criminal US Government gave their nation back to these criminal scoundrels, and enslaved their own citizens to odious debt created by criminal Jewish private central banking, with the imposition of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. But beyond those facts, it is indeed a day to take pride, America.... I for one still believe that the fate of the world rests with the American people and their ability to (hopefully) awaken to the horrors that are being done to themselves and the entire planet by their own criminal government..... That day may yet come when true freedom and liberty will be embraced by the people of the United States of America as they end their debt enslavement and control of their nation to Jewish bankers,  and stop being puppets of that Jewish control through the invasion and enslavement of other nations...When that day domes, the American people will truly enjoy their Independence Day!More to comeNTS