The Greek Crisis: Greece - No To Austerity, Yes To Democracy!

The media all around the world has now been paying attention to the crisis unfolding right now in Greece... However, the Jew spew media is indeed trying to portray this crisis as "the sky is falling" if the Greeks do the right thing and tell the Jewish criminal bankers that created the mess in the first place to take a hike! It does appear that we are seeing these Jewish criminals do their utmost to strike fear in the Greek people with the notion that if they do vote NO in this weekend's referendum to decide their future, that there will be doom and gloom and Greece as a nation would cease to exist... The truth is that the Greeks must vote a resounding NO to the Jewish banking austerity measures and take their nation back from permanent enslavement....To help understand the necessity of the Greek nation to vote overwhelmingly NO in this weekend's vote, I want to turn to the following very important article link that comes from the Institute For Agriculture And Trade Policy website, at, that is entitled: "Greece - No To Austerity, Yes To Democracy".... It is a must read by everyone and contains some very important facts about exactly why a NO vote is essential for the Greek nation and their future... Here is the link to that article, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Greece: No to austerity, yes to democracy Posted July 2, 2015 by Dale Wiehoff    FinanceGlobalization  The people of Greece are at a critical moment as the country teeters on the verge of financial default. This is a clear case of the people against global banks and financial institutions. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy urges all of our friends and allies to stand together with the Greek people and say no to the banks. Greece is getting the kind enhanced financial torture from the European Union that the poor and working class received from Obama in the 2008 financial meltdown. Banks were bailed out and the people left to make do. The slow recovery in the U.S. has helped us to forget the days when ninety year old grandmothers, like Addie Polk in Akron, Ohio, were killing themselves in the face of bankruptcy and foreclosure. But in Greece, a country similarly brought to its knees by uncontrolled banks and corrupt politicians, the majority of its citizens have yet to experience any relief. Years of austerity imposed on the Greek people have failed to solve the problems confronting the birthplace of democracy. Five months ago, the Greek people elected a progressive party called Syriza to say no to the austerity policies of the IMF and European Union. The Greek government has called for a referendum on Sunday, July 5th, when the people of Greece can say whether or not they want to submit to more unemployment, wage cuts, destruction of pensions, regressive taxes, and deregulation. It is the International Monetary Fund, on behalf of the global elite, that is driving the austerity agenda against the Greek people. With the U.S. controlling almost 17% of the votes in the IMF, if President Obama wanted, he could lend a hand to the Greek people in this dark moment. He has done it before for others. When the big credit insurance agency, AIG, was going under, the President stepped up and provided a bailout. The AIG bailout included $36 billion from U.S. taxpayers for French and German banks, the same banks that have their feet on the necks of the Greek people. Time is of the essence. Many of us are still reeling from the passage of Fast Track, but need to stand with the people of Greece who have had to bear the brunt of this latest assault by the global banking titans. We are asking you to send a message to President Obama and the U.S. Treasury to use their votes in the International Monetary Fund to press for a just and democratic solution to the Greek crisis. - See more at:… people of Greece are at a critical moment as the country teeters on the verge of financial default. This is a clear case of the people against global banks and financial institutions. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy urges all of our friends and allies to stand together with the Greek people and say no to the banks. Greece is getting the kind enhanced financial torture from the European Union that the poor and working class received from Obama in the 2008 financial meltdown. Banks were bailed out and the people left to make do. The slow recovery in the U.S. has helped us to forget the days when ninety year old grandmothers, like Addie Polk in Akron, Ohio, were killing themselves in the face of bankruptcy and foreclosure. But in Greece, a country similarly brought to its knees by uncontrolled banks and corrupt politicians, the majority of its citizens have yet to experience any relief. Years of austerity imposed on the Greek people have failed to solve the problems confronting the birthplace of democracy. Five months ago, the Greek people elected a progressive party called Syriza to say no to the austerity policies of the IMF and European Union. The Greek government has called for a referendum on Sunday, July 5th, when the people of Greece can say whether or not they want to submit to more unemployment, wage cuts, destruction of pensions, regressive taxes, and deregulation. It is the International Monetary Fund, on behalf of the global elite, that is driving the austerity agenda against the Greek people. With the U.S. controlling almost 17% of the votes in the IMF, if President Obama wanted, he could lend a hand to the Greek people in this dark moment. He has done it before for others. When the big credit insurance agency, AIG, was going under, the President stepped up and provided a bailout. The AIG bailout included $36 billion from U.S. taxpayers for French and German banks, the same banks that have their feet on the necks of the Greek people. Time is of the essence. Many of us are still reeling from the passage of Fast Track, but need to stand with the people of Greece who have had to bear the brunt of this latest assault by the global banking titans. We are asking you to send a message to President Obama and the U.S. Treasury to use their votes in the International Monetary Fund to press for a just and democratic solution to the Greek crisis. - See more at:… Notes:  Yes, I have been watching closely all the doom and gloom reporting coming from the liars in our media, and I can safely say that if the Greek people do vote NO in this upcoming referendum, the sky will not be falling!No nation should ever accept "austerity" measures, for all that happens when a nation surrenders to the IMF and their fraud 'austerity' is MORE unpayable debt that eventually crushes that nation..... The fact is that the Greek people have an historical opportunity to tell the Jewish criminal bankers to take their odious debt and shove it up their asses... NO nation should ever surrender their sovereignty to these banking scoundrels and Greece should in fact do what Iceland has already done in absolutely never paying back the fraud debt that the people did not create... The next step after a no vote would be to take Greece out of the Rothschild criminal European Union as well as the Rothschild's private army, called "NATO".....The other fact is that the Jewish banking criminals know that they must try to poison the Greece public's thinking that they have no other choice but to vote "yes" in this referendum... For if Greece frees itself from the clutches of these scoundrels, then other European nations will quickly follow suit, and the entire fraud Jewish odious debt monetary system may collapse like a house of cards... We can only hope that is the outcome....To the people of Greece... Absolutely vote a resounding NO to the very criminals that want your nation permanently enslaved.... Your very future is at stake!More to comeNTS