Fighting ISIS Terrorism? Saving Syria? US Airstrikes Advance Kurdish State Creation

Let's look at some interesting facts, shall we?US-led airstrikes over Syria have helped the Kurds advance to connect their cantons/regionsKeep in mind the vast numbers of dislocated Syrians the western governments and media cry crocodile tears over Kurds flash the victory sign in Sanliurfa, Turkey on 12 November 2014

"Ain Issa has come under our full control, along with dozens of villages in the surrounding area," YPG spokesman Redur Khalil told AFP.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor, said IS had withdrawn from the town and YPG and rebel forces were now checking for mines laid by IS.

ISIS has withdrawn, again! From yet another town! Gosh that is so dam lucky for the Kurdish fighters! After ISIS has forced residents out of the town... They withdraw. And the Kurds step in?Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

Pentagon data on US-led coalition airstrikes in the country shows that of the nearly 1,800 strikes launched in Syria since last year, at least 1,200 have supported Kurdish forces.

 However, the Kurdish advance has stirred controversy with allegations of ethnic cleansing of Arab and Turkmen villages surfacing in recent weeks.

The US has never officially said that it supports the YPG, with any outright backing likely to anger coalition partner and NATO member Turkey.

The People Protection Units, known as the YPG, are the military wing of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party, the main Syrian Kurdish force. The party is seen as an extension of the Turkish Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) which is seen as a terrorist organisation in Turkey and many Western countries, although there have been growing attempts in Europe to have the terror label removed.

After the predominantly Kurdish town was recaptured from IS, the coalition conducted more than 300 airstrikes around the town, ramping up the total number of airstrikes on Kobane to 943 since October.

Another Kurdish-controlled area where the coalition has conducted more than 250 airstrikes was the self-declared Jazirah Canton in northeastern Syria.

As Kurdish rebels moved west to connect their forces in the self-declared Jazirah and Kobani cantons the coalition has followed with intensive air support, a report by AA alleges.

The coalition has conducted 244 airstrikes on al-Hasakeh and Tel Abyad with more than half of the strikes carried out in the last three months. 

 The number of airstrikes in Northern Syria speak aloud the agenda-

 Kurdish analyst Civiroglu also said any offensive against Raqqa would require lengthy planning and additional weapons for the YPG and its allies, who would opt to consolidate their hold on Tal Abyad and surrounding areas.

Additional weapons for Kurdistan?Why didn't the Neocon Krauthammer suggest that in his op ed just last week?

"In Mesopotamia, Balkanization...." Krauthammer loves Kurds & War

"begin supplying the Iraqi Kurds in a direct, 24-hour, Berlin-style airlift. And in Syria, intensify our training, equipping and air support for the now-developing Kurdish safe zone.

Yes. He did!The goal?

 Our objective right now is to defeat the Islamic State and to ensure the fall of the Assad regime. That does not require an American invasion. It does require recognizing reality and massively supporting our few genuine allies on the ground.

Earlier today as Greece and EU at loggerheads, still:

Mulling Alternative to the Euro in Greece- Guero?
