Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

In the news
How rivers regulate global carbon cycle [link]
New research finds that tidal lagoon energy can provide large amount of #renewable energy. [link]
US significantly raises odds of El Nino continuing through Fall. [link]
Knappenberger: For libertarians etc. pondering a carbon tax, we devised a tool to help determine how effective it would be: [link]
The Certainty of Uncertainty in Medicine [link]  …
New papers
Told ya so: new paper proves that coral atolls keep up with sea level rise [link]
Soil & human security in the 21st Century. [link]
Dynamical systems on networks. Excellent tutorial article [link]
New paper shows the oceans have significantly cooled over the past 500 million years [link]
Is there any need for a dike to save Melbourne from the rising seas? [link]
Review paper on Chemistry, Air Quality & Climate Change [link]
“all climate models have parameters in their cloud/convection schemes which which they tune their energy balance” http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/blog/isaac-held/2015/05/13/59-how-not-to-evaluate-climate-models/
Isaac Held blog on the spread of global mean temperature and model evaluation [link]  …
Ross McKitrick:  Risk management, not risk avoidance [link]
Climate science wars 
Richard Betts responds to the Lewandowsky and Oreskes paper [link]  …
Lewandowsky responds [link]  …
Bjorn Lomborg: The Honor Of Being Mugged By Climate Censors [link]
@BNerlich on rise & usage of word “lukewarmer” [link]

 Filed under: Week in review
