The Baltimore Riots: HERE Is The Real Truth About These Riots - A Set Up By The Government Themselves!

I have been watching all the Jew spew news reports over the last few days about the riots taking place in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, USA, much like everyone else and from what I have been seeing, nothing at all makes any sense as to WHY these riots are even occurring... We have the Jew spew media reporters going absolutely hog wild with their reports, and in many of their reports I see so many errors in the "reporting", which leads to so much false information being promoted.... Therefore in regards to this entire riot situation, I do sense a set up.... Something is seriously wrong here, and just like what happened in Ferguson, Missouri last year, I smell a rat....Well, lo and behold, some truth has finally surfaced that I definitely want to share with all of my readers right here... For according to this important video, it appears that the US Government may indeed themselves be fueling these "riots" in Baltimore on purpose for the goal of creating the pretext to impose martial law on the entire American nation.... Here is that video, entitled: "Police Caught In Big Lie: CIA Starts Riots For Martial Law", right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have further thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I do want to present the message that comes with this video over Youtube right here:The Media has been spreading disinformation and lies. In order to gin up public opinion to start martial law. They said the gangs had banned together to kill cops. This was a bald faced lie and was obviously created to spread violence and misinformation. It is the U S Government that is hiring these rioters, and they have admitted this on fox news channel. They are admitting that the violence is being done by someone hiring them. Who has the money to hire rioters and thugs. Who started the group called ISIS? The CIA, Why did they do it? To cause wide spread violence and death so we can get world opinion to wipe out the middle east for Israel. Now they are doing it here to get public opinion in agreement that we need martial law. If we KNOW they are doing this world wide, our own government, we know they are doing it here. They want total control of our lives. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT MARTIAL LAW in america. Please get the word out!Again, this whole thing stinks of Ferguson Missouri all over again, but now on a much bigger scale....People so quickly forget about how Ferguson was indeed a set up... Especially when the information surfaced later that none other than that criminal psycho George Soros was personally financing many of the rioters and the agent provocateurs injected into Ferguson to foment the violence there... From what I am witnessing in Baltimore right now, we are indeed watching a repeat of that last riot, with obvious agent provocateurs being used to whip up the riots!The video itself is very revealing simply for the fact that the two so called "black gangs" that are supposedly at least according to the lying media, such hated enemies of each other and are involved in the riots, are there TOGETHER standing firm and right to the cameras stating that they are not to blame for what is happening in Baltimore... For these two "enemies" to do this is a clear sign that we are indeed being lied to....And we must not forget that criminal mayor of Baltimore herself when she was caught several days ago admitting that the riots were a set up... She used a "freudian slip" which sometimes leads to some truths, and admitted that the protestors were allowed "space" for the rioters so that they could destroy!!!  Here again is that video:It is amazing that this criminal has now had to do some damage control and has now denied that she said that in her news conference.. But the words were caught on tape and now the whole world can see how she is indeed part of the setup....Lets not be fooled here, everyone... I do smell a set up and the goal is indeed for the imposition of martial law first in Baltimore itself and then the government hopes it can be spread to other cities as well....I will be keeping closer tabs on this Baltimore situation with some follow up reports.... And if anyone has any further information that blows holes in these riots and exposes the truth, my comment section is always open...More to comeNTS