Jade Helm 15 Grilled at Public City meeting Bastrop TX

Bastrop County in Texas recalled the U.S. Army to Bastrop to answer questions regarding the upcoming exercise Jade Helm 15. The court room was overflowing into other areas of the building as citizens turned out in mass to grill a Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) representing the U.S. Army Special Operations Command. A civilian contractor was present who represented the training exercise earlier in the year to Bastrop County Commissioners but he fielded no direct questions.
Information Takeaway:
o Exercise is DOD and Department of State operation – not affiliated with DHS nor FEMA
o Exercise is not Martial Law training
o Exercise locations were chosen to offer unfamiliar terrain to the students
o Walmart closings are not part of exercise
o No training will occur outside of private property other than transportation of personnel to other private property locations.
o No road blocks or stopping of citizens requesting ID
o No intelligence gathering of locals and no direct law enforcement training
o Drones will be used
o Texas was supposedly not listed as hostile due to DHS labeling most Texans as “Domestic Terrorists”
o LTC said this is strictly a training exercise regardless of the current political and economic climates
Several veterans were outspoken when they were chosen to ask questions. One former Texas Spec Ops stood up and asked the LTC from Bragg ‘why they are not in DC running real ops?”. Another, a former Texas Green Beret stood up and turned slighty to the crowd and said “to not trust what they are saying because he served under the current command”. This Green Beret referenced an unspecified OP for his distrust.

