U.S. Starts Military Exercise In Ukraine

April 20, 2015
Ukrainian-U.S. Fearless Guardian 2015 military exercise begins in Ukraine

During the Fearless Guardian 2015 international military exercise, Ukraine’s National Guard intends to learn from the United States military the practices they have used in operations worldwide, Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said.
“The U.S. special task force has experience received in operations worldwide, and we want to use this experience. Wars are won by skills, not weapons,” Avakov said the opening ceremony of the Ukrainian-U.S. command post exercise in the Yavoriv district of the Lviv region on Monday.
He also said it is important that “the Americans openly support Ukraine, including in this form.”
The Ukrainian interior minister said he is hoping that Ukraine will soon receive similar support from other countries.
The Ukrainian-U.S. Fearless Guardian 2015 command post exercise began in the Yavoriv district in the Lviv region on Monday. The exercise will last until November 2015.
According to the training program, each stage will involve two companies of the Ukrainian National Guard (each comprising 150 servicemen) and 25 top military officials and the United States European Command will involve 247 servicemen in each stage of the exercise.
