The War In Ukraine: What The HELL Is That Criminal Harper Up To Now? Russia Is Severely Pissed Off That Canada Is Now Sending Combat Troops To Ukraine!

I do worry about where my nation, Canada, is now heading...It seems that the criminal Harper regime in Ottawa is doing criminal actions now with impunity and without the support of the Canadian people... It was bad enough that criminal Jew butt kissing lunatic got his support to "extend" Canada's "mission" to the Middle East and as a result, Canadian fighter planes are now attacking and murdering innocent civilians in Syria... But at home that lunatic is still trying to push his horrendous Bill C51 on the Canadian people that will indeed strip away the last vestiges of Canada's freedoms and turn this nation into a full police state.... I am so disgusted that few Canadians are standing up and at least trying to put Harper and his band of scoundrels in their place...But just the other day, I came across a most interesting article that I definitely want to share with my own readers here.....This article comes from the Canadian Globe And Mail website, at, and from this report, it appears that Russia is severely pissed off that Canada has now committed combat troops to Ukraine (!) for their stated "purpose" of "training" Ukraine's army!   I want everyone to see this report here for themselves first and foremost, and I of course have a few of my own comments inserted into the article, and I do have my own additional thoughts and comments to follow:Canada’s decision to send troops to Ukraine ‘deplorable,’ Russian embassy says Russia is accusing Canada of contributing to a military buildup on its doorstep, calling Ottawa’s decision to send 200 soldiers to Ukraine to train Kiev forces a “counterproductive and deplorable” move.In a statement, the Russian embassy in Canada said sending Western soldiers will not help ease conflict between the Kiev government and pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Video: Putin says Russia will never give in to pressure on Ukraine

Video: Canadian troops won't be near conflict in Ukraine: Jason Kenney

“It does not help in any way the settlement of the internal fratricidal conflict in that country,” the embassy said.More than 6,000 people are estimated to have died in the fighting, according to the United Nations, and the West blames Moscow for supplying and assisting the rebels who have destabilized the eastern part of the country.Wednesday’s diplomatic outburst from Russia prompted a response from the Prime Minister’s Office in Ottawa.A spokesman for Mr. Harper said it’s Russian President Vladimir Putin who seized Crimea last year who poses the biggest risk.*NTS Note: A bold faced lie... Putin never "seized" Crimea.  Crimea voted in a fair and legal referendum to be returned rightfully to the Russian Federation. “Putin’s failure to end his support to armed rebel groups and his occupation of Ukrainian sovereign territory constitutes a real threat to international peace and security,” PMO spokesman Stephen Lecce said.The Harper government announced Tuesday that Canada is sending troops to beleaguered Ukraine, the target of Russian aggression since early 2014, to train soldiers in case a shaky ceasefire falls apart.The Russian embassy warned that Canada’s new military move, a joint effort with the Americans and British, will lead to more conflict rather than peace.Moscow’s representatives in Canada said this will only fuel the desire of the Ukraine government, which it painted as belligerent, to keep fighting – in contravention of the Minsk peace accords.“Foreign ministers of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine ... [have] called for enhanced intra-Ukrainian political dialogue,” the embassy noted in the statement that it circulated widely among Canadian media.“It is neither appropriate, nor helpful to assist the military buildup playing into the hands of ‘party of war in Kiev,’” the embassy said, using a pejorative phrase to describe Petro Poroshenko’s Ukrainian government.“It would be much more reasonable to concentrate on diplomacy and encourage authorities in Kiev to finally enter into a genuine political dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk Republics as it was agreed upon in ‘Minsk-2’ accords in February.”A fragile truce is currently in place in eastern Ukraine but there are concerns that Russian separatists are planning a spring offensive.*NTS Note: Another LIE... It is not ""Russian Separatists that are planning a Spring Offensive in the eastern provinces, but the Ukrainian army now armed with US taxpayer bought and paid for heavy weapons. Defence Minister Jason Kenney has insisted that Canadian soldiers will only be training Ukrainian troops rather than fighting Moscow-backed forces.He said training will take place 1,300 kilometres away from the front lines.*NTS Note: Another LIE: We have all seen the reports where so called "trainers" and "observers" were caught right on the front lines and participating in the fighting.. This is the second deployment into a major regional conflict that the Conservative government has announced in the past seven months.One Canadian soldier has died in northern Iraq, where 69 special-forces personnel were sent last fall on what was also supposed to be a non-combat mission.This Canadian training mission is expected to last until March 31, 2017. This U.S.-led effort is not a NATO undertaking.Diplomatic relations between Russia and Canada have been sorely strained since Mr. Putin annexed Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in early 2014.Canada has donated non-lethal military aid and warm weather clothing to Kiev, lent it hundreds of millions of dollars to help with economic rebuilding and is sharing satellite imagery of the Ukraine-Russia border region to help Mr. Poroshenko’s government defend against attacks.*NTS Note: Another LIE: "Non-Lethal" military aid is of course nothing of the sort... Canada, NATO, and the US have all sent weapons to Ukraine to kill civilians.  And Canada has provided satellite imagery for Ukraine's army to target those innocent civilians in the eastern provinces! NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is raising concern about this Ukrainian deployment, expected to cost as much as $32-million over two years.He said deploying troops without a debate in Parliament constitutes a “dangerous precedent.”NTS Notes:  First, I do want everyone to know that the Jew spew media here in Canada has either not reported at all on this development until this article came out, or in some cases has done its worse at playing it down and keeping it away from the Canadian public...I honestly do not know what to make of the Harper regime in Ottawa any more..... Canada has absolutely no business at all in Ukraine and their sudden commitment of troops to "train" Ukraine's army is the most stupidest thing that these criminals can do... It will only anger the Russian Federation as noted and definitely put Canada into a bulls eye if that conflict escalates into a full blown world war...Lets face the facts here... We have seen throughout history where sending troops to foreign nations to "train" that nation's army has been all a lie... How soon people forget where in Vietnam the US kept sending troops to "advise" and "train" the South Vietnamese army and those "advisors" soon became involved in actual military operations.... This "commitment" of Canadian troops to "train" the Ukraine army is just history repeating itself...I again am also laughing at the ridiculous claims made in this Globe and Mail article, especially where it tries to again falsely vilify Russia for its "aggression" in Ukraine, when there has absolutely been no aggressive moves by Russia, period... Russia has NOT attacked Ukraine, and they did NOT "seize" Crimea as the liars in the Jew spew media continue to falsely promote... The people of Crimea voted in a fair and legal referendum to be returned to Russia, and they got their wish... There was absolutely NO Russian invasion of Crimea as our lying media continues to claim....The bottom line is this... The criminal Harper regime is now out of control and is acting absolutely not in the best interests of Canadians, period.... The people of Canada do need to wake the hell up and put an end to this madness as soon as possible..... To wait for an "election" and throw these criminals out of office may be too late for Canada...More to comeNTS