WHO says Glysophosphate/Round UP- "Likely" Carcinogenic- Chemical Manipulation of Humanity!

Every time I tell myself, take a day away from the blog, something catches my attention! Something just too good to pass up. Dammit! ;)This news got very limited media coverage a few days ago-  I know that is so shocking to you all!  Media not reporting, important, real news that affects your health, in the same manner as they spread ISIS propaganda to justify the war agenda.......So, let's get to itHealth Agency Says Widely Used Herbicide Likely CarcinogenicPay attention to the language used by WHO in an effort to downplay the facts that this stuff is killing us all.

Glyphosate, a herbicide widely marketed by Monsanto Co. and other companies, likely has the potential to cause cancer in humans, a World Health Organization agency said Friday.The determination, published by researchers for the International Agency for Research on Cancer in a U.K. medical journal, is likely to fuel further debate over the safety of the heavily used agricultural chemical, which Monsanto sells under the Roundup brand.Consumer and environmental groups have long warned of health problems that they say could (HAVE) arise from applying the weedkiller on farms, while agricultural companies have touted the product’s safety and environmental impact as preferable to other, harsher chemicals. Officials at Monsanto and agricultural-chemical trade groups contested Friday’s finding, saying decades of research had proved glyphosate’s safety.Glyphosate is the most-used herbicide in the U.S., according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Farmers have ramped up its use over the past two decades with the advent of genetically modified crops, including corn and soybeans, which can withstand sprayings of the chemical. Herbicide-tolerant biotech plants were grown on 94% of U.S. soybean fields and 89% of U.S. corn fields last year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Read as the WHO downplays the multitude of studies, done by many different parties, all over the globe

In classifying glyphosate as potentially cancer-causing, the international research agency cited studies of occupational exposure to glyphosate in the U.S., Canada and Sweden, which they wrote showed “increased risks for non-Hodgkin lymphoma” along with a positive trend for some ailments in mice in separate studies. Though the researchers cited “limited evidence” that glyphosate was a carcinogen for humans, they classified it as probably carcinogenic to them, according to the article.

Having read through much nonsensical language from the media and agencies through the many years, you can be assure  the WHO classifying this as 'probably carcinogenic' despite their claim of "limited evidence", tells us that there is an abundance of evidence!! There is an overwhelming amount of evidence. And it isn't going to make one bit of difference because the UN and WHO are beholden to BIG OIL.

The assessment followed a meeting this month among 17 experts representing 11 countries, who evaluated the cancer-causing potential of glyphosate and four other pesticides. The research agency, which hasn’t previously classified glyphosate, monitors global cancer cases while trying to identify causes and responses.

Monsanto, among the world’s largest sellers of glyphosate and the biggest seed maker by sales, contested the finding, saying that glyphosate is safe if used as recommended by its label and that decades of extensive study have proven its safety. The company said the research agency didn’t establish any link between glyphosate and an increase in cancer, and that IARC researchers disregarded dozens of scientific studies that showed glyphosate poses no human-health risk.“This has been validated in over 160 countries for over 40 years,” said Philip Miller, vice president of global regulatory affairs for Monsanto. “They’ve come to the conclusion time and time again that this is non-carcinogenic and safe for human health and the environment.”

The classification, however, may prompt Monsanto to update some safety information for its glyphosate products, which is typically compiled on websites or included when products are sold, Mr. Miller said. The company has requested a meeting with WHO to discuss the classification, he said.

Banking Hydra with it's oil, chemical, agriculture, pharma, military headsLikely and Probably. What else would one expect from the WHO? Even with the token condemnation Monsanto is going to 'set the record straight'! Remember the UN was built on Rockefeller land and  oily philanthropic bankster dollars. Therefore the UN, including the WHO, will serve the multi headed hydra of bankster scum. BIG OIL! The Chemical Industry. Big, big Agriculture. Big toxic Pharma and the murdering, plundering death bringing WAR Machine every time!The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity Series