343-Day War In Eastern Europe: U.S. Transits Combat Vehicles Through Latvia

Xinhua News Agency
March 23, 2015
U.S. military equipment moves through Latvia

Stryker combat vehicles
RIGA: More than 40 pieces of the U.S. military equipment, including 20 Stryker armored vehicles, are being moved through Latvia on Sunday and Monday as the United States is sending troops from Estonia to Germany in the Dragoon Ride trek, the Latvian Defense Ministry said Sunday.
Soldiers of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Cavalry Regiment, currently stationed in the Baltic states and Poland, began the Dragoon Ride trek with the Strykers and support vehicles on Saturday in Estonia.
The convoy is moving through Latvia as the U.S. troops make their way to Vilseck, Germany, concluding their participation in Operation Atlantic Resolve.
On Sunday, the military convoy was moving from the northern Latvian border town of Ainazi to Riga, stopping in Jelgavkrasti and Saulkrasti. On Monday, the troops and the military equipment will move on from Riga to the southern Latvian town of Bauska, making a stop in Iecava.
The total length of the Dragoon Ride is 1,800 km. In the 10 days of the trek the troops are testing their mobility and logistics capabilities. A number of helicopters are accompanying the convoy.
