Long-Run Planning Watch: Finally somebody asks, "What is this 'long run' people keep harping about?"

From Dilbert's CEO, the eternal question (more or less)by KenProbably the first thing you want to know is the context for the above frame. How did the subject of the "long run" come up? Where exactly does a CEO hear tell of such things?The immediate answer lies in this past Monday's Dilbert strip. Note that you can click on any of today's strips to enlarge -- and they should look real nice! Okay, here goes:DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Monday, 3/16IT ALL BEGAN LAST WEEKAnd as you may have divined from the above, it all began with Wally. This two-week story arc is a bonanza for us Wally fans. Though perhaps I shouldn't admit to being one. I often get in trouble when I tell people that Wally is one of my cultural heroes and role models. Nobody seems to know how to take it. (Hint: The way it was meant, maybe?)DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Monday, 3/9WALLY HAD AN INSPIRATIONIt's not as if Wally never has ideas. He has ideas all the time. They aren't necessarily ideas that lead to leaps in productivity, and for that matter they aren't ideas that are likely to be pushed terribly hard -- remember who we're talking about. But he's going to get some mileage out of this idea. (Oops, after-the-fact spoiler alert!DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Tuesday, 3/10DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Wednesday, 3/11DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Thursday, 3/12NATURALLY THERE WAS JEALOUSY . . .DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Friday, 3/13AND STRAIN BETWEEN MENTOR AND MENTEEDILBERT by Scott Adams -- Saturday, 3/14UH-OH, THE PROJECT HAS NOW REACHEDTHE CRITICAL ONE-WEEK-PLUS MARK!C'mon, how long are you supposed to give an idea? For goodness' sake, it's already been over a week!DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Monday, 3/16SO WALLY GETS A BUMP-UPWhich impacts his erstwhile coworkers. (Note that the usually explosive Alice takes the news surprisingly calmly, while Asok's response is more true-to-form -- and it works out for him about as well as things usually do.)DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Tuesday, 3/17DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Wednesday, 3/18DILBERT by Scott Adams -- Thursday, 3/19WHICH LEAVES US (PRESUMABLY) TWO DAYSTO FOLLOW -- IN THE SHORT RUN, OF COURSEAnd after all, is there any other kind of run?#
