Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 15th, 2015

It is the "Ides Of March".... And yes, beware...For it is time again for my weekly rant...I have been getting a lot of flack from both ends of this so called "truth movement" that for years has to be been nothing but a farce.... One end of the spectrum has said that I have been too harsh in my articles and my statements about the real enemy of mankind, which of course are the Jews.... They have been sending me some nasty comments calling me everything from a 'Jew hater' to the usual false statement of "antisemite"... And then I get the flack from the other end of the spectrum where many claim that I am "too soft" and should have been calling the enemy the Jews all along... I tell those who say I am soft that I did start off believing that only a certain "part" of the Jewish cult were responsible for all the criminality, and I at one time did believe that these "Zionists" are just a small cabal within Judaism and that the tribe as a whole is not criminal.. But I have learned from my mistakes and now see the entire sickness of Judaism as the most evil twisted group on the planet and that the entire "tribe" is very much criminal.... It has indeed been a long learning curve....I must reiterate one important aspect of this "fight".... Most people that we talk to these days have had their minds turned to mush from the influences and adverse effects of the Jewish run mind control mechanisms such as the Talmudvision, as well as the nasty and very poisonous chemicals in their diets that have been either killing their brain cells or turning people into mindless drones.... It is a fact that the damage has been done, and to try to hammer home into these empty minds right from the start about the true nature of the Jew and how criminal they truly are simply does not work.. Most people when given the truth immediately in any conversation do give us all these outrageous wild eyed looks and in most cases try to either change the subject or simply say "I don't want to talk about it".... It is so frustrating and honestly, it pisses me off.... Therefore from my own personal experiences I have found that most have to be slowly and/or gently led into the truth.  Yes, the slow approach is just as infuriating, but at least you are able to keep the subject in the conversation and not have them simply walk away... Therefore, I do stand firmly with my assertions that the best approach is not to use a hammer on people, but to keep giving them the factual evidence and hope that some do absorb it and take it upon themselves to actually check them out for themselves.... Those that cannot or refuse to do so, are to me a lost cause.....Yes, the brainwashing and chemical damage of people has been done, but there are still those out there with a bit of critical thinking skills and they are our best hope...Tomorrow marks the 12th anniversary of a horrific chapter in the battle against the Jewish criminals that occupy Palestine.... March 16th, 2003 was the date when that brave American woman, Rachel Corrie, stood defiantly in front of an armored Israeli IDF bulldozer that was attempting to mow down what was left of a house in Rafah in the Gaza Strip.  Many are already aware of what happened next, but for those who are not, Rachel supposedly lost her footing and the bulldozer operator proceeded to run right over her crushing her under the American built Caterpillar machine... Then the real shocker occurred when that psychotic IDF bulldozer operator dropped the front bucket of the bulldozer and proceeded to back up over Rachel's already damaged body just to make sure she was crushed.... Rachel was pulled from that onslaught and died shortly afterwards.. It was a tragedy, and to this day both Rachel and her parents have had no justice from these Jewish lunatics who first claimed that her murder was an "accident", only to change the story and eventually state that Rachel was in a "war zone" and was a "casualty" of that war!   Then we have the Jewish controlled American government that has washed its hands of Rachel's murder, which to me is the biggest tragedy of it all......I for one have long said that when Palestine is eventually freed of these monsters that illegally occupy its territory, the Palestinians will probably declare a national holiday to honor this brave woman and her stand for true justice and freedom...  Everyone should remember Rachel Corrie...Well, yesterday was an important day here in Canada, as the Canadian people took to the streets of our major cities to protest against our Jewish controlled criminal Government under that slime ball, Stephen Harper, and his plans to ram through that horrendous Bill "C-51" that will strip Canadians of our very freedoms under the absolute illusion and LIE of protecting us against the fraud of "terrorism".....It is so remarkable to watch the Canadian public finally awaken to the true nature of that so called "bill" and its horrendous implications for our very future and the very freedoms that we have long enjoyed....It is also so remarkable that in spite of the Jew spew media up here in this Jewish occupied nation that has been trying to parrot the false claim that Bill C-51 was somehow "good" for Canada, most Canadians have finally been alerted to the truth and have been taking to the streets in defiance....My biggest worry is that in spite of all the protests and recent "polls" that finally show that the majority of Canadians oppose Bill "C-51", the Jewish controlled minions in the federal government in Ottawa will obediently and like good slaves to their Jewish masters pass that horrendous bill into law!   I for one stand very much to lose if that bill gets passed and put into law due to its absolutely vague language that could label myself and others that oppose Jewish control in Canada as "terrorists".....  I feel again that I must reiterate what I have stated many times already:  "If any nation's people surrender their very freedoms for the illusion of "security", that nation's people will awaken one day with no freedoms and absolutely NO security!".... History has proven this to be true, and I do hope that it is not too late for Canada....I see that the fraud known as ISIS has been all over the Jew spew media again this last week.... One of the real laughable reports that I saw about this fraud was where their Mossad/CIA leadership finally answered the question about why their group has not targeted Israel itself.  Believe it or not this fraud ISIS answered the question by saying that their "God" had not ordered them to attack Israel (!)... More like their true "god", the Israeli and US governments have told their Mossad/CIA operatives in this phoney ISIS that any mention of Israel is of course hands off and not to be mentioned.......Common sense here for anyone that somehow thinks this "ISIS" is for real should be that their ONLY target should have been the criminal state of Israel all along...Another interesting report that I came across concerning the fraud "ISIS" was that this "ISIS" has now made "agreements" with that other phoney terrorist group in Africa, "Boko Harum".... To me, I wondered when the Israelis and Americans would finally have their two phoney groups combine and create this new more dangerous "threat" in Africa... Lets face it, Boko Harum has been a bust so far in Nigeria and the planned American intervention in West Africa through the fraud Ebola scare has been a bust as well... So why not bring the fraud "Boko Harum" back into the picture and try to make them look more dangerous by having them allied with "ISIS"?   Just more excuses for more invasions for resources....But the real laughable report that I could not believe these criminals actually printed was where the fraud "ISIS" finally came forward to explain why in their fraud "beheading" videos their victims always never screamed out in terror and simply just either sat and kneeled for the cameras and said their lines with very strangely, absolutely no resistance... The fraud "ISIS" group is now claiming that they told these victims that they would not be "beheaded" at all before they really went through with it (?)... When I read this, again I could not help but to laugh and think that the American/Israelis behind ISIS actually think people are that stupid that they would swallow this bullshit answer?  Believe it or not, most people will  indeed swallow this horseshit without question!I am truly appalled by the ignorance of people these days when it comes to this fraud of "terrorism"... To me common sense should take hold once people look at all the facts and evidence that our own governments are the real terrorists... Our criminal leaderships have indeed been using this fraud of 'terrorism' as a psychological weapon against their own people just to scare the crap out of truly gullible people to the point that many of these dumb ass sheep will indeed come crying to their governments to "please do something to protect us".....It is then that our scoundrels in government offer their 'solution' to the fraud of "terrorism" which is to take personal freedoms away from their own people for the illusion of more "security"....THAT and of course to have the mindless sheep support more wars of aggression, that are launched under the illusion of fighting "terrorism" but in reality are used to slaughter innocent people and for the glory of their masters in Israel.... Over one year now since that fraudulent "revolution" in Maidan Square in Kiev, Ukraine, where the elected government was overthrown in an American led and paid for coup and Ukraine is more of a mess than ever... Few people are even aware that the government in Kiev has been hanging by a thread and has been kept alive only by the massive financial handouts provided by the Rothschild controlled IMF and the criminal US government....The Jew spew media has of course been understating the actual figures, but from what I have read so far, the so called "bail out" amount handed over to Kiev has already exceeded the 100 billion dollar mark and will grow exponentially over the next few months... In return the Kiev government has handed over all of Ukraine to these monsters in the form of permanent debt enslavement of the hard working and very innocent Ukrainian people... To me, the real victims of this atrocity are of course the Ukrainian people themselves and I am shocked that they have not been in full revolt already... Of course many will never know how the Ukrainian people do feel due to the Jewish control of their own media... But from what I have seen in the alternative and very truthful media, the people of Ukraine are both ready to throw out the criminals in Kiev, AND end the senseless violence against their fellow citizens in the eastern provinces...One person sent me a comment recently in one of my articles where he/she stated that I have not been putting out enough reports about the true nature of our money and financial systems and how the scumbag Jews control it all... I do wonder if that person has ever bothered to read all of my articles over the last 6+ years at this blog and the many that I have written that absolutely rip the fraud of our money and debt based systems apart?   I have stated countless times that our debt based system is a fraud and a phantom, and that our own governments could indeed cancel our debts entirely with the stroke of a pen or even a keystroke on a computer... The Jewish control over our governments is almost absolute however, and the majority of our scumbag "elected" officials are under their full control to the point that they will never ever get rid of our Jewish Usury banking fraud system.... Therefore, our impending financial collapse due to this fraud debt load is very real and I have always said that people do need to wake the hell up and stop it before it is indeed too late....I am astounded by how the Jew spew media and our own criminal government has been fuelling all this "Russia is a threat" hysteria on the very gullible masses... Lets get the facts straight here again.. Russia is not a threat to anyone, period... The real reason for all the hysteria being generated on the sheep out there is due to the fact that the Russians now have their financial international trading system in place that has now been affecting the US dollar and its hegemony over the planet that it has enjoyed since the Bretton Woods agreements of 1944 that made it the world's ONLY "reserve currency".... What Russia has done is to give nations the opportunity to trade their goods in something other than the US dollar, and in doing so harm the US economy itself which has long been dependent on US dollar hegemony in international trade to keep their insane debt riddled nation afloat....Therefore it should be obvious to people that this insane rush to war with Russia is entirely due to economics... The lunatics in the US government are trying to avoid their own national collapse by trying to crush Russia and force it and other members of the so called BRICS group back on the US dollar!   It does not matter to these lunatics that they risk nuclear war, with billions of people dying as a result, as long as the US dollar continues to reign supreme.... Therefore the next time someone stupidly claims that Russia is a "threat", simply ask them.. "OK, How?" and then when they cannot answer, give them the real truth....OK, I guess that is enough for some of the key issues from the last week... There are of course so many other important issues that I could not possibly all fit in this rant, but I will hopefully touch on them right here in my usual "last minute tidbits".... Lets not kid ourselves when it comes to this P5+1 "agreement" with Iran over its non-existent nuclear weapons program.  The lunatics in Washington DC are purposely delaying this "agreement" and making outrageously impossible demands on the Iranians to force them out of exasperation to give up and leave the negotiations.  Israel wants war with Iran, and they want their minions in the US to do all the fighting and dying.  I can therefore guarantee these fraud negotiations on this agreement will fail........One year after Crimea votes overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Mother Russia, and the people are absolutely ecstatic about that decision.  Recent polls show how Crimea truly feels and it flies in the face of the lunatics that still claim that Russia somehow "invaded" Crimea.  But hey, we know how truthful our media and our governments can be, right?.......Yes, I saw the reports where again the fraudsters behind the "Global Warming" scam are again arguing that the recent massive cold spell across much of North America was due to the melting ice caps (shades of that phoney "Day After Tomorrow" propaganda movie).  Yes, these fools will never stop and are truly looking for excuses to keep the lie of Global Warming alive.....Vladimir Putin is alive and well, much to the chagrin of the Jew spew media and our criminal governments who have spent the last few days making wild assertions about his sudden 'disappearance'.  Yes, the media is still looking for anything to vilify Putin and somehow find the right formula to get the gullible masses to somehow support an attack on Russia itself.  I have one word for this: Pathetic!......Honestly, I really do not give a damn about that crookedly insane Jewess, Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Too much bullshit news reporting has been done on her personal email servers, when the American public should be doing their best to make sure this POS lunatic never gets into the Oval Office........Tuesday is "election" day in that lunatic asylum known as Israel, and reports are out that Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) is going down to defeat.  Here is a reality check for everyone:  The entire government there is full of lunatics, and if this one is defeated, then another one will simply take its place.  It is especially sad for the people of Palestine and what little future they have to look forward to no matter who controls the Knesset....... Arsenal won a huge game yesterday beating West Ham United at Emerites Stadium, 3-0.   Maybe I spoke too soon when I thought that Arsenal could not challenge Chelsea for the top of the table.  With about a dozen games left in the Barkley's Premiere League season, anything could happen yet.......Kardashian News?  I had a real hard time this week finding something for the already dumbed down masses, but here it goes; It appears that the Jew spew media has my favorite skank, Kim, on their list of the worst dressed "celebrities" this last week.  Honestly, considering how this trollop and waste of time does her best in not being dressed at all, I cannot understand all this sudden commotion when she actually wears clothes?   But hey, America really does (strangely) love their Kardashians.  And again, people sometimes wonder why I see America truly going to hell?More to comeNTS