William Dean Howells: Wilson’s Mexican war, wickeder than that of 1846

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
American writers on peace and against war
William Dean Howells: Selections on war
William Dean Howells
From letter to Aurelia Howells
July 4, 1916

The possibility of war with Mexico is dreadful, and it is the result of Wilson’s folly. Some excuse can be made for his German policy, but not for his Mexican muddling…The Roosevelt men have come back, and if the Republicans get back into power, our troops will be withdrawn from Mexico where they ought never to have been sent. This is wickeder than the old Mexican war of 1846, which father so abhorred, and more stupid and objectless. All our poor volunteers are being rushed to the border, and may be sent across any day – men who were once dear little boys like Billy and Jacky.
