The Economic Collapse Is Coming: Global Debt Is MORE THAN TWICE AS BIG As The Entire World Economy... What Does It Mean?

Again, with a "lull" in the fighting in eastern Ukraine, it is time to turn again to other important matters elsewhere on the planet.... One of the major issues that I always cover at this blog is the horrific state of our economies, and exactly what it means for our livelihoods and our futures....Lets get the facts straight right here... The economies of ALL of our countries are in dire straits and in many cases have already collapsed.... People everywhere right now are being fooled by the liars in the Jew spew media with the false belief that the economic situation is "improving", but in reality it is nothing of the sort... In fact the situation is getting much much worse by the day, and there will come a time shortly when the criminals responsible for our economic demise finally pull the plug and allow our nations to collapse....Sadly when that happens, it will be too late....Right now, I want to present a very important link to an article that comes from the Investment Watch Blog, at, that gives a reality check on the present state of the world economies... The article is entitled: "Global Debt Is MORE THAN TWICE AS BIG As The Entire World Economy.... What Does It Mean?"  and gives a very clear picture of exactly what the crushing debt load is for almost all of our countries and exactly what will happen when the collapse does come.... First, here is the link to that important article for everyone to read for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  I have been trying for years now to wake everyone up to exactly just how precarious our present economic mess is, but so few people have listened....The fact is that ALL DEBTS are actually a fraud... They are artificial phantoms and could be easily eliminated by the stroke of a pen or the pushing of the delete button on a computer keyboard... The problem is of course the criminals responsible for this horrific debt, the tribe of criminal Jewish bank criminals and their "fractional debt" Usury financial system, and their complete control over both our nations' finances and our own crooked governments....The concept of resetting all debts to ZERO is not new... In the middle ages, many nations would wipe out their debts by declaring all debts null and void during a celebration known as "Jubilee"... The fact is that since the criminal Rothschild take over of many of our nation's finances, the idea of a Jubilee is not in the criminal Jewish tribal mentality... These criminals instead want their slave nations to be under the firm grip of debt enslavement....The other factor that is not discussed in this article over at Investment Watch is the serious nature of the criminality called DERIVATIVES.... The scary part of derivatives is that they are presently valued at around 2 QUADRILLION dollars, which is 10x the debt load as shown in this article... If and when our nations do collapse, many of these derivatives will come into effect or be "exposed"... There is no way in hell that any nation can repay the value of these derivatives which are nothing more than bets or "hedges" against collapse... Exposure of Derivatives that could bring the entire financial fraud house of cards come crashing down has always been the "800 lb gorilla in the closet" that financial institutions do not want to discuss and in fact purposely hide from everyone.... Again, everyone must understand that all debts are in fact a fraud... It will take the courage of many nation's people to stand up to these criminals to take their nations back from this impending disaster and to tell these criminals responsible for this mess to take their debts and shove it up their asses....More to comeNTS