Turbulent Times Show TONIGHT At 7PM CST On Blogtalk Radio

Yes, Whitewraithe and I are indeed having a special Turbulent Times show tonight at 7PM CST... That is of course 8PM EST for those on the American snowy east coast and Midnight for those in the UK....The show will discuss not only current events, but also a most important article that was just released by Lasha Darkmoon (www.darkmoon.me) concerning one of the most important articles ever written by Paul Craig Roberts.....  It gives damning evidence of exactly what kind of psychosis the United States and other Jewish controlled nations are doing in regards to their insane push for war with Russia...The article link is as follows:http://www.darkmoon.me/2015/helterskelter-to-world-war-three/?utm_source=wysija&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletterWe will also have our chat room open at www.turbulenttimes.chatango.com..... I hope that some people will come into that chat with myself to ask any questions...The link to the live show will be posted shortly.... We have had concerns that few people are actually able to listen to the show live because the link at www.blogtalkradio.com/turbulenttimes does not even link listeners directly to the live show!  HERE IS THE LINK TO OUR LIVE SHOW TONIGHT!:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/turbulenttimes/2015/03/02/turbulent-times-3115-episode-5Please take the time to at least read Lasha's article...It fully vindicates absolutely EVERYTHING that I and others have been talking about for the last decade at least... Our very world is at stake now, because the ultra Jewish controlled criminals in our governments are indeed pushing for a global war where many of us will not survive... For the future of our children and other future generations, we must all act now...More to comeNTS