Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 1st, 2015

  Sunday again... A new month and of course time again for my weekly rant...It has been very cold here in central Canada, but it is nothing compared to what is happening across the United States right now.... Temperatures everywhere across the states are near record lows, and even with this being March and the prospects of spring coming soon, there seems to be no relief in sight..... I have long said that this cooling trend would happen due to the diminished solar radiation output from our Yellow Dwarf star, Sol, and now we are seeing that result with a massive cooling trend that I do predict will continue for the next decade at least...I am seeing new reports coming out saying that we are now entering a "new ice age", but to me this is as bad the fear mongering of the other psycho extremists behind the "Global Warming" fraud... Sol goes through very natural cycles and at certain times in our history has had the right conditions to reach what is called a "solar minimum"... The last solar minimum was during the mid 17th century which was called the "Maunder Minimum" and that resulted in what was called the "mini ice age" that caused extreme cold conditions across much of the planet for close to a century... We are indeed entering one of these extreme minimums, BUT it will not cause another "ice age".... The solar radiation output from Sol will increase naturally increase sometime in the next decade, and we will enter a cycle of warm temperatures across the planet.....Again, these cycles are natural and "ice age" fear mongering and "Global Warming" fear mongering be damned....Yesterday, I was in a local store picking up a few items and I ran into one young lady employee that I have known for some time now... We started into a conversation about different subjects, and she asked me about what I thought of this "ISIS/ISIL terrorism" fear..... I flat out told her that ISIS was of course a fraud and that the "terrorism" fear mongering being promoted by our government and media was part of a sick game to use the psychological effect of fear on people to make them gullible enough to surrender their personal freedoms for the fraud concept of more "security".... Her reaction was priceless... She had NO IDEA that the "ISIS terrorist" threat was a scam and that our own governments and media would lie to everyone... She told me that she got her news from of all places "CNN" and I told her to be careful, because those liars are part of the game and are only out there to promote falsehoods and whip everyone into so much fear that they will gladly go off to fight against these fraud terrorist groups unwittingly!...... That opened the floodgates of inquiries from this young lady and I gave her as much information that I could within the 10 minutes that we were able to talk.... I showed her this website via my smartphone and I gave her a list of links to different sites and articles to her to read..... She also gave me her email address and I said I would send as much information that I can to get her up to speed on the real truths about our sick world.... THIS shows that we all have some small victories once in a while, and I am glad that I can help someone to awaken to what is really happening around us.....I do feel that there may be hope for the younger generation yet in that they may be able to wake up in time to stop our criminal governments in their pursuit of wars based on frauds and lies...The phoney ISIS/ISIL "terrorist" group is still making headlines I see..... Again last week we found clear evidence of the fraudulence of that group with videos and reports of American/NATO/Israeli supplies clearly being airdropped to the "ISIS" forces in Syria and northern Iraq.... It is so ridiculous that most people still do not see this as clear evidence that "ISIS" itself is a complete hoax and scam... But of course the liars in the Jew spew media are still going absolute hog wild with report after report about the "ISIS threat" and all kinds of new ways that "ISIS is going to get you!"..... Lets be clear here once and for all that "ISIS" is of course the rebranding of the equally phoney and fraudulent "Al Qaeda" and that their goal is to create havoc in the Middle East and to lay the ground work for the expected US/NATO/ Israeli assault on the innocent nation of Syria.... It is also a fact that the Jew spew media is doing their part in constantly ramming "ISIS" into weak minded peoples' brains in the hope that with enough brainwashing and propaganda, these fools will believe it to be real!OK, I put out an article just yesterday covering what I believed has happened with that assassination of Russia's opposition leader, Boris Nemtsov, just late last week.... That shooting was most clearly a false flag attack done by either US CIA agents or the Israeli Mossad with the goal being to vilify both Vladimir Putin and Russia itself..... Common sense should enter everyone's minds right here... What would Putin gain by killing the leader of Russia's main opposition party?   The answer is simple.. NONE!.... Putin is absolutely no fool and fully understands that the Americans and the EU are in trouble in Ukraine for the mess they created there, and that these criminals fully believe that the only way out of the Ukrainian debacle is to escalate the war by having excuses to attack Russia itself.... Having the leader of Russia's opposition party assassinated and putting the blame on Putin is exactly what these fools believe will cause the general public to suddenly vilify Russia.... The key here is again how suddenly the liars in the Jew spew media have been all over this assassination and have all been very quick to blame Putin himself for that murder.... I have also noticed how quickly all of our criminal governments, including the one running this formerly free nation of Canada, have been quick to the draw with this obvious false flag attack and have also been openly blaming Putin right on cue.... That quickness to blame Putin clearly should signal to everyone that this assassination is not as the media claims, and we indeed are seeing another false flag attempt to get a nice little war with Russia going.... As the saying always goes when it comes to these incidents...If you figure out exactly who benefits from these attacks, then you have your culprits!I really had hoped that I need not have to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the truth about that US created debacle..... The Ukrainian puppet regime in Kiev is an absolute mess with reports coming out just this last week about the horrendous condition that these criminals have turned the Ukrainian economy into... The value of the Ukrainian currency itself has collapsed, and the entire nation would also have already collapsed  if not for the "bail outs" given to the criminal government by the IMF and the United States.... The Ukrainian people are now reawakening and may yet take to the streets in another revolution, and this time attempting to overthrow the horrendous US controlled puppet regime...The fight in the eastern provinces of Ukraine against innocent civilians by the criminal Ukrainian army is at a lull at the moment... It does appear that the main terms of the agreed upon ceasefire last month in Minsk are being upheld for the moment.... However, I have seen some disturbing reports over the last week that the criminal Ukrainian government is indeed using this "lull" to purchase US and NATO heavy armaments and equipment and may launch an all out offensive against the civilian population of the eastern provinces as early as later this month.... I for the life of me cannot understand what the psychos that run Ukraine have to gain by wanting the genocide of the innocent people of the eastern provinces?  It does appear that the criminal Ukraine leadership is doing exactly what their American and EU bosses have dictated and are going to escalate this conflict to force Russia's hand... The Russians will definitely not sit idly by while innocent Russian speaking civilians are to be slaughtered, and they be forced to intervene to stop the slaughter by the Ukrainian army... If and when that happens, the criminal psychos that run our governments will have their nice little war going against Russia itself... It does not bode well for the entire planet when that happens....OK, what the heck happened to the "measles pandemic" scare that was constantly being bombarded by the liars in our Jew spew media for the last month?  Very quietly we find almost zero reports about this "deadly  outbreak" that was absolutely nothing of the kind... I and others in the real news media did our best for the last month to let everyone know that this "measles scare" was absolute bull shit.... The fact again is that Measles itself is absolutely NOT this "dreaded" disease that these liars were harping about.... Measles has always been a common childhood ailment, and nobody died when they contracted the disease... Common sense for decades would be to send anyone that contracted Measles home until the disease passed.... AND it is a fact as I have shown in previous articles that contracting diseases such as Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, and even Rubella, as examples actually worked to strengthen our bodies' natural defense systems....  But again our media has worked hand in foot with our criminal governments in promoting the usage of vaccines to fight these diseases, and again I must reiterate that vaccines themselves absolutely do NOT work.... Vaccines that are being put into our children's bodies these days contain horrific and very deadly chemicals including of course Mercury that has been linked to the rapid increase in Autism in our modern society....It is also a fact that "vaccinated" people actually are more prone to contracting and spreading disease than unvaccinated people!   I recently read several reports where an American destroyer in the US Navy that was out to sea and not in contact with any disease carrying people, had its personnel inoculated for one such disease, and suddenly several persons on board that destroyer actually contracted the disease that they were supposedly vaccinated against... This proved conclusively that the vaccines themselves gave the patients the disease..... The bottom line here is obvious... Never, ever, allow anyone to roll up your sleeves and inject your body with their so called "vaccines"... The vaccines are proving to be more deadly than the diseases they are supposed to fight...One last major issue before I get onto my usual last minute tidbits... It does appear that the psychotic and murderous Prime Minister of that shithole called Israel will absolutely be appearing in front of the US Congress this coming Tuesday, the 3rd of March.... This psychotic murderous freak of nature will definitely go in front of his bought and paid for slave minions and demand that they follow Israel's "lead" and attack and destroy the innocent nation of Iran... This psycho is pushing for this attack based upon fraudulent evidence that Iran is about to build an atomic weapon..... But what has not been told, and was revealed again last week, is that the Israeli Mossad themselves released countless reports that clearly show that Iran is absolutely NOT building any nuclear devices.... The real sad part in this psychotic attempt to have another innocent nation destroyed is the fact that the psychotic and insane state of Israel itself is most definitely a nuclear power, with a massive arsenal of some 300 nuclear weapons including hydrogen bombs..... It was even leaked by the US government recently that the United States itself assisted Israel in the development of hydrogen bombs, and again flies in the face of the US's own Symington/Glenn agreements that call for the ending of all funding to Israel due to its nuclear arsenal and its refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreements... Therefore for the psychotic Prime Minister of Israel, Benyamin Miliekowksy (Netanyahu) to go to Washington and demand that his US slaves attack Iran at once is beyond hypocrisy!   It also shows again exactly who controls the US government......Time for my last minute tidbits... I know that I have not covered some other issues above, and hopefully I can touch on many of them here......I saw the report last week that China itself will side with Russia if the US and NATO attempt to escalate the Ukrainian crisis into a full blown war with Russia.  With China now siding with Russia, any attack by the US and NATO will definitely be a crushing defeat for these criminals......US Government rams through their "Internet Neutrality" bill this last week, and to me there is no "neutrality" in that bill at all.  This is clearly a plan to have the Internet controlled so that the people can no longer get the truth from the last bastion of true freedom of information.  I smell the Jews behind this "net neutrality" bill of course, and the stench is overwhelming......Are the Greek people about to throw out the Syriza government for their unwillingness to tell the IMF and their "austerity measures" to shove it up their asses?  In my opinion, they should!  Again, Greece should leave the EU and NATO and seek economic partnership with nations such as the BRICS members including Russia.....Lo and behold, we have reports of 'ISIS' and their associates now in Libya.  This figures, because the Libyan people have had enough of the criminal US puppet regime that has ruined their nation, and want them out.  Therefore the US/NATO are going to use their CIA run "ISIS" as an excuse to reinvade Libya........And again, we have the other fraud "terrorist" group called "Boko Harum" (I still get a laugh out of this ridiculous name...) causing more trouble in Nigeria.  Yes, another fraud terrorist group invented and placed into Nigeria to eventually be used as the excuse to have Nigeria invaded.  Notice too that these fraud terrorist groups always appear in nations that are mineral and petroleum rich?  This is not a "coincidence".....And of course the US is busy destroying Venezuela as well.  Bad enough that the criminal Harper government here in Canada was part of that attempted coup to overthrow the Venezuelan government......... I found out just the other day that Sylvia Stolz was rearrested in Germany for her "crime" of "Holocaust Denial". What Sylvia was rearrested for was for appearing in a conference a while back where she talked openly about freedom in general. Nowhere in her speech at that conference did she even mention the "Holocaust".  This arrest is of course a travesty of justice, and again shows the firm iron grip the damn Jews have attained over the once proud nation of Germany.......Whitewraithe informed me that she has been suffering from major lower body pain these last few days and has had to see a chiropractor in an attempt to alleviate the agony.  I am crossing my fingers that she will get better soon.  And we are still planning on a "Turbulent Times" show for tonight! I hope that I did not jinx it again....... Arsenal won an important game earlier today against Everton by the score of 2-0.  The Gunners are now back in 3rd place in the table and it looks good for them to eventually secure a Champions League spot......And finally, my weekly look at America's sweethearts, the skanks in the Kardashian clan.  Shockingly, I read a report just last week that E! Network in the United States has picked up that brain dead show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" for another 4 full seasons at get this: $100 Million for the full 4 seasons!   It is no wonder these skanks and trollops have it so good.  It also shows how brain dead and zombified American society has truly become.....More to comeNTS