Germany: NATO Trains Georgian Troops For Wars In Asia, Caucasus

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
February 27, 2015
COL Roman Jokhadze Familiarized with Georgian Military’s Pre-deployment Preparation

The military servicemen of the Armed Forces of Georgia are going through pre-deployment preparation for the NATO “Resolute Support” mission. The Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the GAF COL Roman Jokhadze familiarized with the ongoing training of the Georgian troops in Germany.
During his stay in Hohenfels, COL Jokhadze visited the military bases of Germany`s Federal Ministry of Defence located in the US Joint Multinational Readiness Centre (JMRC) and Bad Salzungen. The 43rd Battalion of IV Mechanized Brigade of GAF is being trained in the JMRD. Quick Reaction Force (QRF) of the 32nd Battalion of III Infantry Brigade is going through preparation for the Afghanistan mission at the Bad Salzungen`s military base.
Deputy Chief of Defence familiarized with the Georgian troops` training led by the American and German instructors. The US and German Infantry Forces Advisory Group members positively assessed the preparedness level of the Georgian servicemen. The training scenario is maximally closer to the Afghan reality. In a simulated town specially created for the scenario, the Georgian military are being practiced in the skills of communicating with local population and in those required for staying in the country. They are putting up with an environment where they will have to fulfill their duties. The German and American instructors train the Georgian servicemen to be able to carry out counterinsurgency operations (COIN), prepare, clear up, protect and maintain the security of a battlefield.
After the preparation the Georgian military will be deployed to Afghanistan. They will carry out full spectrum operations in their area of responsibility.
