Criminal Canadian Prime Minister Trying To Ram Draconian Rights Stripping Bill C-51 Through Parliament!

"If A Nation's People Ever Sacrifice Their Personal Freedoms And Liberties For The Illusion Of More "Security", That Nation's People Will Wake Up One Day With No Freedoms, No Liberties, And Absolutely No Security!"I put that in a previous article, and that statement is a variation of the original statement made over 200 years ago by one of the founding fathers of the American republic, Benjamin Franklin.... The above quote is so true and everyone should heed its message...Right now that criminal scumbag Prime Minister is trying to ram through the horrendous freedom stripping "anti-terrorist" Bill C-51 through the House of Commons in Ottawa... That bill will indeed strip all Canadians of the rights and freedoms that Canadians have enjoyed for well over 100 years!To show exactly where that horrendous bill stands as of yesterday, I want to present an article that comes from the Winnipeg Free Press online news service, at, where it seems that the criminal Prime Minister of Canada, that scumbag Stephen Harper is indeed trying to get swift passage and have it become Canadian law... First, I have the link to that Winnipeg Free Press report right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I am truly sick to call myself a Canadian these days... Most Canadians are just too stupid now and will sleepwalk while our criminal federal government passes this horrific piece of "legislation" that will indeed end Canada as a free society...The fact is again that there is absolutely NO TERRORIST THREAT as that scumbag tries to claim in getting this bill passed...The entire "war on terror" is a scam, simply because the so called 'terrorists' are indeed US CIA and Israeli Mossad agents..... The US and Israel have invented the present group called "ISIS" to stir up trouble world wide, push for the invasion of Syria itself, and to get their minions in our governments to pass these horrific "laws" that strip people's rights and make them further enslaved to Jewish interests.... This should have been a wake up call for all Canadians that our rights and freedoms are at stake if this criminal group of "elected" representatives gets their way.... Hopefully with enough people alerted to this danger, we may yet be able to stop the criminal Harper in his tracks...More to comeNTS