And Here I Thought Canada Was Bad: Criminal Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott Says Civil Liberties Must Be Sacrificed To "Protect" Australians From "Terrorist" Attacks

"If A Nation's People Ever Sacrifice Their Personal Freedoms And Liberties For The Illusion Of More "Security", That Nation's People Will Wake Up One Day With No Freedoms, No Liberties, And Absolutely No Security!"I do not know exactly who made that statement, but it is absolutely true..... Right now, the criminal government here in Canada is ramming through its horrendous "Bill C-51" that will strip all Canadians of their freedoms for the illusion of "security" from the non-existent "terrorist threats"...Here I thought Canada was bad enough, but it seems that we here in Canada are not alone in the prospects of losing our freedoms... For according to this article, from the Al Jazeera website, at, it appears that the criminal Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, is about to ram through the same type of horrific freedom and liberty stripping "terrorist bill" in the Australian Parliament that will strip Australians of their civil liberties as well....First, I have the link to that important Al Jazeera article right here for everyone to read for themselves about what is about to happen to the formerly free nation of Australia if they are stupid enough to approve this insanity by the Tony Abbott government right here....I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  It is so amazing how the criminal Jew spew media has worked its magic now all over the planet in scaring people through the false propaganda that "ISIS terrorists" are now everywhere, and that we must surrender our freedoms for the illusion of having more "security"....Now the criminal Tony Abbott government in Canberra is spinning its web of lies that the Australian people must surrender their freedoms to be "protected" from the fraud known as "ISIS" as well....It is my hope that the Australian people do wake the hell up from their slumber and realize that their freedoms are at stake here.... They must be brought up to speed that this entire "war on terror" is a massive fraud, and that these "terrorist groups" are also a fraud.... There is NO "ISIS" threat, other than the one that has been invented by the United States and the criminally psychotic state of Israel...It may be too late for Canada, but I sure hope it is not too late for the people of Australia as well....More to comeNTS