Colombia’s Attorney General Demands Repeal Of NATO Agreement

Xinhua News Agency
February 24, 2015
Colombia’s Attorney General requests repealing NATO agreement
BOGOTA Colombia’s Attorney General Office requested Monday the Constitutional Court to declare a cooperation agreement between Colombia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) unconstitutional due to privacy concerns.
The cooperation agreement, signed on June 25, 2013, was later endorsed by the Colombian Congress.
However, according to the country’s Attorney General Office, it has a “highly problematic” content regarding the precise determination of information to be exchanged, with vague terms that can actually be contradictory to the country’s constitution and the American Convention on Human Rights.
“Given that the agreement text does not clearly distinguish the type of information included within the generic term ‘classified information’, the information could be personal and, in particular, sensitive, with the consequent problem of no communication to the holder,” the public office said in the document sent to the Constitutional Court.
NATO, a major Western military bloc created in 1949, constitutes a system of mutual defense whereby its current 28 member states across Europe and North America agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
